Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Thursday, 15 April 2010

pyromania much?

 13O41O - Eric J.T's 18th & Jason Le's 18th Birthdays.
You guys are arsonists in the making. - Linda.
I wouldn't say that we're arsonists in the making, but I do believe that we're becoming more and more like pyromaniacs xD !!!

Last Friday, Eric, Jenii, Hanh and I went to the Maritime Museum, seeing that they've never been there before. I didn't mind going there again because the place was for free AND it was educational; the others were enlightened by the origins of the various mythical creatures =).

After bidding farewell to Jenii and Hanh, Eric and I went to Strathfield to meet up with the others for his birthday dinner =). The restaurant we went to was called DooRi's, and it was a Korean restaurant. It's strange how often I go to a Korean restaurant for dinner ... Anyways, we had BBQ YAY =D I was extra cautious as to how I was eating because I didn't want to end up vomiting again >.> Hence I alternated between meat, rice and salad =D It was a good thing that they provided us an unlimited supply of salad =D! Oh, and it was also a good thing that Vicky was cooking for us, most of the time, or else our BBQ stove would've looked like the boys' one: pitch black. Overall, food was GOOD =D.

Our next destination was the park at Chesterhill, and although the park was quite large and spacey, walking in wet grass wasn't my ideal type of journey. The boots did nothing. NOTHING I tell ya! It was a shame that we couldn't see the stars because we were too preoccupied with lighting up the sparkler bombs and by the time that we remembered, the sky became too cloudy from the smoke =(. Ah, there's always next time =). The sparkler bombs were SO worth the running, the suspense and the wet feet =D. Eric and Thanh made 2 sparkler bombs each, but only 3 out of 4 worked; Thanh #2 didn't happen =/ (yes, he named his sparkler bombs). Other things that made it funny were: 1. Shirley's cautiousness; 2. Derek's passion-fruit cheesecake; 3. Minhky's engaging and explicit explanations on sexual intercourse; and 4. Wendy and her interest in guns ;D AHAHAHA!!!

 Funnily enough, the photos without Kenny looked much better .. LOL!

We made a pit stop at Hanh's house, to bid farewell and all, seeing that she was leaving the next day =(. It won't be after a couple of months before she comes and visits us again. We'll miss her >.
For the first time, after getting her red Ps, Kelly drove her family and I to Jason's place, where his 18th birthday party was held, on Saturday. Good job Kelly, I survived =D. It was good to catch up with George and Adam again, and there was plenty of food as well =D. I ate more salad than meat ONLY because the salad was really delicious =D. I know it was a mushroom salad, but I wish they didn't bombarded the salad with so much mushroom ... ngeh, food's food =D. Mushroom's good for you anyways, so no biggie. 

Kelly and I still had adrenaline pumping through our blood from the previous night because we decided to end Jason's birthday party with a blast ;D. Emma, Kelly's cousin, drove Kelly and I to Stockland to buy gaffa tape and sparklers in preparation for our first sparkler bomb. Next time, I'm going to think twice before entering Emma's car ... she bloody zig-zagged the car when I was picking up the sparklers in the back seat! My right side ached because I squashed her 2 cocoa cola cans during the swerve =.='. 

So what happened? After having the cakes (one was jelly and the other was mango), we organized ourselves into 5 cars and drove ourselves to the closest park. I was kind of doubtful, seeing that Kelly and I haven't done it before nor done any pre-tests for it, but I guess watching Eric prepared them, after all those times, have paid off =). It succeed. IT SUCCEED >=D !!! We accomplished our goal; we ended Jason's party with a blast =D YAY!!! I hope you liked your gift Jason, because we sure did =D.

Around 7:30PM, Emma drove Kelly, Tracey and I back home. Thank you Emma for giving me a lift home =). I now know why Kelly's so funny and awesome: it's genetics =). It was nice meeting Kelly and Jason's family. If you're wondering, yes they're cousins =).

Now yesterday, I went to visit UNSW students =). I met up with Vicky, waited for Eric, and then spent time with them at their tree spot =). Shirley wasn't there because she jigged *sigh* though she did call Eric, so I get to talk to her on the phone instead =). While Eric was at his tutorial, I was crashing Vicky's and Michael's Arts lecture ... *shoots myself* You'd think I've learnt my lesson after crashing Wendy's Philosophy lecture *sigh*. Fortunately, 30 minutes into the lecture, Eric called to go eat =D YES! 

I met up with him and was introduced to Sarah and Nathan =). Although I heard a lot about them, it was nice to actually get to know them personally =). So we headed off to Pancakes on the Rocks, and because it was Eric's birthday, we went to the one at Circular Quay because that was what he wanted *sigh*. We met up with Michael and Vicky later, at Noritas, but Michael couldn't stay long. The rest of us stayed and played a round of Pictionary. Eric and I lost >.> The punishment was a hit on the head, with the plastic hammer, from each person of the opposite team. Eric received harder blows because it was his birthday =D HAHAHA!

I was too tired to talk much, but I do home Eric had a good time =). I know it wasn't much, but I hope he liked my present. It was all I could do >.<. Anyways, I would like to thank him, for shouting me food, and Vicky, for driving me home =). Yeah, you don't have to tell me, I feel like a burden to them at times >.

PS. Thanks Kelly for the photos and videos (1 &2) =).
PSS. I am now officially one of the junior executives for the PHOTOSOC at uni =D YAY!!! The other person is Cindy Chong =D. Nice to meet your acquaintances everyone, and I hope I'll be able to contribute to the society! If you need help, want to bring up something or if I've done something wrong, please tell me =D I'll do my best to help! I feel more important xD!!!

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