31O31O - Annie P.’s 19th birthday; William T.’s 18th birthday
O2O31O - Jeffrey’s 18th birthday
O2O31O - Jeffrey’s 18th birthday
SORRY FOR THE LACK OF BLOG POSTS PEOPLE!!! I know I've been a lazy bum and haven't been blogging much but honestly, nothing much have happened.
Since it was Easter, Kenny decided to hold an Easter party at his house =D YAY! Finally something, NOT relating to uni, have occurred. As usual, Vicky and I were late - fashionably late, mind you ;D. Vicky actually bothered to curl her hair that day, and I attempted to be an Easter puppy. Why an Easter puppy? It's because I didn't have a pair of bunny ears, but I did have a pair of dog ears instead =). By the way, I would like to thank David Lai for driving us to Kenny's house.
It was good to see everyone again, and it was especially pleasant to see Hanh again =D YAY! She came back to Sydney for the Easter break, but she'd be leaving a week later =(.
So what happened? There was mahjong, chocolate, music, chocolate, exploring, chocolate, eating proper food, chocolate, more mahjong, playing Taboo, talking and have I mentioned chocolate? Yep, that was pretty much it really =). I would like to thank Stephanie and Tina, for cooking pasta for us, and Yvonne, for bringing her home-made cheesecake over. The food was delicious =D.
Before leaving, we thanked Kenny and his parents, for their hospitality, and bid farewell to our friends. After thanking Shaun for driving us safely to the station, Vicky, Shirley and I caught the train home and went out separate ways =). I would like to thank Vicky's parents for driving me home =). Ah, it was nice to be driven home =D, though I should really get my Ps soon >.<.
On another note, it was nice catching up with Zak again =). It's almost been a year since I last saw him, and it seemed like he's been having a pretty busy life ;D. We had lunch at Rise Cafe, which was quite good though I wished there wasn't any smokers around >.>. Then we walked around, and talked, before we coincidentally met up with Wendy H. and her boyfriend =]. We caught up with them for almost an hour or two before we went our separate ways. I must say, the conversation was quite... enlightening =). So that was my afternoon folks =).
PS. I would like to thank my cousins for the chocolate eggs =).
PSS. I went to Funky's grand opening at Sanctuary Hotel and made new friends =). I would like to thank Kimlee and Marika for the photos =).
Kimlee and I
Marika, Claire and I.
Marika, me and Kat.
Marika and I =).
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