Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Tuesday 9 August 2011

teen no more, part #2

Although I didn't plan anything to celebrate my birthday, Linh invited me out on Saturday night. She said she was going to take me out and shout me dinner as my birthday gift/celebration =). When she said we were going to go to Mizuya I was ecstatic!!! I was squealing so much that my mum was telling to shut up lol xD. I really wanted to go to Mizuya because I've walked passed there quite a few times and I heard it was a good place (even if it quite expensive). At around 5:30PM, after getting all dressed up, Linh and the boys came over to pick me up, and then we walked back to Linh's house. At linh's house, Linh pampered me (again xD); she did my make up, curled me hair and even let me borrow her headband =D. By 7:30PM, everyone pretty much arrived at Linh's house. Half of the group was nicely dressed while the other half was casually dressed. It was because half of the group were unable to dress up in time, ie. Jack, Elin and Matt were at the gym when Linh called and because they lived so far away, Linh didn't bother telling them to go back to get dressed up because it would've been inconvenient for them. Since Linh was going to drink, Kenny and Elin did the driving instead, many thanks to them =).

At around 9:30PM, we made it to the city. I guess something special was going on because when we got to Darling Harbor there were fireworks =D. Before we entered Mizuya, I received a pleasant surprise - Tae came =). It was a surprised because I actually told him not to come because he had work that night, at 11PM, until the next night. I rather have him sleep during his free time that come out and see me. Though, I really did wish he would be there =D. During the trip there, at the back of my mind, I wished he would come and give me a surprise, but I didn't hope too much for it. When we got there, I didn't suspect a thing until we stopped right outside the restaurant and Raymond was on the phone with someone. When I ask Linh what we were doing, she said we were waiting for a friend, I had an inkling feeling that Tae would be coming. I was right =). Apparently, because he knew he wouldn't be able to stay long, he canceled his shift to celebrate my birthday with me =D. I felt bad (he was getting paid Sunday rate!) but I was glad he was there =).


We went to the restaurant side of Mizuya, instead of the karaoke side. I'd like to try the karaoke side in the future (if I ever become rich enough LOL). The food was good, the drinks were nice and I had fun ordering =D It was a good thing that they allowed us to see what we've ordered and by how much we had to pay. I finally get to try the test tubes alcoholic drinks =D I also tried the Long Island ice tea and the Sex on the Beach =). The Long Island ice tea tasted a bit like coke, while the Sex on the Beach had this sweet, tropical taste. I would've liked the Sex on the Beach better if it didn't taste so strongly of vodka or whatever alcohol was in it. Seriously, although I wasn't drunk, my face was extremely red O_O! Like, tomato red. No joke. Because we were a group of 10, we were split into 2 tables but it was okay, we were next to each other =). Our table ended up eating ~$170 worth of food while the other ate ~$179 worth of food =P. I wish I ate more, not because Linh was shouting me, but because I forgot to try to seaweed salad! I love seaweed! But I did get to try the miso clam soup =) (I call clams pipi, but whatever =P it  means the same thing anyways =P)

Of course, we didn't just eat, we had fun playing around too =P. I tried eating wasabi rice. I was fine at first, but then the taste hit me like a train O_O! It was so sudden and strong that I slammed my hand against the table and jolted back. I think I even teared up a bit LOL. What was I thinking?! I guess I wasn't think straight after all those drinks. I wasn't the only one not thinking straight either; the other table started chucking food over to our side, Matt drank a bit of soy sauce out of a shot glass, Kenny and Elin were feeding each other, etc. LOL. I hope we didn't disturb the other people too much =P.

It was a good thing that I didn't eat too much because we still had the birthday cakes. Yes, you read right - birthday cakes. Linh got me one and Tae got me one too =D I was happy because I didn't get any birthday cakes on my birthday, and that night I received 2 =D. One w as an Asian vanilla cake and the other was a chocolate mousse. I must say, the chocolate mousse was delicious and all, with the macaroons and all, but it was really sweet lol. While the cakes, we were close to having a food fight. Even if i want to try to have a food fight for once, luckily we didn't =). It would've been hard to clean and the food would've been wasted. We had a mini creaming session and I blame it on Linh since she was the one who started it. She creamed my face while I was cutting the cake LOL. I creamed her back when she was handing out the cake pieces =). Everyone else slowly joined it =). We had half of each cake. Unfortunately, we forgot to bring it out with us when we left >.<.

After dinner, we decided to go back to Fairfield to play laser tag. We separated to get the cars. Jack, Elvis and I went into Tae's car this time. We drove Elvis home first because he had to go to another party afterward. When we arrived at 7-10 Fairfield Bowling, laser tag was closed, so we played bowling instead. I don't know who shouted us the game, but I thank them for it =). Unfortunately, whatever was wrong with me, I bowled at my worst =/. Kenny, Raymond and Tae tried to teach how to bowl properly, but I just couldn't get it =(. We versed Linh, Matt, Jack and Elin. With my crappy bowling skills, they won but Kenny had the highest score out of both groups =). Tae drove Linh and I home after the game. It was much appreciated, thanks =). 

I want to sincerely thank everyone who celebrate my birthday with me, especially Linh. I am extremely grateful toward Linh for organizing the outing and shouting me dinner =D. It's been years since the last time someone actually took the time to organize something to celebrate my birthday. If I remember correctly, the last time would've been in year 7 when the girls tried to through me a surprise party at school =). Keyword: tried. That was because I figured it out lol! Either way, I'm very thankful toward Linh =D You don't know how happy you made me =D I LOVE YOU LINH =D !!! You are one of the kindest and loveliest people I know =D!!!

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