Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Friday, 21 March 2008

WGS !!

2OO3O8 - Joanne's 17th Birthday
2OO3O8 - World's Greatest Shave

It was crazy. CRAZY I tell you! The whole day was busy for people who participated in the WGS. In the morning the boys went into the girls' toilets to colour the people's hair, which are the people who participated in the event. My hair was red, hot pink and blue.

At recess, we gave Danny Ku's his belated present. It contained : rabbit + chocolates, t-shirt with words written on it, purple and black plaid hoodie jacket, bueno's chocolates, a book : the joys of ENGRiSH, and a black beanie. Some of these have meanings behind it. Black beanie : for his bald head and wool relates to sheep, which relates to him. T-shirt: the words relate to him. The front says : I AM SUPER KIWI! and the back says: KISS MY ASS. Book: he likes weird things. Annie and I put a LOT of effort into these presents. More on the physical side than the mental side though, but still! Danny better appreciate it! LOL!


Danny and his presents.

Katty and Danny.

Annie, Bich and I managed to get our English presentation over and done with. All I have to focus on is the Chemistry assignment, Maths assignment and another English assignment. *sigh*

Me and Annie.

At lunch, we all went to the hall for the WGS event. there were some people outside that's colouring people's heads, while majority of us were inside the hall, watching people shave their heads. Of course, all the participants were males. They were : Daivd, Darren, Jovin, Patrick, Mr. Sannanikone, Mr. Ward, Mitchell, Nathan, Ample and Danny. Thanks to Kelly 2.'s dad to help shave the people's hair. Mr. Donohue and Mr. Ward helped shave the people's hair as well. Unfortunately for the Mitchell, who couldn't manage to wash off ALL the dye in his hair, was in pain for majority of this shaving period. All of us were sad and scared for Mitchell. The dye stuck his hair together, so when Mr. Ward shaved his hair off, it pulled other hair out as well, when it's not suppose to. It's suppose to be shaving, not plucking - if you know what I mean. So Mitchell went to Kelly's dad to shave it off instead and that was MUCH more comforting than the other one. Darren was also upset about his bald hair. Not because he was in pain, but because he missed his hair.

The boys that shaved.

Mitchell Bald - he suffered a LOT of pain for this event.

We had music along with the shaving. I advised David to put some happy music in, or rock songs, so it wouldn't be as grim? Of course, it didn't turn out grim at all! Everyone was cheering the people on. I'm VERY PROUD of them! I'm sure they've made the whole school proud of them too! *ROUND OF APPLAUSE* David spend almost $200 on the cans, and majority of them are still full. Some of them were taken by same of the participants. For example, me =) LOL! Anyways, THANK YOU to the WGS and their hard work!

The WGS group.

THANK YOU to THI AND DAVID for their hard work.


Thi (with Cindy in the background).

We painted a smiley face on Mr. Donohue's head without him noticing LOL! Thomas and I coloured Minh's eyebrows LOL! Thomas was blue and I was red. The red part looked better, which was my part. The blue one was dripping. Of course, we wouldn't do it unless we had the permission of the individual : Minh. So he can't blame us for anything LOL!

Minhky and Kim - he attempted to wash it off with Kim's help. xP

I waited for an hour for Anthony so I could spray his hair for donation. *sigh* Then he walked me home, then to Linh's house. He had Tae Kwon Do pratice so he couldn't stay long. Overall, the day was FUN! YAY! Long Easter weekends!

My work of art on Anthony's hair.


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