Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Wednesday 27 February 2008

praying can help

25O2O8 - Jenny's 16th Birthday.
27O2O8 - Amy's 18th Birthday.
28O2O8 - Caroline's 17th Birthday.

On Monday we had a surprise party for Jenny and boy was she happy. LOL! She was crying tears of joy. No, seriously, she was LOL! All because of Katty's notion. NGAW! =D Katty, Maylina and Cathleen loves Jenny so much that they were willing to go through 9 hours in the kitchen to make God knows how much cupcakes. IT WAS DELICIOUS! So all compliments should go to those three =)! Jenny received a candle chocolate cupcake, Stardust DVD movie, bracelet of 'me to you' with her name on it, and a FRENCH DICTIONARY. That was the present that reduced Jenny to tears. NGAW! I bet she was thinking about her memories, and heart, that are left behind in Paris. She received two narrow birthday cards as well with everyone's greetings and wishes for her. On the same day, it was PHOTO DAY. *sigh* It happens every year. I DIDN'T HAVE TO SIT THIS YEAR because I was wearing a skirt. HAHAHA! You don't know how good that feels, not needing to sit and all LOL! I laugh at those faces that are taller than me but had to sit. They were FORCED to sit because they were wearing pants. ROFLMAOS! This year sure feels good at times xD!

Now TODAY I was praying/hoping to God that he would help me survive today. And he did. xDD!! So THANK YOU GOD! Our maths class was saved by the bell for checking homework, my chemistry teacher was away, and the business studies assessment wasn't so bad either, though I wished I study a LOT more *sigh* It's worth 10% too. ZOMG! I just hope that my 'commerce-for-3-years-instincts' kicked in helped me pass. *sigh* but not everyone is that lucky not can they be lucky continuously either. Tomorrow's another day.


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