23O41O - Minhky's and Cindy H.'s 18th BIrthday.
24O41O - David Chen's 19th Birthday. Happy Birthday David =).
26O41O - Lisa L.'s 18th BIrthday.
I'd tell you what happened at Minhky's masquerade party, but I was only there for half of it. That was because I still had uni during the party *sigh* how sad =(. According to other people, before I came, there was a BBQ, games like past the parcel and chucking flour at each other, Singstar, chit chats, and photos.
26O41O - Lisa L.'s 18th BIrthday.
I'd tell you what happened at Minhky's masquerade party, but I was only there for half of it. That was because I still had uni during the party *sigh* how sad =(. According to other people, before I came, there was a BBQ, games like past the parcel and chucking flour at each other, Singstar, chit chats, and photos.
Vicky, the BIGGEST idiot of all, chucked flour RIGHT in my eyes when I just entered the drive way and knowing me, I wasn't intelligent enough to close my eyes when she chucked it at me. I didn't expect it and she thought i was 'taller' , meaning she didn't expect to chuck it at my eyes either; she thought she chucked it at my chest *sigh*. No Vicky, even in heels, I'm STILL short =.=.
Vicky chucked flour at Fiona's eyes and ran away.
Fiona dropped her bag and started screaming.
Everyone ran toward Fiona, checking if she was alright. Shirley and Brandon cleaned her eyes while everyone else dusted the flour off of her. Cindy tried to make her cry to help wash the flour out of her eyes, but it was a futile attempt.
Fiona: Oh my God Vicky! I can't believe you! Ah! I can't open my eyes!
Vicky: Sorry!
Yeah, that continued on for a couple of minutes before I could finally see again. *smacks VIcky on the head* That sure was a great start to the party for me *roll eyes.* Ah, I forgive her anyways since she's done a lot for me =P Vicky, you better not do this again =.= my eyes won't be able to handle it a second time. Anyways, thanks those who helped me out, and yes that includes you too Vicky LOL =).
When it was night fall, everyone and everything went a bit ... chaotic. Thanh succeed in getting Minhky drunk; Danny continued drinking even though he was coughing half the time; there wasn't any sparklers but there were burning utensils; Minhky's speech of 'how I met _____' was touching; Derek's style of knock and run was hilarious: he knocked and stood there until they opened the door, and then slowly walked away; the 'IT'S OVER 9000' mudcake was delicious and the meaningful gifts were fun to open.
Now that was just the beginning. It got much worse at night. MUCH worse. When Danny and Anna came over, things just got more exciting. Thanh, Eric, Wendy and Nigel went to buy more alcohol, but with about 15 people in his house, it was obviously not enough. Ironically enough, Minhky's mother allowed us to drink the wine and campaign bottles she'd been saving up in her kitchen. Now watching Minhky get smashed, and then looked after by his mother was epic =D. I would never dare to get drunk in front of my mum =P. So with the new supply of alcohol, we played 'I Never.' I won't say what was said, because things were getting a bit personal by the end of the night, but Thanh, Minhky and Lily definitely got wasted by the end of it =D. Minhky should thank Eric for filming it all for him hahaha. Anyways, I honestly think I wasn't drunk. I was tipsy, but not drunk. I think a person drunk would be someone who can't walk in a straight, can't remember what happened the night before and/or was vomiting a lot. I experienced none of those, well.. maybe I was a bit wobbly when walking in a straight line, but I definitely remembered what happened the night before and I definitely didn't vomit either. So there!
I must say, with funny drunk people at the party, things became more intimate, louder, nosier, crazier and funnier HAHAHA =). I hope you had a SMASHING TIME Minhky =D! HAPPY 18th BIRTHDAY !!! We should do this again another time =). Here are the photos from Danny and David's FB:

Minhky's first glass of wine.
Minhky's mother's bottles of wine...
Us drinking it all away =D.
Minhky's drunk face!
A disappointed Rosalyn on the phone >.<.
PS. Thanks again to Danny, David and Julie for the photos =). Danny, your photos were great =D and good for you to upload all 200+ photos!.
PSS. Thanks Vicky's Dad for driving me home again =).
LOLOLOL! I know that's why i forgave you
You're welcome :D
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