23O4O9 - Cindy H.'s 17th Birthday.
Yeah, it was raining yesterday but that didn't stop us from going to the city for Korean hot pot. Actually, we had Korean BBQ instead but either way is fine by me. Okay, let me name the people who was with me: Titan, Kelly, Sarina, George, Jason, Julius, Mark, Phillip, Wendy, Cassandra (Cassie), Kimberley (Kimmie), Adam, Alfie, Vinh, Aaron, Bo and Jeffrey. It was a pretty big group. More people could've came, but they were preoccupied. I initially thought that there wasn't going to be enough people going. Look how wrong I was! Jeffrey and Bo seemed to be quite knowledgeable with Korean food and anything else related to Korea. Even George thought Jeffrey was Korean ROFLS!
Obviously, with this many people the food just wasn't enough to fill them all up so some of them went to franchises and convenient stores for more food. I'm surprised how red Alfie can get under the influence of alcohol. Adam and the others bought about $24 worth of beer, and each one was worth $4. You do the math. Anyways, I had about 2 cups of beer and don't worry, I didn't get drunk. I got a bit high, but I wasn't drunk. LOL! The others thought I was though because my face was so pinkish red and I was smelling strong of beer. They actually asked me to walk in a straight line. Obviously, I could =). It takes more than just 2 cups to get me drink dude xD! I looked drunk because I was actually running around a LOT! Thanks to Kass, for her gum, and Sarina, for her deodorant, my mum would've killed me if she found out I was drinking illicitly HAHAHA!

Bottom: Jeffrey, Wendy, Cassie, Kelly, Titan, Bo
We went to Market City afterwards, and I was racing up the stairs to see Nathan at Galaxy World but I couldn't find him. It was until later when I saw Kass that she directed me to Nathan, Ling, Daryll, and their friends. I sure miss that guy =D. I only see him like 2 or 3 times a year! A YEAR! Yeah, I introduced some of my other friends to Nathan. I like his hair better now without so much ostentatious hair dye and all =P. No idea when I'll see him again, he's such a nice guy. Anyways, we gradually said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. I think the day was a bit laggy with so many people and so many different activities people wanted to do. This was where the rule 'majority rules' applied.
I saw Kelly and Titan at Cabramatta Station. Apparently, the policemen were suddenly interested in our district's trainstation. Poor Titan =( they wanted to see her concession card and all. Maybe she looked more mature than us, that's why they wanted to see her card. Guess what the moral is? Always bring your concession card!
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