Monday, 27 April 2009
Picture Perfect Picnic
30O4O9 - Fianna's 17th Birthday.
26O4O9 - Lisa L.'s 17th Birthday.
I wish I'd have taken more photos at the park, but I guess there wasn't actually one that I could take a picture of. Don't be confused with my title because it'll explain itself further on in my blog. Okay, so I was a bit late with catching up with the others at the station but thankfully, they didn't leave me behind =D! We waited. And waited. And waited. We waited for the bus, we waited to get there, guided by Eric, which made us look like some sort of 'Japanese tourists' and we waited for butter, then drinks, then serviettes, and then the sauce. It wasn't so bad.
The scenery was a sight for sore eyes and the food was pretty fulfilling. The thing was, it got boring. The swings were hilarious (note on how Mitchell was swinging for quite a while on it =D childhood FTW!), the ropes were challenging and even watching the boys humiliate themselves with chucking footballs and the opponents' packages was entertaining but I guess it wasn't enough to keep up preoccupied for the rest of the afternoon. Though, I do thank David C. and the boys and girls who helped with buying, or making, the food for the rest of the grade and all =D!!! Good for you people!!! I'm so amaze how people could wear shorts and dresses, like Eileen! She must have a strong immune system or something! The weather's getting colder as each day goes by. Autumn *sigh*. Thankfully, I haven't had any serious asthma attack, so that's fine by me =).
I'd like to say how although Athena's cakes weren't a master chief's delivery, it sure tickled the taste buds sweetly. I'd never thought I'd like anything with banana, but she actually made it nice and edible to eat, so I thank her. Also, Kim's salads and Jenny, Cathleen, and Katty's sushi were also delicious =D. The rice was a bit strange, but I'm still alive! Besides, one should not complain about food, especially when it's made by other people. If you made it yourself, it's okay to complain because you just know you're crap =P. I know I definitely AM a crap cook hahaha! Hms... I wish I could actually use my own advice with my mum's cooking. Not that it's bad, but I guess repetition does get to you after a while. I've never really liked repetition of any sort, especially songs. Maybe that's why I don't really like rap songs xP?
Jenny, Katty and I left to Parramatta's Westfields shopping centre and did a bit of shopping and window shopping =). They sure are piling up with the Winter/Autumn clothes right now. We saw other people from the picnic as well. People were gradually leaving the picnic. The boys were most likely left because they were still playing and eating. I have to say, it was quite funny when we were at JB HI-FI when Jenny suddenly stopped, hence I stopped, hence Katty stopped. What a chain reaction ROFLS!
When evening came, I went to Cindy T.'s house for her charity event: Drawtism. Unfortunately, I was unable to donate today, but I will! I definitely will when I get my allowance for school again... hahaha! I'm honestly sorry Cindy!!!
By the way, I met so many more Seftoners, all of which are Cindy's friends and they were just so nice and considerate! They really are a friendly bunch =D. Thankfully, Kelly and Minhky were there with me, so it wasn't so bad.Cindy was such a nice host, offering us food and all. We played eye-toy first, which was awesome yet tiring (Kelly and I were being competitive with one another LOLS! It's funny to see how Kelly cheats LOL!), before involving ourselves in a fierce game of Pictionary, who Cindy's friend was generous to let us borrow for the night. I think her name was Evan? I'm not completely sure ^___^'. Everyone was quite good and very competitive. It was really funny how we attempted to sabotage each other, but it didn't really work xD!
A hilarious thing about the event was when Vicky, Stephanie, Melissa, Minhky and Cindy each had an individual dare which they must do for the night. E.G. Vicky was to say 'in bed' at the end of every sentence she said. Melissa had to sound like she's giving birth every time Stephanie said 'now' and likewise with Stephanie, except she had to do the Y.M.C.A 3 times instead. Minhky had to talk like Yoda from Star Wars and Cindy had to speak in one syllabus word sentences. That proved to be quite difficult. I'd like to have a go at that game. Maybe I will one day xD.
Friday, 24 April 2009
f a l l a c i e s
Dicto Simpliciter - an argument based on an unqualified generalization. The argument is a fallacy. Exercise is good is an unqualified generalization. For instance, if you have heart disease, exercise is bad, not good. Many people are ordered by their doctors not to exercise. You must qualify the generalization. You must say exercise is usually good, or exercise is good for most people. Otherwise you have committed a Dicto Simpliciter.
Hasty Generalization - The generalization is reached too hastily E.g. I can’t speak French. You can’t speak French. I must therefore conclude that nobody who is studying in our university can speak French.
Post Hoc - E.G. Let’s not take Bill on our picnic. Every time we take him out with us, it rains.
Contradictory Premises - E.G. If God can do anything, can He make a stone so heavy that He won’t be able to lift it? ~Of Course. ~But if He can do anything, He can lift the stone. ~when the premises of an argument contradict each other, there can be no argument. If there is an irresistible force, there can be no immovable object. If there is an immovable object, there can be no irresistible force.
Ad Misericordiam - E.G. A man applies for a job. When the boss asks him what his qualifications are, he replies that he has a wife and six children at home, the wife is a helpless cripple, the children have nothing to eat, no clothes to wear, no shoes on their feet, there are no beds in the house, no coal in the cellar, and winter is coming. ~there is no argument. The man never answered the boss’s question about his qualifications. Instead he appealed to the boss’s sympathy. He committed the fallacy of Ad Misericordiam.
False Analogy - E.G. Students should be allowed to look at their textbooks during examinations. After all, surgeons have X-rays to guide them during an operation, lawyers have briefs to guide them during a trial, carpenters have blueprints to guide them when they are building a house. Why, then, shouldn’t students be allowed to look at their textbooks during an examination? ~The argument is all wrong. Doctors, lawyers, and carpenters aren’t taking a test to see how much they have learned, but students are. The situations are altogether different, and you can’t make an analogy between them.
Hypothesis Contrary to Fact - E.G. If Madame Curie had not happened to leave a photographic plate in a drawer with a chunk of pitchblende, the world today would not know about radium. ~Maybe Madame Curie would have discovered radium at some later date. Maybe somebody else would have discovered it. Maybe any number of things would have happened. You can’t start with a hypothesis that is not true and then draw any supportable conclusions from it.
Poisoning the Well - E.G. Two men are having a debate. The first one gets up and says, ‘My opponent is a notorious liar. You can’t believe a word that he is going to say.’ ~This is not fair. The first man has poisoned the well before anybody could drink from it. He has hamstrung his opponent before he could even start.
PS. I randomly found this information in one of the fanfictions I was reading. Unfortunately, I can't remember which one. If I manage to find the website, I will post it. At the moment, sorry for the inconvenience!
Wednesday, 22 April 2009
23O4O9 - Cindy H.'s 17th Birthday.
Yeah, it was raining yesterday but that didn't stop us from going to the city for Korean hot pot. Actually, we had Korean BBQ instead but either way is fine by me. Okay, let me name the people who was with me: Titan, Kelly, Sarina, George, Jason, Julius, Mark, Phillip, Wendy, Cassandra (Cassie), Kimberley (Kimmie), Adam, Alfie, Vinh, Aaron, Bo and Jeffrey. It was a pretty big group. More people could've came, but they were preoccupied. I initially thought that there wasn't going to be enough people going. Look how wrong I was! Jeffrey and Bo seemed to be quite knowledgeable with Korean food and anything else related to Korea. Even George thought Jeffrey was Korean ROFLS!
Obviously, with this many people the food just wasn't enough to fill them all up so some of them went to franchises and convenient stores for more food. I'm surprised how red Alfie can get under the influence of alcohol. Adam and the others bought about $24 worth of beer, and each one was worth $4. You do the math. Anyways, I had about 2 cups of beer and don't worry, I didn't get drunk. I got a bit high, but I wasn't drunk. LOL! The others thought I was though because my face was so pinkish red and I was smelling strong of beer. They actually asked me to walk in a straight line. Obviously, I could =). It takes more than just 2 cups to get me drink dude xD! I looked drunk because I was actually running around a LOT! Thanks to Kass, for her gum, and Sarina, for her deodorant, my mum would've killed me if she found out I was drinking illicitly HAHAHA!

Bottom: Jeffrey, Wendy, Cassie, Kelly, Titan, Bo
We went to Market City afterwards, and I was racing up the stairs to see Nathan at Galaxy World but I couldn't find him. It was until later when I saw Kass that she directed me to Nathan, Ling, Daryll, and their friends. I sure miss that guy =D. I only see him like 2 or 3 times a year! A YEAR! Yeah, I introduced some of my other friends to Nathan. I like his hair better now without so much ostentatious hair dye and all =P. No idea when I'll see him again, he's such a nice guy. Anyways, we gradually said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I think the day was a bit laggy with so many people and so many different activities people wanted to do. This was where the rule 'majority rules' applied.
I saw Kelly and Titan at Cabramatta Station. Apparently, the policemen were suddenly interested in our district's trainstation. Poor Titan =( they wanted to see her concession card and all. Maybe she looked more mature than us, that's why they wanted to see her card. Guess what the moral is? Always bring your concession card!
Friday, 17 April 2009
PS. I'm sorry Katty. I promised to not blog about anything extremely emotional, but believe I have a reason for doing this.
Thursday, 16 April 2009
be entertained, or be the entertainer
Thanks to Linh, I managed to not let the others to wait for me too much at the cinemas but unfortunately, majority rules and we were forced to watch Dragonball Z. I'd rather watch 17 Again starring Zac Efron but no... Wendy already watched it already. I'll watch it someday because she, and many others, gave me positive feedback regarding to the movie. Preferrably, I want to blame Julius for the choice of movie, but since it's majority rules and that I don't want to blame Cassie or Wendy, Julius is let off this time =.=. We saw Jasmine, but she was with her grandma so she couldn't come with us.
Anyways, not that I know much about the anime itself, but it was seriously stuffed up! I mean - oh wait, please don't continue reading if you don't want to be spoiled - Goku was English, his Grandpa was asian, the master of all masters (seifu) was a black man. I admire their multiculturalism but seriously! There's a lmit for everything and the director obviously crossed WAY beyond it! Oh, so Goku was adopted, but it still looks strange! Oh, and that Kama Hama whatever energy ball thing was used to revive people instead of killing people and Piccolo got killed with just ONE energy ball. Note how I emphasized on the word 'one.' What kind of action is that? Right, they shot each other and they both missed and then Goku just gets him once and he dies *shakes head*. Okay, so there was some funny parts, but seriously, it's not worth the money. Okay, they are either giong to have a sequel or their ending was the WORST one of the century. Though, I must say that the actors and actress were pretty good looking and according to my friends, especially the long haired Asian chick who played Chi Chi (who I think looks like Lucy Luu but I highly doubt she's be playing in some kind of kid movie). In hopes of cheering us up, we went to another cinema room to watch a different movie. We managed to watch about the last 20 minutes of Race to Witch Mountain which, believe me, was much more worth it than the Dragaonball Z movie. Unfortunately, Huu has already left us after the movie, so he didn't join us for the rest of the day's fun.
The others sure knew how to embarrass themselves. They were playing with manicuns, playing with bras, talking about semen in representation of sea monkeys, playing with makeup, walking up and down opposite esculators, almost getting kicked out of Toys R Us and many more ROFLS! I saw Elton and Ken. They don't seem to have changed much besides Elton's now straight and long hair ROFLS!
We went to the radio station. Technically, it's The Andrew Show but since Andrew is looking for a job, and most likely quit once he found one (GOOD LUCKIES TO YOU ANDREW!) Cassie will be taking over. Mark, Julius, Zak, Wendy and I were amazed by the place. Of course it wasn't flashy or anything, but the equipment, the atmosphere and the way how Cassie was in control was just plan COOL! We were given the priviledge to help Cassie once in a while, THANK YOU CASSIE! Please tune in every Wednesday, from 4PM - 6PM, on 89.3 FM - the 2GLF Radio Show. We talked about various things and thanks to Zak and Julius, we had soft drinks. Let me tell you, the statoin itself was quite creepy and Julius kept on mentioning a bout the gothic conventions, which wasn't helping at all. When we were in the toilets, we played a game of 'turning the lights off while we pee' and that really scared the hell out of us LOL! Of course, Cassie had the most fun out of all of us. I guess she doesn't get scared that easily. Lucky bum!!!
Cassie, the radio presenter =). Look how cool she looks!
Cheesecake. We attempted to make a cheesecake - Julius, Wendy, Cassie and I. Julius was in charge, with Cassie giving out advices. Julius knew how to make one in the first place because he made one for his girlfriend (AWWW!).It was edible, and it wasn't that bad but ... I guess it wasn't great either ROFLS! Oh, we discovered that Wendy, Cassie and Julius all lived close to one another and bloody hell! They all lived ina 2-storey house and bloody hell! Stupid Julius tricked me into going to the house next door, which was like shack, and I was up the driveway already before I heard their giggling =.= ARGH! Oh wells, it was a laughing moment anyways =P. Minh and Vincent came over later on and thanks to Vincent, we had free pizzas to eat. Our one was burnt. I mean literally. Black, crusty and burnt. We played Guitar Hero - Around the World and I totally SUCK! ROFLS! But hey, practice makes perfect. We also watched other things as well and played games. We played a short game of strip poker and Julius and Minh were the ones losing. Luckily, we didn't go too far. Lucky for Cassie because if she loses, Julius stripped instead, eventually he was down to his boxers (of course he had a t-shirt on) ROFLMAOS! Stupid Minh, he so doesn't respect me =.= he was poking me with drum sticks and squirting me with water xO! Oh wells =) it was still an awesome day.
Monday, 13 April 2009
i will remember you
12O4O9 - Angela's 17th Birthday.
13O4O9 - Eric T.'s 17th Birthday.
All my life, there are those who enters and leaves my life, but only a few who can actually leave such an impact on my life. I am thankful that most of these handful of people still exist in my life and continuously, not necessarily every day, but I do every once in a while sit and contemplate on how generous the stars can be to me. I thank my lucky stars for having them walk into my life and actually bother to keep me in theirs.
There is so much I want to say, want to express, but I know no many how many times I express myself with such genuine statements, these words aren't even close enough to describe even just one-hundredth of what I feel for these people. Implication of exaggeration may be considered by others but I am genuinely being honest here. I'm no sweet-talker, nor am I someone who prefers to just exercise their tongues with complex wordings where it holds no significant meaning to it.
Maybe, just maybe, one day I'll be able to clearly express myself with solid justification but for now, I hope this song will be able to show you how I genuinely appreciate you whether it's your quirky jokes, your breath-taking smiles, your adorable worrisome nature, your integrity, your modesty, your generosity, your solid determination for your endless ambitions, your analytical eyes, your maturity, your wisdom, your eccentric persona - the list is endless. Your existence helps establish my character, my beliefs, my whole being. I honestly believe, I'd rather live a day and be able to know you than live for a thousand lifetimes and not know you at all. Each of you hold a piece of me and I'm glad that its you who has them. If not being able to finish the puzzle of my life just because you have the missing pieces, I honestly don't mind because I know where they are. Knowing that I'm actually a part of your life, I can't thank my lucky stars enough. Maybe one day, I can tell each and every one of you how important you mean to me. For now, appreciate this song for I dedicate this song to all of you:
8 years later
time goes by fast
got my memories
and they will last
i try to keep it simple
cause i hate goodbyes
and i try to keep it simple
by telling myself that
I... I will remember you
and all of the things
that we've gone through
There is so much I can say
The words get in the way
So when we're not together
I will remember you
I will remember… you
We’re a picture
In my mind
When I want to find you
I just close my eyes
You’ll never be that far from me
So don’t say goodbye 'cause
You’ll never be that far from me
I’m telling myself
I… I will remember you
And all of the things that we’ve gone through
There is so much I can say
The words get in the way
So were not together
I will remember… you
You were there when I needed a friend
Thank you thank you
I never told you how much that meant
Gotta thank you thank you
I… I will remember you
And all of the things that we’ve gone through
There is so much I can say
But words get in the way
I… I will remember you
And all of the things that we’ve gone through
There is so much I can say
The words get in the way
We’re not together
I will remember you
We’re not together
I will remember you
I will remember… you
Sunday, 12 April 2009
Minhky, Joes, Kelly and I met Julie on the train, who was heading to the city for an outing. It was good seeing her again since it's been quite a while since I last saw or talked to her. How we ended up with incubating chickens... I don't quite remember, nor do I think I want to LOL!
Let me tell you this, anything from Strathfield is bloody expensive! Well, maybe not the rice cakes, which is only $1 each (including spicey sauce) so that was good! There was this shop which Kelly bought this plush toy key chain from, and she managed to buy it at $5 instead of $6, but it broke so easily! ZOMG! That was so not worth the money!
After exploring for a while, we decided to eat and according to Minhky, we were to each something Korean. In the end, he was the one eating the least Korean-like food: Kebab from Oporto. Oh wells! That reminds me, I owe Kelly $6 ^_____^' I should seriously pay off my debts! Thanks to her, I had a full stomach. We continued our exploring and Minh directed us to the closest thing that resembled a park: someplace outside a school. Now that's just great, we're on holidays and we're sitting outside a school. Just great! Anyways, he decided to humour us on our way back to the station... at my expenses. The others definitely didn't mind joining him either. For examples:
Minhky: No shit, Sherlock!
Kelly: The *blah blah blah* is back there.
Fiona: But isn't there more up there?
Kelly: No shit, Sherlock!
It actually went as far as not needing to voice the expression for us to even know what they're thinking. Whatever I say, I can figuratively hear them think 'No shit, Sherlock!' in their heads. That's okay, it really was funny LOL! The rest of the afternoon went pretty well. OMG! There was this Asian man, with a dog, who had signs with smiley faces and the words 'Happy Easter' on it and was standing on the pavement in the middle of the roads. He was waving, and continuously smiling, at the drivers and pedestrians. We were so touched that we waved at him though, we couldn't be bothered to actually cross the street to talk to him LOL! Awesome day much? Not really, but it was close enough =)!
Friday, 10 April 2009
come to me, easter bunny

Thursday, 9 April 2009
done for the year
PS. I literally went all teary and started crying when i was bbqing the onions!!!
once in a school life
O8O4O9 - Jackie G.'s 17th Birthday.
O9O4O9 - Christina T.'s 17th Birthday.
O9O4O9 - Daryll's 18th Birthday.
In all my previous experiences regarding to the cross country, including this year, never had my house won a game. Not in the swimming carnival, not in the athletics carnival and definitely not in the cross country carnival. Hence, it was a shock to us all when Parkes (blue house) actually came first for the cross country! I was screaming my head off because never in my high school years have Parkes ever won a game. I'm quite glad that I actually tried again this year too. I thought I was just walk and all, since it's the last year. I had the 'why bother' approach toward the event, but I decided to go against it. Of course, there was barely competition since hardly anyone tried, so becoming 5th wasn't such a hard job. It's quite funny that I came 5th in 20 minutes and 8 seconds. Honestly, that time is quite slow, but who cares. The point it, my house won WOOT WOOT!
Oh, and I have to say that I was quite surprise to see the easter bunny, accompanied by a fairy, at Cabramatta. I got a hug, took a photo of them with my mobile and received a chocolate egg =). If Nancy didn't point them out to me, I wouldn't have seen them. They were from the Fairfield City Council (FCC) promoting Easter, which is around the corner. It just gets better every year, doesn't it? LOL!
Monday, 6 April 2009
the yellow superheroes

Bottom left: Wendy, Vincent, Julius, Andrew, Kevin, Adrian and Caitlin.
The morning wasn't so bad, but then things got chaotic and busy around noon +. I was at the Digital Storytelling area, with Elias and Xanny, for most of day but then some of us went filiming the festival and half the time, we were busy helping other areas rather than our own. Please this us on All Around You to look at some videos we made at our workshops! My body was aching all over and if it wasn't for Andrew's kindness with the waffles and the confectionaries, I would be starving all day. Oh, we had free Subway sandwiches and drinks as well, so it wasn't so bad. I saw some people from my school, and others that were performing at The Shed, organized by LOUD! Tribe and on the Competition Stage. I've uploaded most of the pictures on Facebook, so have a look if you want to know how it generally went. The festival ended at about 7:3OPM, and that's about the same time when we started to pack things up. Mark found some sunglasses that looked exactly like the ones that Israel was wearing, though it felt like plastic. ROFLS! Adrian was fully encouraging us to take it, saying how a famous person like him would be able to aford new ones. Unfortunately, we had to give it back. Oh wells! Oh yeah! FAREWELL TO CINDY FERNANDOZ because this year was her last year doing the festival for the Fairfield City Council. How sad is that?! It really was chaotic. Oh, and thanks to Andrew for driving me home, again ^_^'. I sure owe him =P!
and the crowd goes wild
The competition itself was hectic! There were dance crews, one-on-one funk style and two-on-two break dancing style. For the dance crews, there were two sections to it: the juniors and the all division. I thought Doppelgangers would win, and Wendy thought Giga-beatz would win, but we were both wrong - Psyke won for the 'all division' section! Dance 2 Music Kidz won for the 'junior division' section! Congratulations to both crews! ROFLS! Wendy and I have pretty bad judgement. Not only the competition thing, but also guessing who was going to the event while waiting for the train ROFLS! We also saw Maria, Blake, Cassie, Kimberley, Vivian and a friend of theirs. The place, The Roxy Theatre, got pretty crowded but the place isn't that good. I almost fell into a chair! Both chairs that I tried sitting on were old and falling apart =.= not cool! We thought someone took Maria and Blake's seats, but they actually had a call to set up the things for the Bring It On Festival.
When the event finished, Wendy and I rushed back to the station so we wouldn't be freaked out walking along the quiet streets and all. Unfortunately, we were about 5 seconds, or less, late for the train and hence, we missed it =.=! At first, the station was quiet and all, but it got crowded with people from clubs, the event itself and other functions that was happening on teh same day. Wendy and I came home late, but it was a pretty awesome =D I enjoyed myself. Maybe Wendy and I will go together again next year, and maybe we'll go there early to get better seats. We actually saw someone who was a finalist from last year's So You Think You Can Dance Australia. How awesome is that? Pretty awesome, I'd say =D!
Friday, 3 April 2009
you're the DARE, i'm the DEVIL
31O3O9 - Annie P.'s 18th Birthday.
O1O4O9 - Ricardo's 17th Birthday.
You know what's over? MY BLOODY HALF YEARLIES! That's right, those wretched tests are over! WOOT WOOT! Now I'll have to play the waiting game =D. Anyways, Titan, Kelly, Sarina, Adam, Vinh, Vincent and I went to celebrate for it =D. Well, first I saw Wendy to give her money for the 'Looze Control' tickets ... again T_T. My fault for losing the first pair in the first place ... *cigh* SORRY WENDY!
We saw Cathleen, who was waiting for Katty to Biology tutor, Peter and this other girl from our school who was going to a small youth concert where Susan, year 11, is performing. WOW! GOOD LUCKIES! How cool is that? That's amazing! Good for her! =D
Anyways, Titan, Kelly, Sarina and I went to Woolworths, and we met the others. Had icecream, ate at a Vietnamess restaurant, Titan got sushi, looked in the video shop next door and headed to the park while shoving 'Bring It On' pamphlets to random people and cars =D. I MANAGED TO HAND ALL MINE OUT MWAHAHAHA! Anyways, I saw Andy, Diana and Kenny, who I haven't seen in a very VERY long time, so I was happy YAY! I was a bit freaked out to approach the basketballers though HAHAHA, sports people ... just intimidates me sometimes .. don't ask why, because I don't really know why myself =P. Oh yeah, and we were goofing around the park's memorial pond area, where Kelly took pictures of us goofing. Unfortunately, her camera died quite quickly afterwards. Oh wells xP.
The park. This was where the all the excitemented started. First, we played spin and race, then we play knots, and finally, the ultimate game: Truth Or Dare (or double dar or torture)! Adam and I are at war with each other! ROFLS! I WILL defeat him, mark my words! Anyways, Some funny ones were Adam dunking his head in the park's memorial pond thing, us having a grass fight (which is originally between Sarina and Vinh - Sarina won! WOOT WOOT!), our super wedgy for Kelly, Titan and Sarina nipple-crippling Adam and Me gurgling the alphabet with the park's memorial pond thing's water (which reminds me that I have to use Listerine later =.=). *sigh* I'm proud to say that I contributed some of my outrageous thoughts for various sections of the game and I do believe it's safe to say that in regards to sentencing their tasks, they fear me ... MWAHAHAHA!
Titan and I stayed long at the park, and played a bit with some children, before going to her house and playing maple. YES! I finally got the hair that I wanted and Titan's so sweet to help me with my MS character. I owe her $10 now for the nx cash she gave me on MS. Thanks Titan!
Wow, what a day to spend after your exams =D. I'm glad.
PS. LISTEN TO TAYLOR SWIFT - TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR. It's like one of the saddest songs I've ever heard! =D
PSS. I do believe I've found myself a dare-devil buddy: Adam. =)