Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Monday, 5 April 2010

chocolate overdose

31O31O - Annie P.’s 19th birthday; William T.’s 18th birthday
O2O31O - Jeffrey’s 18th birthday

SORRY FOR THE LACK OF BLOG POSTS PEOPLE!!! I know I've been a lazy bum and haven't been blogging much but honestly, nothing much have happened. 

Since it was Easter, Kenny decided to hold an Easter party at his house =D YAY! Finally something, NOT relating to uni, have occurred. As usual, Vicky and I were late - fashionably late, mind you ;D. Vicky actually bothered to curl her hair that day, and I attempted to be an Easter puppy. Why an Easter puppy? It's because I didn't have a pair of bunny ears, but I did have a pair of dog ears instead =). By the way, I would like to thank David Lai for driving us to Kenny's house. 

It was good to see everyone again, and it was especially pleasant to see Hanh again =D YAY! She came back to Sydney for the Easter break, but she'd be leaving a week later =(. 

So what happened? There was mahjong, chocolate, music, chocolate, exploring, chocolate, eating proper food, chocolate, more mahjong, playing Taboo, talking and have I mentioned chocolate? Yep, that was pretty much it really =). I would like to thank Stephanie and Tina, for cooking pasta for us, and Yvonne, for bringing her home-made cheesecake over. The food was delicious =D. 

Before leaving, we thanked Kenny and his parents, for their hospitality, and bid farewell to our friends. After thanking Shaun for driving us safely to the station, Vicky, Shirley and I caught the train home and went out separate ways =). I would like to thank Vicky's parents for driving me home =). Ah, it was nice to be driven home =D, though I should really get my Ps soon >.<.

On another note, it was nice catching up with Zak again =). It's almost been a year since I last saw him, and it seemed like he's been having a pretty busy life ;D. We had lunch at Rise Cafe, which was quite good though I wished there wasn't any smokers around >.>. Then we walked around, and talked, before we coincidentally met up with Wendy H. and her boyfriend =]. We caught up with them for almost an hour or two before we went our separate ways. I must say, the conversation was quite... enlightening =). So that was my afternoon folks =).

Oh, I almost forgot, besides lunch, two other things happened today: 1. I DROVE ANOTHER 2 HOURS TODAY =D YAY!!! and 2. when Eric and I went for a walk, we saw a kitty =3. We played with it a bit before heading off but unfortunately, it started following us ... I blame Eric for stopping and calling it over to us >.>. Hence, our adventure to find a home for the kitty began. We went to Mimi's house for a pit-stop; it was nice of her to provide us a spare t-shirt and some milk for the kitty. Thank you Mimi =). Unfortunately, she has a husky so she couldn't keep the kitty. She didn't like cats anyways =/. Our next destination was Vicky, but Vicky was actually at the Easter Show, so she was another dead end. Our next potential owner was Linh, but she wasn't at home, so she couldn't keep the kitty but luckily enough, she knew someone who could =D. After searching for almost an hour, we finally found a home for the kitty =D YAY!!! It's odd how something can make you so happy one minute, but bring you down in the next. I hope the kitty found a good home. I've started missing it alread >.

PS. I would like to thank my cousins for the chocolate eggs =).
 PSS. I went to Funky's grand opening at Sanctuary Hotel and made new friends =). I would like to thank Kimlee and Marika for the photos =).
Kimlee and I
 Marika, Claire and I.
 Marika, me and Kat.
 Marika and I =).

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