On Thursday, 27th of December, Eric, Ample, Minhky, Danny, William, Shain, Peter, Anthony, David, Kit Julie and I went to Luna Park by train. At first, at the train station, we were waiting for Eric and Shain to arrive and it was until 11.00 AM that we aboard the train. Then, Peter led us off at Circular Quay, and then led us back into the train again. We stopped at St. James, which was the next stop, and realised that we have taken the wrong train. After a few minutes of accusing who's blame was it, the train arrived and we boarded the train to go back to Wynward. We took the bus, of route 10, to Milson's Point. It was slightly muddled up because the bus stop was on the other side of the building and we weren't sure which bus it was. After we got dropped of at Milson's Point, we walked all the way down to Luna Park. Eric finally fessed up and said that all along he knew the way and that there was a swimming pool next to the theme park. Of course, we did nothing but complained afterwards. After all, he was infamous for his intelligent and cunning nature of his. David, Shain, Peter and I bought the $48 yellow ticket, meaning we get to ride all the more extreme rides in the theme park. (NB: Kit got his hair permanently straightened for $170+ *gasps* !!)
The first ride was this train of fun, which goes faster and faster. David and I sat together while Peter and Shain sat together. We were on totally opposite sides of each other so we couldn't wave to them. We saw clowns and the men of the YMCA dancing, and the luna boy and girl as well as other painted characters. We tried the flying aeroplane next and I got quite a fright from that because the metal bar, that was supposed to stable us, wasn't that stable and I wasn't so good with the height. Peter, who was my buddy, told me all these scary things about the ride and I screamed so much that my saliva was dripping .. ^_____^" !! David had to sit by himself because Shain wouldn't ride on it. Half of the ride I was closing my eyes, unfortunately. We then went to this octopus type of ride and the safety bar/belt was a bit too tight but Thank God! I was screaming so much that I got tired and I finally enjoyed the ride because I knew I was safe, at least safer than the other ride. After the ride, I thought I was going to be sick, literally!
Finally! the big event came! It was time for the 'Prison Break Live.' It is a prison labyrinth and we have to find our way out while people tried to scare us. We had to split because there was too much of us so Peter, Danny, Minhky, Kit, David, Ample and two other people went first. Next, it was William, Eric, Shain, Julie, Me and Anthony. Most of the time I was either looking at the ground or in front of me. I didn't dare look to the side in case someone pops up out of no where and I really don't like seeing scary faces... William was the leader, and we had to put our hands on the shoulders of the person in front of us and Julie and I kept on screaming throughout the whole experience, but Julie seemed to have been more frightened than I was. It got slightly annoying and scary near the end because William kept on bumping into blocked passage ways and mirrors and the flashing of the lights wasn't helping either. But in the end, we found our way out, Thank God!
The boys then tried out the Rotor, except for Anthony, and I recorded their whole ride =D! It was hilarious how they tried all these different stunts! David, Shain, Peter and I went on it previously and it was quite a thrilling experience xD! It felt like we were tilted side ways and I could hardly lift any part of my body, especially my face! Also, when I looked down, and watched the ground turn (or us turn) it made me quite light-headed and a bit sick xD. Julie didn't want to try it because she didn't want to. What a shame =/.
The boys went and played this ball mermen racing game and Anthony won me this orange fluff ball (since he didn't try for the basketball hoops one) but it had bugs in it so we had to change it to this pink 'My Little Pony,' and Eric won William this black Spiderman, which was hanging upside down on a string.
The guys also tried out the one where you slam the hammer on this metal part and the red dot goes up. None of them made it to 100 but I beat most of all the guys except for David, who managed to go up to 91 after numerous of tries. LOL!
Shain, David, Peter and I went into the Funny House and it was like a smaller version of a play ground with bigger slides and games and other stuff so that adults and children can play in it. Unfortunately, David lost his $50 dollar hat there.
On the other side of the Funny house were more extreme rides but we didn't ride on them. As we waited, we tried this children's version of 'pirate ship' and David kept on persuading me to try the one where it goes really high up and it drops down straight away! I didn't dare to try it. We might've tried the Ranger or the Haunted Mansion ride but we decided not to since the others hardly went on any rides. But we did try out the Dodgem Cars where Anthony joined us and we bumped each other like crazy!
We left Luna park and waited for the others to come back under the Darling Harbor bridge, because they left us to buy some food, and amazingly enough, after his third try, Anthony managed to jump onto one of those humongous brick things, which stables the bridge, while Peter needed David's help to get up there, LOL!
We traveled back to the CBD and went to the Ichiban restaurant, near Kinokuniya, and it was quite delicious so I guess it's safe to say it was worth the wait =) and besides, I get to sleep on my pony .. which was on Anthony's lap ROFLS! Peter was eating like a pig =) but Anthony was even worse, except he was more courteous about it xp! He also had sake, since he was old enough, and I thought it smelt like chocolate mixed with grapes .. which is almost impossible .. according to my group of friends... Okay! so I have a strange sense of smell, I can't help it!
We went walking around here and there, and David and Kit ditched us while Anthony, Julie and I kept on walking and attempting to find the cafe where the others went to enjoy their icecream at. Well, Julie and Anthony were mostly arguing about statistics about females and scientific theories and other issues related to the topic. David and Kit were actually close to us, with their backs against the wall, according to Anthony, but Julie and I were too busy discussing about Peter, his mobile number and where the other could be, that we didn't seem to notice their presences close by ^____^.
By 9 something PM, we managed to get home. That day was an aching, yet fun, day but it would've been more fun if more people had came. Nevertheless, it was a day not to be forgotten because for one thing, I've became closer with the other people, which weren't really from my group of friends that I normally hang around with at school.
Sunday, 30 December 2007
Sunday, 23 December 2007
jealousy is a sin
Have you ever been envious of a friend when you shouldn't? Have you ever felt that the bond between you and another friend is slowly tearing apart? Have you ever felt jealous of another friend because your close friend has became their close friend instead? My answer to all those questions is a yes, unfortunately. I dare not to have another best friend because the trepidation of losing them and yet, here I am, watching a far, and being sombre, as I watch two of my closest friends become the best of friends. I feel envious at how they can just become such good friends in a blink of an eye. I feel upset because I thought I've just lost my closest CLOSEST friend that I would call a best friend. I, for one, can not blame them. There's no blame to be put upon here and yet, I feel that it's my fault that I haven't tried hard enough to make that rope stronger. We have discussed about this before .. and yet, the issue is still floating around my head and once in a while I would contemplate about it with sadness and jealousy inside my heart. I dislike this feeling very much for I am happy for both of them to have such a great friend because both of them are a friend worth cherishing, and I would do almost anything to keep them so I shan't complain and whine like a little baby. As long as I know they will be there for me, I shall not be filled with jealousy. But, I know I will forever have a mark left in my heart somewhere due to this predicament.
Friday, 21 December 2007
camera for christmas
The title says it all. My mum bought me a new camera for Christmas! yay!!! I accidentally broke my previous one in the attempt of 'fixing' it. But my situation was like .. out of the frying pan and into the fire. And fixing will be almost as expensive as buying another so my mum got me another instead. THANK YOU MUM xD! Afterall, I was saving up all my allowances to buy the camera and hence, the hunger at school became more and more intolerable xp ! It's a Lumix and it was on sale for the Christmas seasons. My mum also bought me a 2GB memory card for the camera =D I am really happy !! But .. I don't know when I could use it since most of my friends, that I hang with at school, are going overseas for majority of the holiday. *sigh* Maybe one day in the holidays =)
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
before you leave
Today was the 17th of December. We went to the city that day since Jenny requested this. We agreed to go because she was leaving the next day. At 10 something o'clock, Christopher, William, Maylina, Cathleen, Jenny, Shain and I were waiting for our train. Minh, Kelly and Annie, and some other people, were suppose to be there with us but they had their excuses. We all wished that more people came because like that saying goes : the more the merrier.
When we arrived at the city, Townhall, it wasn't even 11 o'clock yet and the movie wasn't going to start until 2 o'clock, so we went walking around. We went to Kinokuniya and Maylina, Cathleen, Shain and William bought something from there. It was until then did i realise that William had a craze with Spiderman. Being as nice as I am *cough* I climbed some bookshelves to get a Spiderman book for him. Unsure if he should get it or not, I continuously told him to get the book since he seemed so eager to get it. In the end, he did =). A funny moment occurred when Chris asked 'Can we go now?' and was about to walk across the street when the cars started to move. He said he wanted to walk since the cars weren't moving a few minutes ago. LOL xD
We then went down to the QVB sttaion and Shain bought a game, which I forgot what, that included some kind of comic magazine... I think? Jenny was nice enough to pay a tie for me at Tie Rack because I wanted to buy a tie for my Cousin's christmas/birthday present but I didn't have enough money.

Market City was our next destination. We ate there and waited for Maylina and Cathleen to come back from their shopping at Cotton On and other shops. I heard that while I was at the toilet, William accidentally sneezed out his meat from his kebab.. eww!! xO!! Luckily I finished the meal before they told me about that incident. Jenny and I shared a meal since I didn't bring that much money that day. When we leaving the area, I saw Jeffrey with his girlfriend =) we greeted each other and left.
Finally, it was almost time for the movie to start so we made our way to Imax cinema to was Beowulf. The ticket was $18.00 and we get 3D glasses. But of course, we had to return them after the movie. The line was quite long, so thank god we went there early enough to be near the start of the line. There is a picture of me with my glasses, and 5 other pair of glasses, so it looked like I was a 10-eyes girl. LOL! The story line wasn't that good, the movie was scary so Chris and I were freaked out. I screamed at some parts, while he jumped. I screamed a bit too much that people were telling me to shut up ^__^' LOL! But I'm pretty sure Maylina was screaming with me hahaha! AND the ending SUCKED! So, I'm warning you now : DO NOT WATCH BEOWULF. The movie lasted for about 2 hours, which was a good thing .. I guess.
When we arrived at the city, Townhall, it wasn't even 11 o'clock yet and the movie wasn't going to start until 2 o'clock, so we went walking around. We went to Kinokuniya and Maylina, Cathleen, Shain and William bought something from there. It was until then did i realise that William had a craze with Spiderman. Being as nice as I am *cough* I climbed some bookshelves to get a Spiderman book for him. Unsure if he should get it or not, I continuously told him to get the book since he seemed so eager to get it. In the end, he did =). A funny moment occurred when Chris asked 'Can we go now?' and was about to walk across the street when the cars started to move. He said he wanted to walk since the cars weren't moving a few minutes ago. LOL xD
We then went down to the QVB sttaion and Shain bought a game, which I forgot what, that included some kind of comic magazine... I think? Jenny was nice enough to pay a tie for me at Tie Rack because I wanted to buy a tie for my Cousin's christmas/birthday present but I didn't have enough money.

Market City was our next destination. We ate there and waited for Maylina and Cathleen to come back from their shopping at Cotton On and other shops. I heard that while I was at the toilet, William accidentally sneezed out his meat from his kebab.. eww!! xO!! Luckily I finished the meal before they told me about that incident. Jenny and I shared a meal since I didn't bring that much money that day. When we leaving the area, I saw Jeffrey with his girlfriend =) we greeted each other and left.
Finally, it was almost time for the movie to start so we made our way to Imax cinema to was Beowulf. The ticket was $18.00 and we get 3D glasses. But of course, we had to return them after the movie. The line was quite long, so thank god we went there early enough to be near the start of the line. There is a picture of me with my glasses, and 5 other pair of glasses, so it looked like I was a 10-eyes girl. LOL! The story line wasn't that good, the movie was scary so Chris and I were freaked out. I screamed at some parts, while he jumped. I screamed a bit too much that people were telling me to shut up ^__^' LOL! But I'm pretty sure Maylina was screaming with me hahaha! AND the ending SUCKED! So, I'm warning you now : DO NOT WATCH BEOWULF. The movie lasted for about 2 hours, which was a good thing .. I guess.
Me being a 10-eyes girl!
For the next 3 hours, we had more fun walking around the city and taking pictures than watching the Beowulf movie. We went to the Ferris wheel and took pictures, then to the sand park, where I stacked it, over and over again and instead of helping me up they kept on laughing at me! We took pictures at the blocks too and around the poles. We were about to walk all the way to Darling Harbour when we realised how long the walk will be. Hence, we went back to Capitol Square so Maylina can buy her speakers, and then we took a train from Townhall to Circular Quay. William and I wen to the wrong platform so we had to walk to the other station. Luckily, we made it in time because the train was there when we got to the other platform. We took pictures at the Opera House and at the Botanic Gardens. Finally, we decided to go home because it was getting late and most of our curfews were before sunset, which is around 8:30 PM. William went off at Fairfield station, while the rest of us went off at Cabramatta station, at about 8:15 PM. We bid our goodbyes, hugs and etc to Jenny before we went our separate ways.
That day was one of my most fun, memorable and tiring days I've ever had in my life so far. =) Annie and Jenny would be gone to another country by now, so I wish them a safe trip, and an enjoyable vacation. And I hope they won't follow strangers xD !!!!
That day was one of my most fun, memorable and tiring days I've ever had in my life so far. =) Annie and Jenny would be gone to another country by now, so I wish them a safe trip, and an enjoyable vacation. And I hope they won't follow strangers xD !!!!
Monday, 17 December 2007
hate to like you
Lately, I have been bothered with something after a couple of days ago. What is the possibility of liking someone that, you know, is definitely not for you? Out of 10, it rangers through 7-9 people that aren't your significant half. But there's not harm in trying, right? I mean, just because, the chances of lasting forever and the promises made will be kept forever, at least, they would last temporarily right? And, it the experience that matters most right? I, for one, don't like to take that chance most of the time. This year is an obvious muck up for me. So much things had happened that I don't even know where to begin, and my 'love' issues are also part of those troublesome woes of mine. I am not going to go any further than that. Though, lately, I am slightly confused and quite afraid to find out why. Sadly enough, I've already broken my heart once this year, I do not wish for it to repeat again. That person and I are still friends, although most of my friends are saying we shouldn't after the way he treated me. At times, I agree, but I prefer to keep a friend than to make another enemy. Having another enemy will just make the world more sadder than it already is. So should I just let my heart run freely and just stop denying myself, or should I just ignore this, since I know this won't lead to anything positive for me. This is all too confusing to me.
Sunday, 16 December 2007
a week's memories
Kaching Kaching! this whole week, from Monday to Sunday, has been quite exciting for me. After all, it's the last week of being a 10th grader! Well .. let me recall all the events that happened within this week ...
- Monday - Nothing much happened much, besides the maths test we had to do to decide if we should do 2 unit maths or not. Also, I received an award for participating 'aggressively' in street hockey, as well as Chi-Sing, which is quite hilarious.
- Tuesday - We played handball, for grade sport, and unfortunately, I got power walking as my grade sport next year. That pissed me off so I complained to Mr. Nguyen and he said he'll try to change it so I'll get my 2nd or 3rd choice but he can't give me my first choice, which was tennis. How sad =/. Jenny discovered something that she doesn't want to know.
- Wednesday - I found out I had Mrs. Rogers for the chemistry class! Woot Woot! I was so happy! Then later, I found out I failed the maths test .. what a bommer. I had a small talk with me because he also failed the maths test and I was wondering how he was going to go through with it, and I asked him since he is in my Biology class. Annie and I were talking about things on the net, the other day, and now it's over =) which is a good thing. I am utterly HAPPY for ANNIE and DANNY. Good for them =) They are an official couple now! Later on, Linh, My Linh, Linda and I went to the 'Lone Star' to eat =D and it was quite nice. We had a brownie desert and it was really nice! There was a layer of brownies, then a layer of hot chocolate, then a layer of vanilla ice cream and then the top layer was whipped cream with sprinkles .. *drools* The food was quite nice, though the services was okay (that was what Linda thought anyways') and Linda drove us, and she's only 17! How lucky! We also get to see her boyfriend, and we went to her house and saw her dog, and we went to the hospital to visit her grandma. I hope she'll recover soon =( . The toilet's lights were kind of stuffed up so it was a bit scary going to the toilet there. Note: I owe Linh $10.00
- Thursday - we had the picnic and I arrived late because I was having a morning shower. Hence, Titan and I got into a fight and I was quite upset on the bus but Kelly talked to me and I was fine. Then, Kelly and I mocked Danny and Annie, who were sitting slightly across us. It was quite funny actually, we had heaps of fun. When we got to the place, it was still raining so it was quite sad a the start of the picnic, but we all decided to make the best of it so, by the end of the day we were having quite a lot of fun. Maybe not as much fun as we would've had when it was sunny, but what the heck, we tried our best to make the best of it. People were still going to the lake even though it was raining. Later, Linh, Anthony, Raymond and I went shopping. It was mostly Anthony and I that needed to do the shopping since I had to buy a present for my Secret Santa (which was quite hard since I got David and he was a freaken rich guy!) I tried buying him a shirt but the nice ones weren't in his size, or a movie or music album but he could've just downloaded from the net. Same goes with the games. So, in Target, I saw this plushie speaker thing that you can use for your I-pod or something, so I bought it for him since I knew he had an I-pod and etc. I forced Anthony and Raymond to 'try out the dresses' for me since Anthony wanted to buy a dress for his really really good friend, which obviously, is a girl, and it was quite hilarious when one of the little boys commented on how, I quote: 'a boy is wearing a dress.' In the end, Anthony bought this jacket, which was white with skulls and bows and cute etcs. I was slightly upset since I wanted to buy that jacket. In the end, he told Linh to tell me to try it on, and it was GORGEOUS! Oh wells, he bought it for his friend instead. We also had some fun at 'Toys R Us' and Anthony shouted me lunch. Hahaha! I was about to make him buy me the MOST expensive food there is, but since I am so nice, I just told him to order me this other meal, which seemed to be the cheapest food on the list. LOLS! What a day, we were all tired from walking around and all.
- Friday - We only had the first 2 periods, which was Business Studies for me, and we were mostly playing for most of the time. Then, we rehearsed for the formal .. but it was more like we were allocated into our seats. We received our SC results and school year reports. My marks weren't so bad but I thought I could've done better. But, what the heck, I've tried enough =) . Then I went to talk to Mrs Best (head of maths staff room) about the class and how I really wanted to do it and then I went to Mrs MacCallum about the volunteer work. We did our Secret Santa at recess and I received this small chocolate coloured bear and a 'Dora the Explorer' money box. I named the small bear ' Chocolate' (implying on the fur colour). I've upset Kelly for taking her bag and making her late for her birthday shopping for Nathan, and I am sorry for that. I didn't mean that to happen. But I'm proud of her, David, Antony, Jessica, Kit, and Loyee for performing at the year 10 graduation formal, as well as the other group of people who played the instrumental version of 'Tears in Heaven.' Kelly, and the others, played 'It's too Late' by Evermore, which was really REALLY cool!! Later, Danny, Annie and I went to eat at 'Pho 54' and I eagerly tried to make Danny be 'romantic to Annie (if that even made sense) and I managed to see them having 2 straws in the same cup of coconut juice. It was so ADORABLE! I went to Linh's house afterward. Now, I'm addicted to 'Ai Ni' by Cyndi Wang because of the dance My Linh and Linh were dancing to. It was so cute!!!!!!!! Linh said she'll teach me how to dance. We're going to train for the cross country and go swimming together too, with some other people as well! =) I also want to thank Brenda for the christmas card and the cookie she gave me. It was delicious and it was very nice of her to do that too! Thank you, Brenda!
- Saturday - Since I slept at about 4.30 AM the previous night, I woke up at about 4 or 5 PM but I couldn't be bothered to wake up until 6 o'clock. I had maccas for dinner (I know, it's unhealthy). My mother could've be bothered to make me dinner, sadly enough. I watched the movie 'clueless' and did the same old stuff that I would do on weekends. I watched the first episode of 'Hana Kimi,' the Japanese version, and then I skimmed through the rest of the episodes. I'm still going to watch it, though.
- Sunday - Went to Tae Kwon Do at Yagoona with Kevin by train, and I can only watch them do it for 2 hours and something minutes. I get to meet Wilson and Anh. I couldn't do much since I needed my mother's permission since I'm younger than 18. Kevin and I took a train to Cabramatta, but it was the wrong train and after Burwood, Kevin told us we weren't going the right way. He blamed it on the snail and the talk about anime. I blamed it on our lack of concentration. We stopped at the Croydon's Station and checked the time table. Unfortunately, there weren't any trains that go straight to Cabramatta, and the place was emptry, literally, with only 3 other people with us. Seeing I was cold, Kevin was nice enough to lend me his Tae Kwon Do shirt, which I'm going to wash before I give it back to him. We took the train to Lidcombe, then back to Cabramatta. Kevin went to a restaurant, since his family was having dinner somewhere with an Aunt (he lives down my street). I was starving when I got into the car. My mum gave me sushi to eat. Then I watched 'The Santa Claus 2' and it was so sweet. =) Then I gave a call to Jenny to check about tomorrow's outing. And that was how my week was.
Sunday, 9 December 2007
night talker
Have you ever tried talking on the phone, in the middle of the night for a couple of hours, just before the sun rises? Well, I have. Actually, first i was on the net, going on bebo and looking at blogs until about 3.30 am in the morning. I just couldn't sleep. So, once i got into bed, I called a friend of mine, called Anthony, and he seemed to just woken up from his sleep, himself, for no particular reason. He said : "good timing." I supposed so LOL! and we talked and talked and talked! Actually Anthony did most of the talking and I just listened and laughed at him. Then my mum woke up to go to the toilet, and she heard my talking (after all, our rooms are next to each other). She asked me about it and I kind of said i white lie. After all, there is a saying that goes like this: What they don't know won't hurt them. I mean she is trying to sleep so why worry her for. She'll just think too much about it when there's really not much to it. I also lied that my friend's name was 'Antonia' ... which is a girl's name. She would freak if she knew i was talking to a guy so early in the morning. But there really isn't anything between us LOL! I swear, Anthony is such a funny guy to talk to. He's so strange and funny and you don't really need to talk since he does most of the talking for you LOL!! But i guess he got tired after a couple of hours so he went to sleep before. I don't blame him since I called him first, so yeah. AND he had tae kwon do later that day. I actually wasted about 50 bucks worth of calls on him. But that's okay, I had $150 credit to use within the month since my mum told me to change the plan to turbo recharge plan .. or something like that. But not to worry, I still have 76 dollars and something cents left to spend on the next 3 weeks before the month ends. =) *sigh* We finished talking at about 5 o'clock in the morning... and sadly enough, I could hear the birds chirping. It was nice and all.. but I don't think that would be a sound you would want to hear when you're trying to sleep. Later today, i woke up at about 5 o'clock pm and had pizza for lunch and dinner. I know, it's unhealthy. But lately, my mum's been feeling unwell and I'm not that much of a cook so yeah =) I kind of stuffed up the order as well and almost got my friend, Jenny, in trouble when she was working there ^_______^' I'm so silly and goofy! I want to work there as well, at the pizza hut store that Jenny, Becky, Sandra and Anna was working at. Or, at cotton on at Liverpool. I'm going to hunt down a job in the holidays, and maybe do some voluntary work. =) Wish me luck!
Saturday, 8 December 2007
sweetest candy
Today our friend Katty took a flight to America for her holidays. I hope she enjoys herself. She wasn't the only one that traveled before school even ended yet. Lisa Luu also went overseas, to Vietnam, just this Tuesday. How sad. I'm happy for them to enjoy their holidays quite quickly and that they are able to go overseas. Most of my friends, from my group, are going overseas in the holiday ... *sigh* i guess we won't be able to celebrate Christmas together at the Carol Domain .. maybe I can ask my cousins William and Marina and her boyfriend, Edward, to go instead LOL! Like a cousins' outing LOL!xD but oh wells. After all, this year seems to be the last year to enjoy ourselves before we permanently live in the library, for 2 years, to prepare and study for the HSC. Oh wells, I hope they'll take care and have heaps of fun! =D
I still email to Lisa and she tells us how she's doing and etc. =D Kim and I, who just went to Japan a few weeks ago to be educated there for about a month, talked and I saw her school uniform. It's ADORABLE! It's so cute like anime school uniform! But poor Kim, she's starting her exams next week O______o and I thought they would be on holidays .. oh wells, I guess different education schedule =) . WOOT WOOT! I only have a week left before i finish school as well! =D And I just need to do the maths test and then I will almost have no more school, keyword: ALMOST.
Anyways, I guess today Annie helped me figure out some things and I'm grateful for that so I thank you Annie if you read this LOL =). Katty gave me 1/2 of a candy cane today at the last period. She couldn't give me a full one since she ate most of them already, but that's okay =D although it was small .. it was the sweetest candy I've ever tasted. It tasted like .. a closer friend ... or a new beginning (as what Annie had said before). So i really appreciated that candy cane. Oh, and I hope Katty's alright since there was a thunderstorm just this afternoon. I swear .. this weather has gone BONKERS because it keeps on changing!! And after the thunderstorm stop and the sun kind of came out... it looked as though it never rained just a few minutes ago. I feel like I've forgotten to mention something .. but it's okay =) I'll type it out another day =D
PS. I am oh SOOOO happy for KATTY AND DANNY =D they make such a cute couple and I would say, to some point, they suit each other quite well and should deserve each other. I am also happy for Lisa. G with her love life hahaha!!
I still email to Lisa and she tells us how she's doing and etc. =D Kim and I, who just went to Japan a few weeks ago to be educated there for about a month, talked and I saw her school uniform. It's ADORABLE! It's so cute like anime school uniform! But poor Kim, she's starting her exams next week O______o and I thought they would be on holidays .. oh wells, I guess different education schedule =) . WOOT WOOT! I only have a week left before i finish school as well! =D And I just need to do the maths test and then I will almost have no more school, keyword: ALMOST.
Anyways, I guess today Annie helped me figure out some things and I'm grateful for that so I thank you Annie if you read this LOL =). Katty gave me 1/2 of a candy cane today at the last period. She couldn't give me a full one since she ate most of them already, but that's okay =D although it was small .. it was the sweetest candy I've ever tasted. It tasted like .. a closer friend ... or a new beginning (as what Annie had said before). So i really appreciated that candy cane. Oh, and I hope Katty's alright since there was a thunderstorm just this afternoon. I swear .. this weather has gone BONKERS because it keeps on changing!! And after the thunderstorm stop and the sun kind of came out... it looked as though it never rained just a few minutes ago. I feel like I've forgotten to mention something .. but it's okay =) I'll type it out another day =D
PS. I am oh SOOOO happy for KATTY AND DANNY =D they make such a cute couple and I would say, to some point, they suit each other quite well and should deserve each other. I am also happy for Lisa. G with her love life hahaha!!
special occasion,
Friday, 7 December 2007
read my fortune!
This week was quite .. unexpecting .. to the point that i expected it. Okay, so I'm contradicting myself at the moment but I guess I will be the only one to understand what that line means. Hms.. let me see.. this is how my schedule went so far:
I feel like making a musical to fund raise for OUR year 12 formal ... like the movie 'high school musical.' Now wouldn't that be interesting? And it would be a nice memory to remember too! It would be fun, wouldn't it? xDD
- Tuesday: Donated blood - received a shock when the nurse pulled it out. She asked me if it hurts and I assumed it was in the progress of pulling it out .. or has already pulled it out.. so I replied with a no. As I was thinking to myself how painless it was to pull it out, compared to putting the needle in, a few seconds later the nursed pulled the needle out, causing me to squeak. Upon hearing this, my friends, that donated blood with me, laughed at me. The was really unexpecting. Later that night, we had a family dinner at the city to celebrate my cousin's birthday (mentioned in the previous blog) and we had quite a feast. I managed to eat quite a lot and drink quite a lot of tea so I wouldn't faint and have the energy the next day to do the chemistry test, which was in the morning.
- Wednesday, I began to have some abdominal pain and was feeling light headed. My mum asked me if I wanted to stay home, but I was slightly eager to do the chemistry test to get it over and done with, as well as the english assignment. keyword: slightly, But my body was just too weak. Then this boy insulted me, whether he knew it or not, and caused me to get quite mad. Seeing as I was already light headed and worried about the chemistry test, I then had an asthma attack. My asthma attacks usually occurs in Autumn, and it was mild as well. I was sent home, unable to do the test. Thanks to Annie, she managed to stay with me as long as possible and i regret making her worry and late to class (but to be honest i didn't think she wasn't THAT eager to go to class anyones, after all we finished year 10 but we still have to go to school as 11th graders.. can you believe that?! who would want to go to class for that?? But I do regret missing out on biology class that day) Kelly was nice enough to check on me as well, so thank you to both of you!! =)
- Thursday, I did the chemistry test and managed to get 20 out of 30 .. I just hope I got enough marks for me to be in Mrs. Rogers class T___T I was quite pissed about the last page because we were to name the molecules and I managed to get all the second part of the name right, but not the first part. Mrs. Rogers, who was marking my test, was about to give me 2 1/2 marks, at least, but Mrs. Bremet, the teacher I DON'T want as a chemistry teacher next year, said that there shouldn't be any 1/2 marks and etc. so I was given a 0 on the last page .. how sad is that?! Then I watched my friend, at the hairdressers getting her hair done. She changed her hair to curls and she looks quite cute/pretty in it. It made her looks like a wawa LOL! She was getting ready for the PATS formal. I was invited too but I couldn't be bothered and I didn't have the money. I prefer to save it up for the up coming holidays instead xD .Then my friend waited with me for my bus, such a nice guy LOL! and I was kind of choking on my food because i was hungrily chowing down my chicken thigh hahaha! I was starving after all! Then I went to tutor later. Thank GOD I don't have tutor tomorrow because that means I can watch 'I Dream' on rollercoaster HAHAHA! After all, I am a child at heart =) , but I'll be having it on Sunday to revise on the maths test we were going to do on Monday .. by next week .. on Friday, I will be finished school!
- Am i still not over this person?
- Will this person and I like each other in the future?
- Will i get married to my soul mate?
- Should I give this person a chance?
- Will I get another boyfriend before I graduate from high school?
I feel like making a musical to fund raise for OUR year 12 formal ... like the movie 'high school musical.' Now wouldn't that be interesting? And it would be a nice memory to remember too! It would be fun, wouldn't it? xDD
Sunday, 2 December 2007
gumbie +
Accidents happen all the time, especially with me since I'm such a gumbie. But .. what can i say? I guess I let mine stupidity get the best of me. It all started ...
A girl, called Fiona W., was playing with Phillip's rubics cube, in biology, when David called out to Fiona to pass the ball. Fiona said it was Phillip's, assuming that David thought it belonged to her. David said he knew, so he asked Fiona to chuck the rubics cube to him. Fiona obliged to his request and hence, the cause of the accident. Due to her light throw, it bounced on the grade's science genius: Mousawi. The rubics cube then broked afterwards. Shocked, Fiona ran to Mousawi to see if she caused any brain damages. Because of this, the teacher lectured Fiona about throwing things in class and hence, Fiona got quite upset for breaking Phillip's rubics cube and hurting Mousawi. She redeemed herself by buying Phillip another rubics cube. Although it was mostly her fault, she was slightly annoyed when another girl (we shall name her Miss.X) pointed out to the teacher that it was Fiona when Fiona was already putting her hand up to admit her actions. She was also annoyed when Miss.X kept on making remarks about the accident. Fiona and Miss.X didn't have a liking toward one another due to past experiences. Fiona didn't like Miss.X due to the said person's attitude and behaviour. Then just today, Fiona went to Vincent's birthday party, as well as Kelly and Jackie. After Fiona told Jackie about the incident, Jackie explained to Fiona about Miss.X's behaviour. He said that Miss.X broke Phillip's rubics cube earlier and had bought him another one, and then Fiona came along and broke the one that Miss.X bought him. After hearing this, Fiona understood about Miss.X's behaviour but still disliked her. The End.
A girl, called Fiona W., was playing with Phillip's rubics cube, in biology, when David called out to Fiona to pass the ball. Fiona said it was Phillip's, assuming that David thought it belonged to her. David said he knew, so he asked Fiona to chuck the rubics cube to him. Fiona obliged to his request and hence, the cause of the accident. Due to her light throw, it bounced on the grade's science genius: Mousawi. The rubics cube then broked afterwards. Shocked, Fiona ran to Mousawi to see if she caused any brain damages. Because of this, the teacher lectured Fiona about throwing things in class and hence, Fiona got quite upset for breaking Phillip's rubics cube and hurting Mousawi. She redeemed herself by buying Phillip another rubics cube. Although it was mostly her fault, she was slightly annoyed when another girl (we shall name her Miss.X) pointed out to the teacher that it was Fiona when Fiona was already putting her hand up to admit her actions. She was also annoyed when Miss.X kept on making remarks about the accident. Fiona and Miss.X didn't have a liking toward one another due to past experiences. Fiona didn't like Miss.X due to the said person's attitude and behaviour. Then just today, Fiona went to Vincent's birthday party, as well as Kelly and Jackie. After Fiona told Jackie about the incident, Jackie explained to Fiona about Miss.X's behaviour. He said that Miss.X broke Phillip's rubics cube earlier and had bought him another one, and then Fiona came along and broke the one that Miss.X bought him. After hearing this, Fiona understood about Miss.X's behaviour but still disliked her. The End.
Oh wells! What can be done. As the saying goes : let bygones be bygones.
Vincent's party was pretty fun. I get to meet his cousins and relatives and made friends with them. We played bullrush and tackle, as well as push up poker too! Vincent received quite a lot of presents, which reminds me. Kelly and I still owe him presents =) after all, it's not fair to go to a birthday party, eat all the food and play their games without giving them a birthday present. At first it was awkward and strange ... but it got heaps better in the end =) Today was a fun day and the birthday cake was really pretty and DELICIOUS!!! it had mango in it .. and I LOVE mangoes!! xDD anything with mango in it is good!! =DD so ,,,
Vincent's party was pretty fun. I get to meet his cousins and relatives and made friends with them. We played bullrush and tackle, as well as push up poker too! Vincent received quite a lot of presents, which reminds me. Kelly and I still owe him presents =) after all, it's not fair to go to a birthday party, eat all the food and play their games without giving them a birthday present. At first it was awkward and strange ... but it got heaps better in the end =) Today was a fun day and the birthday cake was really pretty and DELICIOUS!!! it had mango in it .. and I LOVE mangoes!! xDD anything with mango in it is good!! =DD so ,,,
It was also my cousin's , William, birthday on the 15th of November, so ...
Monday, 26 November 2007
asian driving maniac!
Today was a disgrace for asians! Lisa G. and I witness a crime committed by an old asian lady. She was driving in a light green, old model. She smashed into a stationary red car, the left head lights were damaged, and she drove off as though it had never happened. Of course, Lisa and I couldn't just stand there watching such an unjust sin to go unpunished. So, Lisa and I remembered the number plate and wrote a note to the owner and placed it on the front part of the car, where the window wipers were. It seemed that we weren't the only people who was shocked by this scene for a young family also wrote a note to the driver about the incident. What a disgrace. No wonder people said that asians can't drive, and I thought they were just exaggerating! This is utter nonsense! Unbelievable! I can't believe people can be so disrespectful and irresponsible! Seriously, I mean how rude are they! I am definitely going to avoid crashing people, as much as possible, once I get my license!!
Sunday, 25 November 2007
silent as a baby's cry
Today I woke up at around 1 PM but I went back to sleep and I haven't woke up until 4 PM. I won't deny it, I'm nocturnal. Hey, a persona would be tired after yesterday's party.
Dear Fiona.Woo
Please come to a birthday party for Julie. Kung
On Sat. 24th of Nov.
Time 3-4? until ..
Place My House. You know where I live =)
RSVP 04######## (pft! as if i would write that out for you too see!)
I know because it was clean and it wasn't afraid of humans. Usually, cats would run away from humans, yet this one didn't. This one quite enjoyed the company of my friends and I. After a while, I still couldn't find it's home so I took it to the birthday girl's house. Unfortunately, she was allergic or was afraid of cats so i had to bring it outside. After a while, I thought ' cats are more intelligent with returning homes than dogs' so i thought i should just leave it to let it go home itself, though I was still afraid it might be ran over. I went home and changed and came back. I saw some of my friends surrounding the cat. The cat seemed to be perched on a fence of one of the houses along my street. Hence, my friends and I thought it might actually be it's home so I went up and knocked on the door. It was confirmed that the cat was there's, although they didn't actually buy the cat. The cat seemed to have strayed to their house just the day before yesterday. The family seemed to love the cat quite a lot and I managed to have the consent of seeing the cat every once in a while =D i was quite relieved. Afterwards, my friends and I went back to the party, which was actually across the street. hahaha! We played with the little children and most of them were so adorable! some of them cried and we tried to cheer them up. We also got quite with playing with them, but that's okay =D it was quite enjoyable for me. Also, I got to hold this baby boy called Martin. He was just gorgeous! He had cute chubby cheeks and he was very VERY adorable! That very same day I was thinking about my ideal family lifestyle in the future. Although, I don't think it would occur the same way as I wish it would occur, it was a nice thought =D. Hahaha! I also managed to make this guy, called William, quite afraid of me but my friend's and I didn't really like him because of his attitude and behaviour. I guess it was pretty slack of me to do something like that but I couldn't help myself. Oh wells. I went home at about 11:30 PM when a friend called me and we talked up to about 1:30 AM hahaha! And hence, i woke up so late today =D. I also had mcdonalds for lunch today.
PS. I forgot to mention how some of my friends went on a campaign for Kevin 07. Mitchell, the guy that started this, did it for the badges. I guess their efforts didn't go wasted since the ALP did win the election. Now Kevin Rudd is our new Prime Minister. CONGRATS!!
Please come to a birthday party for Julie. Kung
On Sat. 24th of Nov.
Time 3-4? until ..
Place My House. You know where I live =)
RSVP 04######## (pft! as if i would write that out for you too see!)
Now, that, is true that i know where she lives because I just live a few houses away from her =) . Yesterday was one of the most tiring days of my life... I mean, first me and Jessica went to Annie's house to pick her up. We called her name and banged on the door but no one came out, so we had to walk all the way back home again. Then, when we arrived Vincent then told me that Annie called him and told him that she couldn't come! Well, I'll just see it as a good exercise before consuming all those BBQ food and etc. hahaha! Then we played hide and seek and continuous tips, but everyone got tired and muddled up with the rules that we had a rest. Then we played we those candles where it lights up like fireworks and that was quite a sight! =D and the full moon in the sapphire night just made the view more luminous and pleasant xD. The cake was durian flavoured and it was quite delicious too. I was temporary pre-occupied with a cat when it suddenly strayed outside of the house. Of course i was scared that it might be ran over by a car since there seemed to be more cars passing through our street, than usual. So i took it around the neighborhood, looking for it's home.
"How do you know it wasn't a stray?"
"How do you know it wasn't a stray?"
I know because it was clean and it wasn't afraid of humans. Usually, cats would run away from humans, yet this one didn't. This one quite enjoyed the company of my friends and I. After a while, I still couldn't find it's home so I took it to the birthday girl's house. Unfortunately, she was allergic or was afraid of cats so i had to bring it outside. After a while, I thought ' cats are more intelligent with returning homes than dogs' so i thought i should just leave it to let it go home itself, though I was still afraid it might be ran over. I went home and changed and came back. I saw some of my friends surrounding the cat. The cat seemed to be perched on a fence of one of the houses along my street. Hence, my friends and I thought it might actually be it's home so I went up and knocked on the door. It was confirmed that the cat was there's, although they didn't actually buy the cat. The cat seemed to have strayed to their house just the day before yesterday. The family seemed to love the cat quite a lot and I managed to have the consent of seeing the cat every once in a while =D i was quite relieved. Afterwards, my friends and I went back to the party, which was actually across the street. hahaha! We played with the little children and most of them were so adorable! some of them cried and we tried to cheer them up. We also got quite with playing with them, but that's okay =D it was quite enjoyable for me. Also, I got to hold this baby boy called Martin. He was just gorgeous! He had cute chubby cheeks and he was very VERY adorable! That very same day I was thinking about my ideal family lifestyle in the future. Although, I don't think it would occur the same way as I wish it would occur, it was a nice thought =D. Hahaha! I also managed to make this guy, called William, quite afraid of me but my friend's and I didn't really like him because of his attitude and behaviour. I guess it was pretty slack of me to do something like that but I couldn't help myself. Oh wells. I went home at about 11:30 PM when a friend called me and we talked up to about 1:30 AM hahaha! And hence, i woke up so late today =D. I also had mcdonalds for lunch today.
PS. I forgot to mention how some of my friends went on a campaign for Kevin 07. Mitchell, the guy that started this, did it for the badges. I guess their efforts didn't go wasted since the ALP did win the election. Now Kevin Rudd is our new Prime Minister. CONGRATS!!
Thursday, 22 November 2007
jack jumped too soon out of the box
At the moment, my body is made of guilt. Guilt, sadness, and stupidity. You would be wondering "what's up with all the drama." Today, I believe I have added another regret to my list of disappointments because I have blindly jumped to conclusions and had possibly ruined a great friendship. I can NOT believe I have done such an idiotic thing today! I just hope it hasn't ruined our friendship. I don't think I should mention it on here for it can be quite personal so do not worry about it. I wish ... I wish i can go back in time and change the sequence of events... or change my words ... change ANYTHING! *laughs dryly* It's strange how we are learning about the concepts of change in Advance English as part of our year 11 topics. You know, once my friend told me that I quite a good observer and am quite empathetic .. but at this very moment, that fact is proven as incorrect for I believe I do not deserve those gifts. If was to have those gifts, I believe I wouldn't be in this situation in the first place. You can say I'm being melodramatic, but I do feel like I am drowning in guilt and sorrow due to the hurt I would have possibly caused for this person. If that person is reading this, I would really like to apologise and that I would want to consider about the issue a bit more.
I am sincerely sorry, please forgive me.
Wednesday, 21 November 2007
welcome intro.
What can I say? I have been inspired to begin my own blog after seeing various blogs made by my friends. You can say it's peer pressure, but I prefer to call it 'inspiration.' I know I'm old enough to know that I'm not that easily influenced due to peer pressure for I am a senior now, and although I just begun my senior life as an 11th grader for only a couple of weeks, I beliecve have past the phase where I follow the crowd and attempt to be 'in' all the time. I am now a unique and identified individual, and not a 'somebody' that just follows the perspectives of others. Although, at times I do feel like I am just a somebody on the sideline of my friends' lives but who am I to jump to conclusions and make assumptions of my friends because i believe we've been through enough that things don't always need to be said to be understood. Currently, I am typing this up at 10 something at night, almost 11 P.M, and I have finished my cup of lemonade. Unfortunately, although I had learn from a commercial that drinking from a cup, than through a straw, will actually have a higher risk of damaging my teeth I am still drinking with my mouth than a straw. And since I am temporarily stuck with braces, and that my mum bought many soft drink bottles because she thought I should have some before I have some kind of illness that would stop me from drinking, like diabetes or something, and that I hardly have drank soft drinks for the past few years, I believe my teeth will slowly disintegrates ... NO! I'm kidding hahaha! Of course I'm going to prevent that from happening! There is no way I would allow my teeth to turn bag after all the effort of getting braces and all. This year, I assumed, have changed a lot for me. Physically and mentally. I guess it's mostly a positive impacts. But hey, everyone has their ups and downs. At the moment I am currently in an ... how can I put this ... 'sticky situation.' But hey! I think I'll manage... i usually do anyways =) so wish me luck and hope I'll get through this with ... flying colours and a lasting friendship.
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