3112O8 - Cindy T.'s & Annie T.'s 17th Birthday.
It's the year that we'll be finishing high school.
It's the year that we'll be doing our HSC.
It's the year of our formal.
It's the year before we finally move on to another chapter in our lives.
It's the year when we decide what path is right for us. It may be easy, it may be hard. Either way, what we choose is what we'll have to stick with the rest of our lives.
Now, I can just stay here for 1 1/2 hours typing about what if, could, might, maybe happen, but I won't. Now it's not the time anyways. I have 3/4 of a year left to think of something to write about before it truly ends for all of us. Oops. Excuse me, let me rephrase that: before it truly begins for all of us. All in all, I welcome you 2OO9. Enjoy last couple hours of 'O8 people, because it's going to end very, very soon! Be safe. Be careful. Be youthful. And, be smart =). It's really not the time to destroy yourself when you've got a whole life in front of you. Yeah, okay, so one year passed, but don't be sorrowful because one year's gone, be happy that a new year's about to begin! The bottom line is, be HAPPY!
Wednesday, 31 December 2008
Tuesday, 30 December 2008
17 for Cindy
Boy, wasn't it fun today?! Of course, I was pretty early, compared to everyone else, since I didn't read the time I was suppose to arrive. Anyways, thank God Cindy liked my present =D I was so scared she wouldn't like it. Jessica, Eric and Lawrence arrived later on and we played around with Pie. He couldn't help humping practically everyone that didn't live in the house! It was mostly the males he humped, which was odd since he is a male. De-sexed, but still a male =)! Gradually, the guests arrived and we began eating, singing, playing buzz, talking and etc. Mimi asked me to name everyone at the party. I only managed to name majority of them, or I just repeat myself. For example:
Mimi: Who's that one?
Fiona: That one's Rebecca.
Mimi: No, I mean the one next to Rebecca.
Fiona: Err... another Stephanie?
(Mimi & Stephanie laughs)
Mimi: That's Cecilia. That's funny. 'Another Stephanie.'
And, you get the picture. The food was great! THANK YOU MR. AND MRS. TAN!!! It wasn't easy sitting on a children table, but Minh, Edim, Kenneth and I managed and surprisingly enough, I actually could stuff my legs under the table =). Afterward, We had an icecream cake and I remember what Winnie said, which I thought was interesting. I quote what Winnie said: "I never had blue icecream before." How cute is that?! Poor Cindy xD. She was trying to make a speech but we kept on singing Happy Birthday to her over and over again ROFLS! Fortunately, she managed to make her speech anyways =) HAHAHA! Oh another saying, that I distinctively remembered, was one made by Cindy: "Where's my dog? Oh!" Minh and I were laughing because we heard her say that, then realising that her dog was in her arms. LOL!
The whole house seemed to be filled with noise. Cindy's room for Singstar, the living room for Buzz, the kitchen for guitars and outside for the chit-chats. It was a really fun night. I think my cheeks were all red from laughing. I'm pretty sure everyone else felt just as happy and was having just as much fun. I know it's not your birthday yet Cindy, so I'll say it tomorrow, when I write a blog up about New Years Eve =).
PS. I especially wrote in green because I know you like green Cindy =D !
PSS. Sorry to Wendy and Celia! xO! LOL! I got the names wrong =D but thanks for letting me call you 'Winnie' Wendy =D!
Mimi: Who's that one?
Fiona: That one's Rebecca.
Mimi: No, I mean the one next to Rebecca.
Fiona: Err... another Stephanie?
(Mimi & Stephanie laughs)
Mimi: That's Cecilia. That's funny. 'Another Stephanie.'
And, you get the picture. The food was great! THANK YOU MR. AND MRS. TAN!!! It wasn't easy sitting on a children table, but Minh, Edim, Kenneth and I managed and surprisingly enough, I actually could stuff my legs under the table =). Afterward, We had an icecream cake and I remember what Winnie said, which I thought was interesting. I quote what Winnie said: "I never had blue icecream before." How cute is that?! Poor Cindy xD. She was trying to make a speech but we kept on singing Happy Birthday to her over and over again ROFLS! Fortunately, she managed to make her speech anyways =) HAHAHA! Oh another saying, that I distinctively remembered, was one made by Cindy: "Where's my dog? Oh!" Minh and I were laughing because we heard her say that, then realising that her dog was in her arms. LOL!
The whole house seemed to be filled with noise. Cindy's room for Singstar, the living room for Buzz, the kitchen for guitars and outside for the chit-chats. It was a really fun night. I think my cheeks were all red from laughing. I'm pretty sure everyone else felt just as happy and was having just as much fun. I know it's not your birthday yet Cindy, so I'll say it tomorrow, when I write a blog up about New Years Eve =).
PS. I especially wrote in green because I know you like green Cindy =D !
PSS. Sorry to Wendy and Celia! xO! LOL! I got the names wrong =D but thanks for letting me call you 'Winnie' Wendy =D!
Thursday, 25 December 2008
2512O8 - Paul's 17th Birthday.
Wednesday, 24 December 2008
photo phetish?
(that's not really how you spell fetish LOL! Just felt like having a play on words =])
Yeah, Titan and I had 'greatness thrust upon us' (quoted by Shakespeares, in Julius Caesars... I think?) We had a sudden impulse to take 'meaningful, creative' photos. And we did just that. We couldn't help it. We were pretty bored out of our heads xD. Then we started on making our 2nd film LOL! We haven't finish, of course. So, til then, HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!
Yeah, Titan and I had 'greatness thrust upon us' (quoted by Shakespeares, in Julius Caesars... I think?) We had a sudden impulse to take 'meaningful, creative' photos. And we did just that. We couldn't help it. We were pretty bored out of our heads xD. Then we started on making our 2nd film LOL! We haven't finish, of course. So, til then, HAPPY CHRISTMAS EVE!
rabies infested homosapiens?
Yep. That's pretty much what Quarantine was about. (SPOILER: Mutation of rabies transfered from a dog to a human - similar to Resident Evil). Sorry if I've wrecked for you, but I DID bold the word spoiler. Jeffrey, Karen and I watched it at Burwood, went petting christmas deers and used Jeffrey as our makeup tester =). Bloody place! I took a train all the way to Croydon because it didn't stop at Burwood. Then I took the train back, thinking it would stop at Burwood... but it DIDN'T! Stopped at Straitfield, then waited for another train to take me to Burwood =.=. Damn, was I late! Fun day. Fun, FUN day. Oh, we had nachos afterwards. Well, Karen didn't want to have any... since it reminded her of the bloody parts in the movie. Oh yeah, we had some difficulties at the cinema because I forgot my ID card and Karen was underage, so we bought tickets for Madagascar 2 and attempted to sneak into the other movie. Alas, they didn't let us in until the correct time for our movie. Hence, we pretty much missed about 30 minutes of Quarantine, or so. While training back, I saw Katty =). I was glad I had someone to talk to!
Sunday, 21 December 2008
ho ho holidays
1712O8 - Kelvin's 17th BIrthday.
1912O8 - Tu's 17th Birthday.
2O12O8 - Ray's + Lisa M.'s 17th Birthday.
2212O8 - Nathan's 17th Birthday.
3112O8 - Cindy T.'s + Annie T.'s 17th BIrthday.
Would you look at that, so many people's birthday in December! I wouldn't mind having MY birthday in December either xD. I mean, you get Christmas, New Year AND your birthday's presents all together =). Wouldn't that be awesome? Anyways, HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! Since I can't really sleep early, I usually use that time to type of my blogs xP. Anyways, just last Friday, we (as in Titan, Sarina, Jenny, Joes, William, Phillip, Kelly and I) celebrated Christmas before Kelly left for her vacation in Vietnam, which is the day before Christmas Eve.
The day started late, since half of us was tardy to the rendezvous. Rather than leaving at 10:30, we left at about 11 instead ^_^". Poor Jenny, she waited the longest out of everyone. Anyways, we saw quite a lot of people, from our school, during the whole outing. And when I mean a lot, I mean a LOT! Since most of us skipped breakfast, we decided to have lunch at the food court in Market City. This was when I realise how generous Phillip was. I mean, I knew he is nice, but I never knew he was this nice! He bought us all a bottle of water =D. How nice is that?! Titan couldn't leave the food court without getting herself a sushi roll xD she was practically singing for sushi during the train. Then again, we were all not exactly 'talking' on the train either. Singing, screaming, laughing, giggling - you name it, we've done it. Thankfully, we didn't disturb anyone ... I hope?
We took a trip down to Paddy's Market and went window shopping. Jenny managed to find the pocket watch she's been looking for but ... it was $34. Compared to the $10 watches, boy was that expensive! OMG! There were people dressed up as a christmas tree and a present, walking around the market and singing! I had a huge urge to conform xD HAHAHA! Oh yeah, Kelly and William acted 'bumped out' when we saw people singing carols at Market City. We were going to do the same thing >xP! "They were professional," according to Kelly, but that didn't stop us! (You'll know what I mean later on)
We walked to Darling Harbour, to play laser tag at MI9. The place was COOL! They had alcohol, pool tables, bowling, loud old pop/rock music. In the end, we decided to play 2 games of Laser tag. We were playing as guests. I quite enoughed myself and it was really fun. I was thinking that I hope the others thought it was worth their time and money, and guess what? They thought it was awesome! Although we lost, it was okay since it was the first time (2nd time for me and umpth time for Joes) for most of us. Our second game was at 4:15 so we rested up a bit and played some pool. HAHAHA! We tried to cheat by stuffing the holes with bottles so we can keep on playing! Alas, we got caught and are asked take the bottles out. We had a serious game then; William and Joes against Phillip, Sarina, Kelly, Jenny and I. The game was oh so close, but William and Joes won. We had some funny moments where Jenny and William were jinxing each other, Phillip giving us a taste of his skills in pool, and Kelly's strong attempts in getting the ball in. I didn't really dare to play much because ... I was hopeless at it. I can the hit the ball alright, just getting the wrong balls in was my problem ^_^'.
Our second game was one on one. You can tell how intense it was. Everyone was for themselves. A wide area to cover, with lots of hiding spots. Dark, smoking atmospheres and raving lights here and there. It was an intense 15 minute game =) and I liked it. We all liked it! Do you want to know how it went? Okay, this is the list, from first to eighth: Sarina, Titan, Joes, Phillip, Me, Jenny, William, Kelly. Sarina sure was sneaky and sly, like a fox! It's like she was a ghost or something, you barely notice until you get hit by her. Titan man, she was a mad cow, running everywhere, hitting everyone and all you can see was her flowing green dress! William man, every time I see William, he was already hit and was greeting me casually, like we were on the streets or something LOL! HAHAHA Jenny and I had a pact here and there during the game but in the end, we were both nailed down by the others xO. Joes and Phillip seemed to be a natural in the game. Hiding, and shooting, and running away. However, Titan and Sarina kicked their asses ROFLS! Kelly, she may not have the skills yet, but sure sure has the energy for it xD. What can I say? Everyone has their skills and flaws. I may have came 5th but I sure have really bad accuracy LOL!
Exhausted, we left the building and did a bit of sight seeing on the Pyrmont bridge. It got a bit cold. Luckily, I've brought my jumper with me, just in case. We did some ghostings, with Jenny videotaping us. William did most of it. Kelly and I did some too. One of them, I got too close and kept on stepping on their shoes, so they noticed straight away. Hence... ABORT SHIP! They kept on looking at me after a while x.x! Note to self: don't stand TOO close too the eer.. ghostee? We arrived to Lindt Cafe. You can imagine how Jenny would've reacted. That's all I'm saying. Seriously, the chocolate's so DELICIOUS yet so EXPENSIVE xO! WIlliam and Jenny left the store with an icecream cone =) (which bloody hell cost $5!!!).
We had some fun at the sand park, near Darling Harbour, and once again, I made a fool out of myself damn it! That bloody thingy hates me! I swear, it hates me! We had fun climbing the eer... statues? We had fun down the slide and we had fun taking pictures here and there. Oh, and we had fun wetting each other too xD! You know, the water felt kind of warm... I wonder if someone actually peed in it O_O!
We made it to station and began our 2nd main activity (laser tag was 1st): SINGING CAROLS! That's right. Like I've said, we planned to sing carols; it was Kelly's notion =). And we did. Of course, since we didn't really know ALL the lyrics to a specific carol, we had to stop and swap to another one. We did this a couple of times before we found the one which we ALL knew how to sing. I'd like to tell you which carol it was, but I can't remember. Our trip back was just as fun as our trip to the city.
Dear Kelly, I just want to say that I hope you had a fun day and take care of yourself overseas and come back safely. Enjoy your holidays, enjoy Christmas and enjoy New year over there. We all love you =).
PS. Joes and Kelly swapped their t-shirts, for the sake of Kelly's request, so Joes end up wearing a girl's yellow, flowery singlet for the whole day! ROFLMAOS! How kind of him =).
1912O8 - Tu's 17th Birthday.
2O12O8 - Ray's + Lisa M.'s 17th Birthday.
2212O8 - Nathan's 17th Birthday.
3112O8 - Cindy T.'s + Annie T.'s 17th BIrthday.
Would you look at that, so many people's birthday in December! I wouldn't mind having MY birthday in December either xD. I mean, you get Christmas, New Year AND your birthday's presents all together =). Wouldn't that be awesome? Anyways, HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE! Since I can't really sleep early, I usually use that time to type of my blogs xP. Anyways, just last Friday, we (as in Titan, Sarina, Jenny, Joes, William, Phillip, Kelly and I) celebrated Christmas before Kelly left for her vacation in Vietnam, which is the day before Christmas Eve.
The day started late, since half of us was tardy to the rendezvous. Rather than leaving at 10:30, we left at about 11 instead ^_^". Poor Jenny, she waited the longest out of everyone. Anyways, we saw quite a lot of people, from our school, during the whole outing. And when I mean a lot, I mean a LOT! Since most of us skipped breakfast, we decided to have lunch at the food court in Market City. This was when I realise how generous Phillip was. I mean, I knew he is nice, but I never knew he was this nice! He bought us all a bottle of water =D. How nice is that?! Titan couldn't leave the food court without getting herself a sushi roll xD she was practically singing for sushi during the train. Then again, we were all not exactly 'talking' on the train either. Singing, screaming, laughing, giggling - you name it, we've done it. Thankfully, we didn't disturb anyone ... I hope?
We took a trip down to Paddy's Market and went window shopping. Jenny managed to find the pocket watch she's been looking for but ... it was $34. Compared to the $10 watches, boy was that expensive! OMG! There were people dressed up as a christmas tree and a present, walking around the market and singing! I had a huge urge to conform xD HAHAHA! Oh yeah, Kelly and William acted 'bumped out' when we saw people singing carols at Market City. We were going to do the same thing >xP! "They were professional," according to Kelly, but that didn't stop us! (You'll know what I mean later on)
We walked to Darling Harbour, to play laser tag at MI9. The place was COOL! They had alcohol, pool tables, bowling, loud old pop/rock music. In the end, we decided to play 2 games of Laser tag. We were playing as guests. I quite enoughed myself and it was really fun. I was thinking that I hope the others thought it was worth their time and money, and guess what? They thought it was awesome! Although we lost, it was okay since it was the first time (2nd time for me and umpth time for Joes) for most of us. Our second game was at 4:15 so we rested up a bit and played some pool. HAHAHA! We tried to cheat by stuffing the holes with bottles so we can keep on playing! Alas, we got caught and are asked take the bottles out. We had a serious game then; William and Joes against Phillip, Sarina, Kelly, Jenny and I. The game was oh so close, but William and Joes won. We had some funny moments where Jenny and William were jinxing each other, Phillip giving us a taste of his skills in pool, and Kelly's strong attempts in getting the ball in. I didn't really dare to play much because ... I was hopeless at it. I can the hit the ball alright, just getting the wrong balls in was my problem ^_^'.
Our second game was one on one. You can tell how intense it was. Everyone was for themselves. A wide area to cover, with lots of hiding spots. Dark, smoking atmospheres and raving lights here and there. It was an intense 15 minute game =) and I liked it. We all liked it! Do you want to know how it went? Okay, this is the list, from first to eighth: Sarina, Titan, Joes, Phillip, Me, Jenny, William, Kelly. Sarina sure was sneaky and sly, like a fox! It's like she was a ghost or something, you barely notice until you get hit by her. Titan man, she was a mad cow, running everywhere, hitting everyone and all you can see was her flowing green dress! William man, every time I see William, he was already hit and was greeting me casually, like we were on the streets or something LOL! HAHAHA Jenny and I had a pact here and there during the game but in the end, we were both nailed down by the others xO. Joes and Phillip seemed to be a natural in the game. Hiding, and shooting, and running away. However, Titan and Sarina kicked their asses ROFLS! Kelly, she may not have the skills yet, but sure sure has the energy for it xD. What can I say? Everyone has their skills and flaws. I may have came 5th but I sure have really bad accuracy LOL!
Exhausted, we left the building and did a bit of sight seeing on the Pyrmont bridge. It got a bit cold. Luckily, I've brought my jumper with me, just in case. We did some ghostings, with Jenny videotaping us. William did most of it. Kelly and I did some too. One of them, I got too close and kept on stepping on their shoes, so they noticed straight away. Hence... ABORT SHIP! They kept on looking at me after a while x.x! Note to self: don't stand TOO close too the eer.. ghostee? We arrived to Lindt Cafe. You can imagine how Jenny would've reacted. That's all I'm saying. Seriously, the chocolate's so DELICIOUS yet so EXPENSIVE xO! WIlliam and Jenny left the store with an icecream cone =) (which bloody hell cost $5!!!).
We had some fun at the sand park, near Darling Harbour, and once again, I made a fool out of myself damn it! That bloody thingy hates me! I swear, it hates me! We had fun climbing the eer... statues? We had fun down the slide and we had fun taking pictures here and there. Oh, and we had fun wetting each other too xD! You know, the water felt kind of warm... I wonder if someone actually peed in it O_O!
We made it to station and began our 2nd main activity (laser tag was 1st): SINGING CAROLS! That's right. Like I've said, we planned to sing carols; it was Kelly's notion =). And we did. Of course, since we didn't really know ALL the lyrics to a specific carol, we had to stop and swap to another one. We did this a couple of times before we found the one which we ALL knew how to sing. I'd like to tell you which carol it was, but I can't remember. Our trip back was just as fun as our trip to the city.
Dear Kelly, I just want to say that I hope you had a fun day and take care of yourself overseas and come back safely. Enjoy your holidays, enjoy Christmas and enjoy New year over there. We all love you =).
PS. Joes and Kelly swapped their t-shirts, for the sake of Kelly's request, so Joes end up wearing a girl's yellow, flowery singlet for the whole day! ROFLMAOS! How kind of him =).
Tuesday, 9 December 2008
HAHAHA! Who would've thought? This is just a little note to my hubby ;) you know who you are ;) HAHAHA! Since I'm listening to Superhuman by Chris Brown ft. Keri Hilson, I'll dedicate this song to you ;) HAHAHA! So again, HAPPY1MONTH
I have been crying and crying for weeks
How'd I survive when I can barely speak
Barely eat, On my knees
But that's the moment u came to me
I don't know what your love has done to me
Think I'm invincible
I see though the me I used to be
You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human (I feel so superhuman X2)
Super human
Since I've been flying and righting the wrongs
Feels almost like I've had it all along
And I can see tomorrow
Where every problem is gone because
I flew everywhere with love inside of me
It's unbelievable to see how love can set me free
You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human (I feel so superhuman X2)
Super human
It's not a bird, not a plane
It's my heart and it's going, gone away
My only weakness is you
Only reason is you
Every minute with you
I can feel like I can do anything
Going going, I'm gone away in love
You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human
Super human
I have been crying and crying for weeks
How'd I survive when I can barely speak
Barely eat, On my knees
But that's the moment u came to me
I don't know what your love has done to me
Think I'm invincible
I see though the me I used to be
You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human (I feel so superhuman X2)
Super human
Since I've been flying and righting the wrongs
Feels almost like I've had it all along
And I can see tomorrow
Where every problem is gone because
I flew everywhere with love inside of me
It's unbelievable to see how love can set me free
You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human (I feel so superhuman X2)
Super human
It's not a bird, not a plane
It's my heart and it's going, gone away
My only weakness is you
Only reason is you
Every minute with you
I can feel like I can do anything
Going going, I'm gone away in love
You changed my whole life
Don't know what your doing to me with your love
I'm feeling all super human, you did that to me
A super human heart beats in me
Nothing can stop me here with you
Super human
Super human
Sunday, 7 December 2008
the $1MiLLiON question
Do you still believe in Santa Clause?
You got it, that's my $1MiLLiON question. I know that as we grow up, our faith in Santa will gradually falter, until we stop believing in him completely. However, I wonder, what if there's still people out there that still believes in Santa. If so, what do they have to support and encourage their faith in Santa. It would be nice, wouldn't it? I mean, to have something you believe in to inspire you and encourage you to be a good boy or girl so your hopes of getting that limited type of barbie doll or that awesome looking remote controlled car, on Christmas Day, will increase. It's not the same for teenagers plus. Children sure has it easy.
Santa Claus is like a religion, same with the tooth-fairy, the leprechaun, Easter bunny, Bigfoot, Lockness Monster, etc. The list is endless. It's strange how parents, or any adults, would encourage children to believe in highly impossible characters when they themselves don't believe in it. Makes them look like hypocrites, doesn't it? I don't know about that. I mean, there may be a Santa Claus out there. I mean, sometimes, believing is seeing right? Anyways, some people considered ghosts to be faux, however certain evidences and testimonies do prove that they can coexist with the human race. If so, then what's stopping them to say that Santa doesn't exist? Okay, so the 'said' conditions that he has elves, lives in the north poles, and travels around the world in approximately 12 hours to deliver presents to good, well behaved children is impossible, but I guess its up to the person to believe or not. Of course, a normal person, with some logic, would consider the possibilities shown before them and understand that fairy tales and myths will just stay as fairy tales and myths. This is the differences of a child's mind compared to an adult's mind. Is that why adults usually can't understand children? Is it because they predict them too much? Hms... like, because they are a child, they would be immature, that they'll believe anything an adult says, that they will think of the impossibles during their time spent in their own little worlds? *sigh*
I honestly believe that before babies could talk, they had their own special baby language, you know, like Baby Genuises, the movie. I'm not sure about the part where they have the knowledge of the universe, but I do think they have their own way of communication. xD I wonder if it's silly of me to think like that? Anyways, Christmas is coming. I love Christmas time. It's supposedly the most joyous occassion of them all because the whole family gets togther and celebrate and cherish the fact that they are still together. So, enjoy the season people! It only comes once a year.
PS. Do YOU believe in Santa Clause?
You got it, that's my $1MiLLiON question. I know that as we grow up, our faith in Santa will gradually falter, until we stop believing in him completely. However, I wonder, what if there's still people out there that still believes in Santa. If so, what do they have to support and encourage their faith in Santa. It would be nice, wouldn't it? I mean, to have something you believe in to inspire you and encourage you to be a good boy or girl so your hopes of getting that limited type of barbie doll or that awesome looking remote controlled car, on Christmas Day, will increase. It's not the same for teenagers plus. Children sure has it easy.
Santa Claus is like a religion, same with the tooth-fairy, the leprechaun, Easter bunny, Bigfoot, Lockness Monster, etc. The list is endless. It's strange how parents, or any adults, would encourage children to believe in highly impossible characters when they themselves don't believe in it. Makes them look like hypocrites, doesn't it? I don't know about that. I mean, there may be a Santa Claus out there. I mean, sometimes, believing is seeing right? Anyways, some people considered ghosts to be faux, however certain evidences and testimonies do prove that they can coexist with the human race. If so, then what's stopping them to say that Santa doesn't exist? Okay, so the 'said' conditions that he has elves, lives in the north poles, and travels around the world in approximately 12 hours to deliver presents to good, well behaved children is impossible, but I guess its up to the person to believe or not. Of course, a normal person, with some logic, would consider the possibilities shown before them and understand that fairy tales and myths will just stay as fairy tales and myths. This is the differences of a child's mind compared to an adult's mind. Is that why adults usually can't understand children? Is it because they predict them too much? Hms... like, because they are a child, they would be immature, that they'll believe anything an adult says, that they will think of the impossibles during their time spent in their own little worlds? *sigh*
I honestly believe that before babies could talk, they had their own special baby language, you know, like Baby Genuises, the movie. I'm not sure about the part where they have the knowledge of the universe, but I do think they have their own way of communication. xD I wonder if it's silly of me to think like that? Anyways, Christmas is coming. I love Christmas time. It's supposedly the most joyous occassion of them all because the whole family gets togther and celebrate and cherish the fact that they are still together. So, enjoy the season people! It only comes once a year.
PS. Do YOU believe in Santa Clause?
Sunday, 30 November 2008
just yesterday
2911O8 - Vincent's 18th Birthday.
It seems like it was just yesterday that I started typing in this blog. It feels like it was just yesterday, that I've been encouraged to make up my own blog. It was eight days before yesterday, a year ago, that I've made up my mind to pour my thoughts and emotions onto this two-dimensional screen, just for the world to acknowledge what I was feeling at that time. Maybe I'm feeling all sentimental and emotional because of the song I'm listening to right now: Love Me - Yiruma. Yiruma sure is an excellent pianist! I remember me typing a blog about how intrigued I was about his music.
Anyways, today is the last day of November, and nine days ago it was the day that I've started making this blog. I just felt like exclaiming this to the world LOL! Afterall, I didn't really expect msyelf to last this long with a blog. Okay, maybe not that surprising, but still!
Anyways, today sure had nice weather =). It was sunny, but not too hot. I thought of walking my dog today but then I had some chores to do, so I'll just walk him next time =). Anyways, I wonder how everyone is doing.
What else can I talk about? Oh yeah! Assessments are coming up! NO! It's week 8 next week *sigh* the year's about to end. It's quite sad actually. It just means we're getting closer to our own HSC T_T. I don't feel like year 12 still. I feel the pressure, but I don't really feel like a year 12. You know... the year 11 actually look older than us O_o'. We look like the younger grade xD! I'm not the only one that thought so too! That's okay, ngeh.
I think that's about it from me =). Everyone, enjoy the rest of your term!
It seems like it was just yesterday that I started typing in this blog. It feels like it was just yesterday, that I've been encouraged to make up my own blog. It was eight days before yesterday, a year ago, that I've made up my mind to pour my thoughts and emotions onto this two-dimensional screen, just for the world to acknowledge what I was feeling at that time. Maybe I'm feeling all sentimental and emotional because of the song I'm listening to right now: Love Me - Yiruma. Yiruma sure is an excellent pianist! I remember me typing a blog about how intrigued I was about his music.
Anyways, today is the last day of November, and nine days ago it was the day that I've started making this blog. I just felt like exclaiming this to the world LOL! Afterall, I didn't really expect msyelf to last this long with a blog. Okay, maybe not that surprising, but still!
Anyways, today sure had nice weather =). It was sunny, but not too hot. I thought of walking my dog today but then I had some chores to do, so I'll just walk him next time =). Anyways, I wonder how everyone is doing.
What else can I talk about? Oh yeah! Assessments are coming up! NO! It's week 8 next week *sigh* the year's about to end. It's quite sad actually. It just means we're getting closer to our own HSC T_T. I don't feel like year 12 still. I feel the pressure, but I don't really feel like a year 12. You know... the year 11 actually look older than us O_o'. We look like the younger grade xD! I'm not the only one that thought so too! That's okay, ngeh.
I think that's about it from me =). Everyone, enjoy the rest of your term!
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
just delightful
2411O8 - Jacky's 17th Birthday.
Voyage by Ayumi Hamasaki quite suit the situation of our grade lately. Only because some people have traveled to Vietnam, and is coming back after this week, and the Society&Culture people have left for camp, bringing Mr. Donohue along with them =). I guess we have 3 days to relax from Mr. Donohue?
Hms... what else can I say? Oh yeah, we celebrated Jacky's birthday on Monday, in English, thanks to Thomas, Cindy, and Stephanie, and all those other people that helped as well. The cake was so nice! It was a black-forest cake =).
Oh yeah, the jacket won over the jerseys. I don't mind a jacket but I'd prefer it with a hoodie. Since it's going to be only navy blue and white, and not much designs, I thought the cotton jersey wasn't so bad after all. I wonder how much it will be, I hope it's not going to be over $75 xD.
We sure have came a long way, from year 7 until now when we're all in year 12. It's so sad how it's going to end soon, sooner than you think xO!
PS. ZOMG! Assessments coming up! NO!!!
Voyage by Ayumi Hamasaki quite suit the situation of our grade lately. Only because some people have traveled to Vietnam, and is coming back after this week, and the Society&Culture people have left for camp, bringing Mr. Donohue along with them =). I guess we have 3 days to relax from Mr. Donohue?
Hms... what else can I say? Oh yeah, we celebrated Jacky's birthday on Monday, in English, thanks to Thomas, Cindy, and Stephanie, and all those other people that helped as well. The cake was so nice! It was a black-forest cake =).
Oh yeah, the jacket won over the jerseys. I don't mind a jacket but I'd prefer it with a hoodie. Since it's going to be only navy blue and white, and not much designs, I thought the cotton jersey wasn't so bad after all. I wonder how much it will be, I hope it's not going to be over $75 xD.
We sure have came a long way, from year 7 until now when we're all in year 12. It's so sad how it's going to end soon, sooner than you think xO!
PS. ZOMG! Assessments coming up! NO!!!
Saturday, 15 November 2008
gettin' down 'n' dirty
Hms... what can I say about today? Well, I was late, again, but I guess not the lastest =). We saw Chrissy with a friend, then Eileen and her boyfriend =). They were going to Fairfield, and so were we, except ... we were on the opposite. We didn't realise until I saw the train on the other side THEN I realised that the side we were on was going to Liverpool =.= Stupid Titan LOL! Sarina, Titan and I went shopping at Fairfield for Sarina's birthday present =). Anyways, it got pretty tiring walking here and then... but in the end... we did it! ROFLS! We helped Sarina get in touch with her feminine side =D, and boy does she look SMASHING! Anyways, I also found a summer red and white stripped dress and I really wanted to buy it! Alas, I had no money, so I asked my mum to take me to Fairfield's Big W to buy it tomorrow =) WOOT WOOT! I hope I can still buy it!
Anyways, We can back to Cabramatta and went to Titan's house to have a rest and eat some lunch. We then met up with George, Jason and Kelly at the park next to PCYC and we played some games. I sure recevied a lot of injuries xO! I think the game got quite competitive, ngeh. We all got pretty dirty from diving and falling and rolling on the ground O_o'. Anyways, we shopped with Kelly for a bit, before Titan and I left to the park. We sure had a lot of fun playing like little kids, but then we had to go home. Later on, we played cricket with Tri and his friend and they found a dead bird O_o R.I.P. I had dinner at Titan's house, and then I went home =). That's about it, I guess!
PS. THANKS SARINA for your hard-drive xD! I'll return it to you asap! And I also really like your pirate looking bag xD!
Anyways, We can back to Cabramatta and went to Titan's house to have a rest and eat some lunch. We then met up with George, Jason and Kelly at the park next to PCYC and we played some games. I sure recevied a lot of injuries xO! I think the game got quite competitive, ngeh. We all got pretty dirty from diving and falling and rolling on the ground O_o'. Anyways, we shopped with Kelly for a bit, before Titan and I left to the park. We sure had a lot of fun playing like little kids, but then we had to go home. Later on, we played cricket with Tri and his friend and they found a dead bird O_o R.I.P. I had dinner at Titan's house, and then I went home =). That's about it, I guess!
PS. THANKS SARINA for your hard-drive xD! I'll return it to you asap! And I also really like your pirate looking bag xD!
Sunday, 9 November 2008
couples alert
When you think of spring time, what usually comes into mind? For me, it's romance, mating season, the time for love. How can I not? It's pratically slapping my face and forcing me to stare back at it! Of course, it's not a bad thing :). I do believe that the amount of couples have doubled since last year. I mean seriously, every corner I turn, there's a couple. I'm not the only one thinking that either. So, what's the point of this blog? No, it's not about me raving on and on about me being a loner while couples just walk around me, taunting me. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I support people and their feelings. WOOT WOOT! TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL! IT"S SPRING! THEY'RE TOO BUSY FEELING LOVEY DOVERY TO REJECT YOU =). Okay, that looks like sarcasm, but I'm seriously! Okay, maybe not the lovey dovey part, but in general LOL! You know why I'm blogging about it? Because it's November, it's the last month of Spring before Summer hits us, and I'm pretty sure that people would be feeling too hot and sweat to do anything romantic LOL! We're in Australia after all.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
leap of faith =)
Sometimes, just have some faith.
Try something that you usually don't do. Do the opposite, once in a while. maybe turn the tables around on someone, or just let loose. There's no harm in doing that you know. And sometimes, you'd be more surprise. Call it a fluke, or just luck, but there are such things as miracles. I guess, just have some more faith in others, in yourself. Doing the opposite of what you usually do in a situation can really shock you. In the end, it comes down to whether you have faith or not.
Trust and faith goes together. IF you trust someone, but you don't have faith in them, it just means you don't trust them. If you did, you'd believe them, you'd have faith in them because you trust them. Visa verse. You can't have trust is you don't have faith. Sometimes, people don't realise that faith can give positive pressure and expectations to others. Either you're the one having faith, or the one owning up to it, the feelings are unbelievably fantastic. I mean, if you want people to have faith in you, you need to prove that you can live up to the faith they have in you. This is like giving and receiving. They say, giving is better than receiving, then living up to faith's expectations is better than having faith. You feel great when you know they did the right thing when they placed their faith in you.
Of course, I'm not trying to make it sound like you HAVE to live up to faith's expectations, but I guess its up to you and your morals. You know why faith is a positive thing? It's because, unlike other expectations where you need to do something in order to reach it, sometimes all you need to do are just simply things. The simplest things in life can suffice. Eventually, all those small things will just add up in the end. After all, action speaks louder than words. Most of the time anyways. I'd say take a leap of faith. You just don't know how far it can take you in life =).
PS. This is my 100th blog of this year! WOOT WOOT!
Try something that you usually don't do. Do the opposite, once in a while. maybe turn the tables around on someone, or just let loose. There's no harm in doing that you know. And sometimes, you'd be more surprise. Call it a fluke, or just luck, but there are such things as miracles. I guess, just have some more faith in others, in yourself. Doing the opposite of what you usually do in a situation can really shock you. In the end, it comes down to whether you have faith or not.
Trust and faith goes together. IF you trust someone, but you don't have faith in them, it just means you don't trust them. If you did, you'd believe them, you'd have faith in them because you trust them. Visa verse. You can't have trust is you don't have faith. Sometimes, people don't realise that faith can give positive pressure and expectations to others. Either you're the one having faith, or the one owning up to it, the feelings are unbelievably fantastic. I mean, if you want people to have faith in you, you need to prove that you can live up to the faith they have in you. This is like giving and receiving. They say, giving is better than receiving, then living up to faith's expectations is better than having faith. You feel great when you know they did the right thing when they placed their faith in you.
Of course, I'm not trying to make it sound like you HAVE to live up to faith's expectations, but I guess its up to you and your morals. You know why faith is a positive thing? It's because, unlike other expectations where you need to do something in order to reach it, sometimes all you need to do are just simply things. The simplest things in life can suffice. Eventually, all those small things will just add up in the end. After all, action speaks louder than words. Most of the time anyways. I'd say take a leap of faith. You just don't know how far it can take you in life =).
PS. This is my 100th blog of this year! WOOT WOOT!
Thursday, 6 November 2008
con-obama-lations US
Barack Obama, America's 44th President, as well as being the first African-American President, has won the election over John McCoin with a smashing 349 to 162 from the electoral college. Congratulations President Barack Obama. Now that ex-president George W. Bush's out of the picture, you may be able to bring real hope and possibilities to the Americans; a role model especially for the different nationalities. You, P. Obama, is the icon of change, of a new era (in the opinions of the ch10 news). For you to become president, it brings faith and hope to people, to show them that it's not impossible, that if you try hard enough, and if Lady of Luck and Lady of Fortune belieces you've got what it takes, then it's possible. If it was about two hundred years ago, the approximate age of Australia, it would've been practically impossible, and maybe a sin to have any notions in that topic. But now, it's a different story. We all know change is happening but you seemed to BE the solidified definition of change, of hope, of possibilities. No, I'm not exaggerating because I believe that's what the Americans feel when you've won that election today. It was only 13 minutes later have Senator John McCoin made a speech about his selfless thoughts. John McCoin sure fought hard through the years, but I guess he got out-voted. Anyways, there's always information about Obama on wikipedia. Once again, I congratulate you.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
purple hyacinth

I am sincerely sorry to my business group. I'd like to explain for my absence when you needed me most. My mother was preoccupying to finish off her homework, and hasn't finished til 9 something o'clock. I was also eating dinner, since I was taking a nap earlier. Peter couldn't get to me due to bad reception, hence I had no idea that you guys wanted me to go on before 9 o'clock. If I knew, I would have asked my mum to finish the work after I've finished with mine. I am especially sorry to Mitchell for letting him down like this. Now I feel bad because I feel like I've done nothing for th is group. I hope I can redeem myself later on today by aiding one of yous with something, or help print things off. I hope you would accept my apology. Virtually, I'd like to send each of you a purple hyacinth, representing my sincere apologies. A purple hyacinth defines apology and query of forgiveness. Once again, I'm sorry.
PS. Sorry Katty, I just wrote a personal blog again. This time I've written it to apologise, so forgive me xO!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
helpful house husbands
I'd like to blog about our cooking practical in Senior Science today. Each group was assigned to do different parts of a meal. Jackie, Patrick, Kelly and I were to do the mayonnaise and the chicken nuggets. It took us a while to get started, but then again, we didn't have much to do. Anyways, I accidentally told Kelly to add egg white, instead of egg yolk, making our mayonnaise quite runny LOL! Patrick and Jackie and I were scabbing some food off the group that was making salad LOL! The cranberries was a refreshing snack =).
Everyone else were all so good. Majority of us agreed that the pavlova that Mousawi, Dennis, Kevin and Jeremy made was better than the one bought. I guess they found it more fulfilling that just plain egg white. The salad and lasagna was delicious as well and everyone was digging in. Well, Mousawi took a while to start eating since he was writing up the practical and all. Lucky him, at least he didn't have any homework.
Before we ate, the girls did the washing up, so we decided that the boys should do the washing up afterward. Hence, Dennis, Timothy and Patrick were cleaning up the mess. HAHAHA! We all thought they'd made very good house husbands. I remember entering the kitchen, a couple of people were in there already, and Dennis was like "get out of my kitchen!" LOL! Dennis was funny =D!
Anyways, overall, I think the meal was a success. At least no one got food poisoning! LOL! OH YEAH! There wasd a class of juniors in the common room with us and they were doing their while, watching us cook and eat out food! We were all making comments and stuff like that to make them jealous, especially Patrick! That may not have been school captain behavior, but it sure was funny!
Mei actually ran all the way down to a junior to give them back their badge, then she had to walk all the way back again to get her bag, and then back to the station again. LOL! Poor Mei, but good for you school captain LOL! Oh yeah, I ended up carrying a bag of bowls which made a lot of noise while I was walking O_o. The bag was a supre bag as well! A PINK supre bag =.=! Ngeh, I'm home now.
PS. Today sure was windy!
Everyone else were all so good. Majority of us agreed that the pavlova that Mousawi, Dennis, Kevin and Jeremy made was better than the one bought. I guess they found it more fulfilling that just plain egg white. The salad and lasagna was delicious as well and everyone was digging in. Well, Mousawi took a while to start eating since he was writing up the practical and all. Lucky him, at least he didn't have any homework.
Before we ate, the girls did the washing up, so we decided that the boys should do the washing up afterward. Hence, Dennis, Timothy and Patrick were cleaning up the mess. HAHAHA! We all thought they'd made very good house husbands. I remember entering the kitchen, a couple of people were in there already, and Dennis was like "get out of my kitchen!" LOL! Dennis was funny =D!
Anyways, overall, I think the meal was a success. At least no one got food poisoning! LOL! OH YEAH! There wasd a class of juniors in the common room with us and they were doing their while, watching us cook and eat out food! We were all making comments and stuff like that to make them jealous, especially Patrick! That may not have been school captain behavior, but it sure was funny!
Mei actually ran all the way down to a junior to give them back their badge, then she had to walk all the way back again to get her bag, and then back to the station again. LOL! Poor Mei, but good for you school captain LOL! Oh yeah, I ended up carrying a bag of bowls which made a lot of noise while I was walking O_o. The bag was a supre bag as well! A PINK supre bag =.=! Ngeh, I'm home now.
PS. Today sure was windy!
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Happy Halloween
I'd love to celebrate Halloween by dressing up, bobbing for apples and having donut races but it didn't turn out that way. Instead, I went to Linh's house and we watched 'Shutter Unrated.' It wasn't too scary but it was quite sad, although Julie already told me what the story was about anyways LOL! The rest of the night, I watched Di-Gi Charat, which I borrowed with Vivian's video card.
Today, Sarina, Jason, George and I went to woolies and bought some sweets and just hanged around at the park, eating and talking. I guess it was our way of celebrating Halloween. We played a bit of soccer and basketball before we all separated. It was a pretty tiring and fun day. What a shame that not everyone I've invited to play came. Oh wells, that's okay. There's always next year =D ... or the year after!
Today, Sarina, Jason, George and I went to woolies and bought some sweets and just hanged around at the park, eating and talking. I guess it was our way of celebrating Halloween. We played a bit of soccer and basketball before we all separated. It was a pretty tiring and fun day. What a shame that not everyone I've invited to play came. Oh wells, that's okay. There's always next year =D ... or the year after!
special occasion,
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
25O9O8 - Yuyu's 17th Birthday.
221OO8 - Lisa G.'s 17th Birthday.
Boy, I haven't blog in ages. So, the words climate change and global warming have been running through my head ever since I've started high school again, for year 12. Sciences and Geologists and weathermen have been talking about these issues to the government, demanding for them to ask the society to give a helping hand in reducing, or slow down, global warming. They say it will hit us, like a tsunami, in a couple of years. Guess what? Those couples of years have passed and it's occurring now. The signs are revealing itself, the climates changing. For example, in Australia, Brisbane and Melbourne were suffering from tornadoes, and that rarely happens. Since it rarely occurs in Australia, it is seen as one of the peaceful countries, compared to other disastrous and tragic countries, which suffers from natural disasters as much as how bushfire occurs in Australia. Even if disasters DO occur, it usually occur in places where people don't usually dwell in, like in the dessert, or in the bushes, so our disastrous situations aren't commonly notified. Australia has one of the most dangerous sand storms but reports about it aren't usually flashed across the news because the damage it causes isn't that major.
Climate's totally out of whack! I mean, come on, since October began, it's been hot, then cold, then very hot, then cool, then freezing cold, then warm again. It's Spring. Does that say much? That's for you to decide, but I hope you won't get pneumonia or some sort of illness due to the temperamental change of climate. Our bodies may be strong, but I don't know how long our bodies can keep up with the gradual change of weather. I mean, today, a tree branch 'cracked' off, and that's a pretty BIG tree branch. There was no thunder, no lightning, just the strong gust of wind catalysing the breakdown of that tree branch. I quote that Mrs. Rogers quote "I have never seen Mr. Ward run so fast in my life..." and I believe it's safe to say, I totally agree with you. Now, I wasn't sure if he was afraid for his students, or his classroom. I Think it's his students, since the branch will have to break the top floor classroom before falling into his room. Then again, the branch was quite unstable on the roof, and you'll never know if another strong wind would push it more down, or just 'crack' another branch off.
Yeah, that's about what I want to talk about. The process has begun, but it's not too late to save the planet for ecological sustainability! It's never too late. Remember that =).
PSS. Halloween's coming up! *sigh*
PSSS. Have you ever thought how a person can say so much, or be so enigmatic, with just one word or sounds?
PSSSS. Thanks to Vicky's mum for dropping me off, even though I just met her for the very first time. She's such a nice lady xD!
221OO8 - Lisa G.'s 17th Birthday.
Boy, I haven't blog in ages. So, the words climate change and global warming have been running through my head ever since I've started high school again, for year 12. Sciences and Geologists and weathermen have been talking about these issues to the government, demanding for them to ask the society to give a helping hand in reducing, or slow down, global warming. They say it will hit us, like a tsunami, in a couple of years. Guess what? Those couples of years have passed and it's occurring now. The signs are revealing itself, the climates changing. For example, in Australia, Brisbane and Melbourne were suffering from tornadoes, and that rarely happens. Since it rarely occurs in Australia, it is seen as one of the peaceful countries, compared to other disastrous and tragic countries, which suffers from natural disasters as much as how bushfire occurs in Australia. Even if disasters DO occur, it usually occur in places where people don't usually dwell in, like in the dessert, or in the bushes, so our disastrous situations aren't commonly notified. Australia has one of the most dangerous sand storms but reports about it aren't usually flashed across the news because the damage it causes isn't that major.
Climate's totally out of whack! I mean, come on, since October began, it's been hot, then cold, then very hot, then cool, then freezing cold, then warm again. It's Spring. Does that say much? That's for you to decide, but I hope you won't get pneumonia or some sort of illness due to the temperamental change of climate. Our bodies may be strong, but I don't know how long our bodies can keep up with the gradual change of weather. I mean, today, a tree branch 'cracked' off, and that's a pretty BIG tree branch. There was no thunder, no lightning, just the strong gust of wind catalysing the breakdown of that tree branch. I quote that Mrs. Rogers quote "I have never seen Mr. Ward run so fast in my life..." and I believe it's safe to say, I totally agree with you. Now, I wasn't sure if he was afraid for his students, or his classroom. I Think it's his students, since the branch will have to break the top floor classroom before falling into his room. Then again, the branch was quite unstable on the roof, and you'll never know if another strong wind would push it more down, or just 'crack' another branch off.
Yeah, that's about what I want to talk about. The process has begun, but it's not too late to save the planet for ecological sustainability! It's never too late. Remember that =).
PSS. Halloween's coming up! *sigh*
PSSS. Have you ever thought how a person can say so much, or be so enigmatic, with just one word or sounds?
PSSSS. Thanks to Vicky's mum for dropping me off, even though I just met her for the very first time. She's such a nice lady xD!
Sunday, 12 October 2008
drop it like it's hot
You know, I thought today was going to be another boring day at home, maybe doing chores for $5 or something. Of course, I never really thought of getting paid to do house chores O_o. I mean, the idea of getting more cash each week is tempting, but come on, chores are like one of the responsibilities of the children. Okay, so I've never really done chores before, but I don't mind helping out at other people's houses, so I might as well get use to doing chores at my own house. Maybe because it's someone else house that I don't wanna be the reason for any mess made, I'd help clean out. However, at home, I'd laze around like no tomorrow!
Anyways, Kelly gave me a call and asked me to go out to celebrate the last day of year 11 and end of holidays with them. I agreed, of course. In the end, it was just Jason, George, Kelly, Sarina and I playing around sports. Kelly had to leave for her driving lessons, so the rest of us just stayed and played card games.
Surprisingly enough, Peter D2. and his friends went there later. I pretended I couldn't see Peter just to mess with him lols! We left at about 2 something in the afternoon to help Jason buy some drinks and we played mind games during the whole trip.
Boy was Jason's mother young! I almost thought it was his sister or something. Like seriously. ask Kelly or something. So young! Anyways, at Jason's house we just learnt need card games to play LOL! That's about it. That's how I spent the last day of the holidays, the last day of year 11, the last day of freedom. *sigh*
Anyways, I have school tomorrow, so I'm outs. CIAO!
PS. If you're wondering how the title relates to the blog, I was referring to the sports we were playing, because dang, today was hot alright, and the solid, heat-absorbing balls didn't help much LOL! Well, they weren't really heat-absorbing balls... but you know what I mean LOL!
Anyways, Kelly gave me a call and asked me to go out to celebrate the last day of year 11 and end of holidays with them. I agreed, of course. In the end, it was just Jason, George, Kelly, Sarina and I playing around sports. Kelly had to leave for her driving lessons, so the rest of us just stayed and played card games.
Surprisingly enough, Peter D2. and his friends went there later. I pretended I couldn't see Peter just to mess with him lols! We left at about 2 something in the afternoon to help Jason buy some drinks and we played mind games during the whole trip.
Boy was Jason's mother young! I almost thought it was his sister or something. Like seriously. ask Kelly or something. So young! Anyways, at Jason's house we just learnt need card games to play LOL! That's about it. That's how I spent the last day of the holidays, the last day of year 11, the last day of freedom. *sigh*
Anyways, I have school tomorrow, so I'm outs. CIAO!
PS. If you're wondering how the title relates to the blog, I was referring to the sports we were playing, because dang, today was hot alright, and the solid, heat-absorbing balls didn't help much LOL! Well, they weren't really heat-absorbing balls... but you know what I mean LOL!
Saturday, 11 October 2008
young love, old love
In commerce and business studies, we aim to sell our products with the word honesty labelled with the price tag, hypothetically. We see our consumers as people that requires different and various sorts of goods and services, and business people aim to achieve that goal, whether for their own profits or just the need to contently satisfy a customer.
No, in this blog I am not talking about promoting products or the depths of one's physical and/or tangible necessities in life. You guessed it, I'm talking about love. Yeah, that does sound pretty corny doesn't it? And no, I'm not some kind of mushy, lovey-dovey person to the extreme, however I like to wonder. Enough about me.
Anyways, treat love as a necessity in commerce terms. As you learn in commerce, they teach us that difference age need or want different products or services. For example, a baby, although not a proper customer yet is still a consumer, needs nappies. This is where the parents, or guardians, come in as customers who gets it for the baby. However, older people, like adults don't require nappies. The closest type of product that is similar to a nappy is tampons or pads (please refrain from laughing O_o it's an everyday thing LOL). Anyways, although both products do similar jobs, they are quite different in various ways. I don't think you need me to go into detail, now do you?
All this time, I thought love was aprroximately the same for almost every age, until today, when I finally have a better understanding about old couples. Yeah, we all suffer about the same, gain about the same, experience about the same. The differences? I guess its age that makes the biggest difference of all. I think older people, not only are more serious about relationships, but thinks more simplier about them. It's either you date or you're forever. They don't really want to go through as much 'issues' as younger people. It's just one way or the other. I guess, like their age, their heart is just as fragile. Not that i'm saying love isn't a fragile thing to begin with, however, it's an inevitable fact that younger people (not being specific here, either you're young or you're old, pick one xD) tend to find it harder to cope with situations revovling around this issue. Oh wells, then again, I've only lived for 17 years of my life =D so I still have a lot to learn about.
The aim of this blog is to tell you that ...
No, seriously you do xD. Sometimes, you just dont know that you're learning LOL!
No, in this blog I am not talking about promoting products or the depths of one's physical and/or tangible necessities in life. You guessed it, I'm talking about love. Yeah, that does sound pretty corny doesn't it? And no, I'm not some kind of mushy, lovey-dovey person to the extreme, however I like to wonder. Enough about me.
Anyways, treat love as a necessity in commerce terms. As you learn in commerce, they teach us that difference age need or want different products or services. For example, a baby, although not a proper customer yet is still a consumer, needs nappies. This is where the parents, or guardians, come in as customers who gets it for the baby. However, older people, like adults don't require nappies. The closest type of product that is similar to a nappy is tampons or pads (please refrain from laughing O_o it's an everyday thing LOL). Anyways, although both products do similar jobs, they are quite different in various ways. I don't think you need me to go into detail, now do you?
All this time, I thought love was aprroximately the same for almost every age, until today, when I finally have a better understanding about old couples. Yeah, we all suffer about the same, gain about the same, experience about the same. The differences? I guess its age that makes the biggest difference of all. I think older people, not only are more serious about relationships, but thinks more simplier about them. It's either you date or you're forever. They don't really want to go through as much 'issues' as younger people. It's just one way or the other. I guess, like their age, their heart is just as fragile. Not that i'm saying love isn't a fragile thing to begin with, however, it's an inevitable fact that younger people (not being specific here, either you're young or you're old, pick one xD) tend to find it harder to cope with situations revovling around this issue. Oh wells, then again, I've only lived for 17 years of my life =D so I still have a lot to learn about.
The aim of this blog is to tell you that ...
No, seriously you do xD. Sometimes, you just dont know that you're learning LOL!
Wednesday, 8 October 2008
like mother, like daughter
Okay, so I did some 'watching out' today on a friend. We'll just call her Miss C. for now just in case and for confidentiality. It's not exactly spying anyways since Miss C. already knows that I was watching out for her. In the process, I saw a friend, Miki. She was eating with a friend. LOL, I was tapping at the window to get her attention, but it was her friend's attention that I caught and thanks to her, Miki then noticed me. Anyways, Today wasn't bad, just a bit tiring and I couldn't stay out too long either because I had to go to the doctors. I never realised how similar that my mother and I behave. For example, I took off my hat to fix my hair, and when I turned to the side, my mum was actually doing the same thing too. I guess people never realised how similar to they are to their parents until they actually took the time to observe one another. It really is like mother, like daugther.
Monday, 6 October 2008
Nothing much happened on the weekends except I met up with Jeffrey, Jason and George, on Sunday, and we played tennis. It was he first time I've ever played tennis and George and Jason couldn't stop teasing me about being a pro on wii but a sucker in real life. Of course they didn't say those exact words, but overall the jokes on me. I wasn't the only one lacking the skills. The boys weren't playing as seriously either. They were good, but that didn't mean they were giving it their all. I guess it's cause they had to put up with a noob like me *sighs*. Anyways, Kelly and Titan couldn't make it because both were sick. We played for a coupe of hours, however I think we talked more than we played. We went our separate ways after the game, so Jeffrey and I went to the station to wait for Vicky. I wanted to see her too because I haven't seen her in ages, and boy was Jeffrey hungry O_o'. Oh wells, I was starving too because I didn't have breakfast. Stupid boys, always hate waiting don't they =.=. I guess it's partially my fault too for making them wait for so long. I slept at 6 in the morning on the same day of the outing LOL! *shhh* I know, I know I should be sleeping earlier, but the holidays just killed my routine. Anyways, that's about it from me.
PS. The weather sure is having mood swings!
PS. The weather sure is having mood swings!
Wednesday, 1 October 2008
battle of the sexes
Yes, we went to Chipping Norton for a picnic. When I mean we, I mean Kelly, Tammy, Kristy, Titan, Sarina, Khanh, Michael, Jason, Ronny, Vinh, Alfred, Adam, George and I. First we walked from Khanh's house to the station, and took the train to Warwick Farm. Then we took about a 30 minute walk to the park near the lake and began setting things up. Majority of us were barbequeing, while others were setting things up. Adam and I went taking some pictures before we headed back to the group.
Some of use went to the park to play around, and then Kelly and Sarina arrived to the park. We ate chicken wings, patties, and sausages. Then George was being sexist and etc, teasing us girls so we had to show them what we got. We won a game each, so I guess it was even, but it did manage to shut George's mouth, only for a little while LOL!
We played signal later, until the other half of the group attacked us with water balloons. Later on, they aimed only for Jason LOL so he was drenched when he came back to continue the game. Sarina and George won, so the rest did push ups *coughairpushupskellyandjasoncough* OH YEAH! We found out that Jason was Kelly's second cousin, or visa versa. How cool is that?
After the game, we went to the lake, where the others were. Most of us went into the lake, while others just doodled on the edge. Michael had some trouble jumping into the lake. I was looking after most of the people's clothes. Half of them didn't even have extra clothes to change into. In the end, I was attempted into the lake. Well, more like people began calling me a chicken, and i kind of slipped into the lake. I got deep cuts after that. *Sigh* the childish thing I did next was getting Titan into the lake. Kelly and Sarina helped and we attempted to take her jumper off first. Adam helped as well and we all fell into the lake. Unfortunately, the consequence of this action was the lost of Titan's phone. I felt so bad for it. We tried to look for it, but we couldn't find it. We even asked strangers if they've seen it, but they haven't. I got injured even more after that and adam had to... carry me. It was a bit awkward but I was thankful, so THANK YOU ADAM. He even got bindies all over his feet.
Titan, Khanh and Kristy had to go to tutor so Titan's mother drove them while the rest of us walked back. I told Titan's mum that I lost her phone because I felt really bad if Titan got in trouble for it. I hope she's okay. I'M SORRY TITAN! Anyways, George, Jason and Kelly were so nice to walk me home. I hope Sarina's okay though since she was walking by herself. I was suffering pain all over my body. Somehow, I seem more tired in this holidays than at school O_o. At school, I jsut feel sleepy but not exactly tired. That's practically my day.
PS. It's the first day of October! WOOT WOOT!
PSS. Ryan is so CUTE! xD
Some of use went to the park to play around, and then Kelly and Sarina arrived to the park. We ate chicken wings, patties, and sausages. Then George was being sexist and etc, teasing us girls so we had to show them what we got. We won a game each, so I guess it was even, but it did manage to shut George's mouth, only for a little while LOL!
We played signal later, until the other half of the group attacked us with water balloons. Later on, they aimed only for Jason LOL so he was drenched when he came back to continue the game. Sarina and George won, so the rest did push ups *coughairpushupskellyandjasoncough* OH YEAH! We found out that Jason was Kelly's second cousin, or visa versa. How cool is that?
After the game, we went to the lake, where the others were. Most of us went into the lake, while others just doodled on the edge. Michael had some trouble jumping into the lake. I was looking after most of the people's clothes. Half of them didn't even have extra clothes to change into. In the end, I was attempted into the lake. Well, more like people began calling me a chicken, and i kind of slipped into the lake. I got deep cuts after that. *Sigh* the childish thing I did next was getting Titan into the lake. Kelly and Sarina helped and we attempted to take her jumper off first. Adam helped as well and we all fell into the lake. Unfortunately, the consequence of this action was the lost of Titan's phone. I felt so bad for it. We tried to look for it, but we couldn't find it. We even asked strangers if they've seen it, but they haven't. I got injured even more after that and adam had to... carry me. It was a bit awkward but I was thankful, so THANK YOU ADAM. He even got bindies all over his feet.
Titan, Khanh and Kristy had to go to tutor so Titan's mother drove them while the rest of us walked back. I told Titan's mum that I lost her phone because I felt really bad if Titan got in trouble for it. I hope she's okay. I'M SORRY TITAN! Anyways, George, Jason and Kelly were so nice to walk me home. I hope Sarina's okay though since she was walking by herself. I was suffering pain all over my body. Somehow, I seem more tired in this holidays than at school O_o. At school, I jsut feel sleepy but not exactly tired. That's practically my day.
PS. It's the first day of October! WOOT WOOT!
PSS. Ryan is so CUTE! xD
hit the floor
On the last day of September, which happened to be yesterday, Nathan invited me to help record his crew dance, so I invited Cindy to accompany me so I wouldn't be lonely. However, his crew were all late, so they decided to forget it. We met a friend of his, which was Isuru.
Cindy and I took capitols, and went shopping around. When we met the boys, we went to karaoke and at this place called Show. Neither of us been there before but it was a pretty nice place. Nicely decorated and gave you scores. ROFLS! We scored OO a couple of times, which was hilarious, but we did score 100 a couple of times.
We watched the guys practice and they were good, compared to Cindy and I at least LOL! They even attracted a small audience to watch the for a while. They sure hit the floor hard. Cindy and I attempted to do some of their stunts but of course, it was alomst impossible for us, and Cindy injured her ankle as well so it was difficult for her to move in the first place. I do feel pretty bad making her accompany me when her ankle was still injured. After that, we went our separate ways, them going to Lindt Cafe and us going back to Cabramatta. The day was pretty good and fun. I get to spend time with Cindy at least xD!
PSS. I've got the picture from Cindy, so thank you Cindy!
Cindy and I took capitols, and went shopping around. When we met the boys, we went to karaoke and at this place called Show. Neither of us been there before but it was a pretty nice place. Nicely decorated and gave you scores. ROFLS! We scored OO a couple of times, which was hilarious, but we did score 100 a couple of times.
We watched the guys practice and they were good, compared to Cindy and I at least LOL! They even attracted a small audience to watch the for a while. They sure hit the floor hard. Cindy and I attempted to do some of their stunts but of course, it was alomst impossible for us, and Cindy injured her ankle as well so it was difficult for her to move in the first place. I do feel pretty bad making her accompany me when her ankle was still injured. After that, we went our separate ways, them going to Lindt Cafe and us going back to Cabramatta. The day was pretty good and fun. I get to spend time with Cindy at least xD!
PSS. I've got the picture from Cindy, so thank you Cindy!
Monday, 29 September 2008
whats the time Mr. Wolf ?
Well, accidents happen, some things are just inevitable. I guess you could call that coincidence? But I believe that there are no such things as coincidences in this world. Somet things are just meant to you. But that doesn't mean that it can't be changed. Isn't that's what the furure's all about? Changing your path, or what Lisa likes to call it 'fate.' I wonder, do you think that there are such things? Well, its up to you if you want to believe it or not. Anyways, that's not the point of this blog. This blog is actually about my day. Well, my blogs are usually about my day anyways.
ANYWAYS! I spent the beginning of my holidays mostly at TItan's house. Interesting. Anyways. On Saturday, Khanh, Kelly, Titan and I were just bumming at Titan's house, talking and stuff. Suddenly, Tri decided to be the next Calvin Klein and began talking about fashion ideas regarding to his oh-so-small clothes. We all suggested some stuff and pariticipated in his 'fashion frenzy' LOL! But it was fun and the outcome was pretty good as well. He said that he was going to wear them at camp. We even signed on one of his t-shirt so it looked like a brand ROFLS! How awesome is that?
On Sunday, Titan and I decided to get started on our first debute, just some hobby that we share together, however Khanh invited us to his house to eat phu =). Jason and George was there as well and we played with his wii games. A funny thing was that I bet Jason in tennis, George beat me, and Jason beat George. How strange is that huh? Anyways, the food was quite nice! I wonder if he made it himself hahaha =), but THANK YOU KHANH for the food anyways. They taught TItan and I how to play a game called 'signal,' and things got pretty heated up *coughcoughcough* EWWWW! Get your mind of ouf the gutter! Of course not that kind of heated up way, another heated up way. We were all in a competitive, friendly situation during the game. It was just crazy! It was like pig, bullshit and goldfish combined in the same game! We had to use signal to indicate to our partner/group that you have all of a the same suit. Ours was including a number in our sentences. We kind of stuffed one of the sentenes up so the boys kept on teasing about our signal is something girly or what the time was LOL! Anyways, our punishment was to drink a glass of water. Okay, don't think its a stupid punishment and all! Titan and I were amatuers in the game so I think it's fair to receive an easy punishment. Anyways, things bgean to even out during the games. We were on even grounds as game continued.
Since it was already getting dark, and I couldn't really find a safe way home, my mum allowed me to stay over at Titan's house. It wasn't bad. I spent half my night watching movies that Khanh lend to TItan ROFLS! I watched 'Don't Mess WIth The Zohan' and it was a pretty interesting movie. It didn't really make me laugh, and more like digusted in a way, but over all it was a pretty 'interesting' movie =).
PS. For a way of transport, I've been rollerblading the pass couple of days =) ! WOOT WOOT! I haven't roller blade in ages! I know I'm a bit wobbly on my feet but hey, practice makes perfect.
ANYWAYS! I spent the beginning of my holidays mostly at TItan's house. Interesting. Anyways. On Saturday, Khanh, Kelly, Titan and I were just bumming at Titan's house, talking and stuff. Suddenly, Tri decided to be the next Calvin Klein and began talking about fashion ideas regarding to his oh-so-small clothes. We all suggested some stuff and pariticipated in his 'fashion frenzy' LOL! But it was fun and the outcome was pretty good as well. He said that he was going to wear them at camp. We even signed on one of his t-shirt so it looked like a brand ROFLS! How awesome is that?
On Sunday, Titan and I decided to get started on our first debute, just some hobby that we share together, however Khanh invited us to his house to eat phu =). Jason and George was there as well and we played with his wii games. A funny thing was that I bet Jason in tennis, George beat me, and Jason beat George. How strange is that huh? Anyways, the food was quite nice! I wonder if he made it himself hahaha =), but THANK YOU KHANH for the food anyways. They taught TItan and I how to play a game called 'signal,' and things got pretty heated up *coughcoughcough* EWWWW! Get your mind of ouf the gutter! Of course not that kind of heated up way, another heated up way. We were all in a competitive, friendly situation during the game. It was just crazy! It was like pig, bullshit and goldfish combined in the same game! We had to use signal to indicate to our partner/group that you have all of a the same suit. Ours was including a number in our sentences. We kind of stuffed one of the sentenes up so the boys kept on teasing about our signal is something girly or what the time was LOL! Anyways, our punishment was to drink a glass of water. Okay, don't think its a stupid punishment and all! Titan and I were amatuers in the game so I think it's fair to receive an easy punishment. Anyways, things bgean to even out during the games. We were on even grounds as game continued.
Since it was already getting dark, and I couldn't really find a safe way home, my mum allowed me to stay over at Titan's house. It wasn't bad. I spent half my night watching movies that Khanh lend to TItan ROFLS! I watched 'Don't Mess WIth The Zohan' and it was a pretty interesting movie. It didn't really make me laugh, and more like digusted in a way, but over all it was a pretty 'interesting' movie =).
PS. For a way of transport, I've been rollerblading the pass couple of days =) ! WOOT WOOT! I haven't roller blade in ages! I know I'm a bit wobbly on my feet but hey, practice makes perfect.
Saturday, 27 September 2008
how to celebrate the last day of year 11
First step, organize a subject excursion on the last day of term, eg. Biology or Senior Science excursion on Friday 26th of September, 2008.
Second Step, dress in casual, comfortable clothes which you think is suitable for bush walking (not to mention that you've already had a major walk up a mountain 3 days ago). Remember to pee before you go, because there won't be toilets during the whole trip. Bring a bottle of water, Sunscreen, hat and possibly food. Play or talk during your wait for the tardy bus.
Step three, once there, slip, slop, slap sunscreen and protective gear and begin the walk through the national park. Watch out for rebounds, spiky leaves, water and uneven ground. Don't forget to be educated by your teacher and take in the view.
Step four, take a rest half way of your journey. Drink, snack, or just view the scenery, not to mention you're on the edge of a cliff so be careful to not freak your teacher out. Just playing loud music can also piss of the teacher, so if you don't want to lose your i-phone, don't play near him.
Step five, make your way down the hill. Be extra careful of where you're landing because the height between two steps can be quite huge. Slow down, take a rest and wait for your oh-so-slow teacher to make his way to you. Don't get lost, or roll down the hill because it WILL hurt.
Step six, dip your aching feet into the waves of the beach. Relax on the sand, play in the water, or just simply take pictures of the beautiful scenery. In short, enjoy yourself. You can push your friends into the water, and splash them, then they will splash you back so you all will get wet, and take a picture of the kodak moment for memories of the last day of being year 11, as well as the interesting excursion.

Step seven, clean yourself off at the toilets, then enter the bus again. Stop at McDonald and have a snack. Rest, eat, dry your clothes or play with your PSP for the rest of trip. Arrive at school and visit people. Wait for the school bell to ring and go home.
The End =) !
PS. I've taken the photos from Lisa G. so thank you Lisa for providing the pictures!
PSS. If you're wondering which one is me, I'm the one in the blue singlet =).
Second Step, dress in casual, comfortable clothes which you think is suitable for bush walking (not to mention that you've already had a major walk up a mountain 3 days ago). Remember to pee before you go, because there won't be toilets during the whole trip. Bring a bottle of water, Sunscreen, hat and possibly food. Play or talk during your wait for the tardy bus.
Step three, once there, slip, slop, slap sunscreen and protective gear and begin the walk through the national park. Watch out for rebounds, spiky leaves, water and uneven ground. Don't forget to be educated by your teacher and take in the view.
Step four, take a rest half way of your journey. Drink, snack, or just view the scenery, not to mention you're on the edge of a cliff so be careful to not freak your teacher out. Just playing loud music can also piss of the teacher, so if you don't want to lose your i-phone, don't play near him.
Step five, make your way down the hill. Be extra careful of where you're landing because the height between two steps can be quite huge. Slow down, take a rest and wait for your oh-so-slow teacher to make his way to you. Don't get lost, or roll down the hill because it WILL hurt.
Step six, dip your aching feet into the waves of the beach. Relax on the sand, play in the water, or just simply take pictures of the beautiful scenery. In short, enjoy yourself. You can push your friends into the water, and splash them, then they will splash you back so you all will get wet, and take a picture of the kodak moment for memories of the last day of being year 11, as well as the interesting excursion.

Step seven, clean yourself off at the toilets, then enter the bus again. Stop at McDonald and have a snack. Rest, eat, dry your clothes or play with your PSP for the rest of trip. Arrive at school and visit people. Wait for the school bell to ring and go home.
The End =) !
PS. I've taken the photos from Lisa G. so thank you Lisa for providing the pictures!
PSS. If you're wondering which one is me, I'm the one in the blue singlet =).
crossroad camp
22O9O8 - Lisa T.'s 17th Birthday.
23O9O8 - Mitchell's 17th Birthday.
24O9O8 - Vi's 17th Birthday.
Monday - We aboard one of the three buses for camp. I was sitting with Titan, while Sarina was sitting with Kelly, Jenny with Maylina, and Lisa, Katty and Cathleen together, etc. We had a stop at McDonald, then continued our trip.
It was the afternoon once we arrived at our destination, Illaro Camp. The weather there was quite strange. First it was really hot, then sprinkles, then cloudy, then hot, then rainy. This temperamental cycle of weather was almost driving us nuts! However, it was quite a sight for sore eyes. It was something different to view, a different site to explore, a different smell to sniff.
Of course, including the food and the activities, everything else was... not as satisfying. For example, there were plenty of spiders, whether dead or alive, in all our rooms. There were sudden black outs, waves of cold showers and things that go bump in the night. The taste of food varies at time, but overall it wasn't bad. In saying this, some people filled their stomachs with midnight snacks of instant noodles. Each activity we had were two hours each, and most of were kind of boring LOL! The manager and employees were Aboriginal people! How awesome is that? Anyways, they warned us about toads, snakes and spiders dwelling around the areas that we were staying in. Another negative matter about the camp was the amount of crap! Every 5 - 1o steps there were a pile of crap, whether dog crap, cow crap, chicken crap, or horse crap! My God xO! You can't really smell it though, so that's a good thing.
The first night, we ended with a Trivia Night, and everyone was so heated up from it! Sounds of screams, yells, thumping heart beats, and music was crashing into each other, like a chaotic circus act! There were the winners, and there were the last place people. The winners, you ask? Obvious, a group of intellectual people. I won't be able to name them all because it was a big group after all. It seemed like everyone had something to prove =). Good for them. We sang Happy Birthday to Lisa T. WOOT WOOT for her!
Anyways, our cabin played monopoly before we went to sleep. Our cabin contained of Lisa L., Bich, Kelly 1, Sarina, Titan, Julie, Anh, another Vietnamese person who I forgot their name is (when I find out I'll add it back in here) and I =)! Lisa seemed to be having bad luck during the game, and Titan was on a roll! Did I tell you how we found a frog in our toilet? Yeah, we did, and Kelly and I helped it get out of the toilet, and let it out near the muddy creak. I heard a lot of toads at night, I just hope that it wouldn't be eaten, or that it's a mother frog and that there's actually tadpoles in the toilet O_o.
Anyways, I didn't really sleep much but that's okay. Seemed like everyone had their habits exposed during camp =). All in all, one night gone.
My accomplishment of finishing the Illaro fire trail =).
Titan, Kelly, Sarina, Julie and I.
We had Talent Quest that night. It was amazing! I really wished I've recorded it or have taken pictures! Oh wells, I'll just tax some from the others and I'll try to upload them on this blog, later on. Anyways, there was a mixture of talent from many different individuals! Whether it was dancing, singing, playing instruments or just acting, they were all fantastic! So the show was very good! Mr. Donohue was invited into some of the shows as well hahaha! Accidents happened. Unfortunately, my camera lens stopped working T__T! Now I have to repair them for $150 ZOMG!
Injuries occurred. Mistakes been revealed. Another ended. AS IF! ROFLS! But still, it was sad for accidents to happen =( , no predicted to happen. To liven up things, we played 'Truth Or Dare,' MWAHAHAHAHA! It sure was interesting. secrets were exposed, limits were tested, lines were crossed, and moments were broken. It was fun. It was wrong. Overall, it sure was interesting! We moved on from the game, and decided to tell ghost stories, but that didn't really turn out well. Just scary images popped up here and there, scaring ourselves to death. In the end, we just went to sleep. Sarina, Kelly and I thought of going out at night to pull pranks, but that didn't turn out as planned. Oh wells.
Wednesdsay - It sure was cold in the morning. Sarina and I went to play soccer to warm ourselves up. However, besides getting hot, we also got wet from diving for the ball before it fell into the mud. Of course, half the time it did enter the mud, but we managed to get out of it anyways. We changed a new outfit and then went to our last activities. We agreed that STI was the most interesting, education, and entertaining lesson out of all of them. We packed our stuff, said our goodbyes, took pictures and got ready to leave. Before that, we took a grade photo of CVHS.
It was awesome! I think during this whole trip everyone got more co-operative, and closer in a way LOL! No, seriously =). Anyways, an Aboriginal performer sang for us as a farewell act. Before we entered our buses, we sang Happy Birthday to Vi hahaha! So many birthdays on camp! It was also Sophy's and Kevin's birthday during camp, but I wasn't sure which day it was. Anyways, we left and got home at different times. I believe it's safe to say that we were all tired.
PS. I'll add pictures in this blog when I'm not capped anymore =). Some pictures may be taken by other people as well, so thank you! I have more camp pictures on Facebook if you want to see more.
23O9O8 - Mitchell's 17th Birthday.
24O9O8 - Vi's 17th Birthday.
Monday - We aboard one of the three buses for camp. I was sitting with Titan, while Sarina was sitting with Kelly, Jenny with Maylina, and Lisa, Katty and Cathleen together, etc. We had a stop at McDonald, then continued our trip.
It was the afternoon once we arrived at our destination, Illaro Camp. The weather there was quite strange. First it was really hot, then sprinkles, then cloudy, then hot, then rainy. This temperamental cycle of weather was almost driving us nuts! However, it was quite a sight for sore eyes. It was something different to view, a different site to explore, a different smell to sniff.
Of course, including the food and the activities, everything else was... not as satisfying. For example, there were plenty of spiders, whether dead or alive, in all our rooms. There were sudden black outs, waves of cold showers and things that go bump in the night. The taste of food varies at time, but overall it wasn't bad. In saying this, some people filled their stomachs with midnight snacks of instant noodles. Each activity we had were two hours each, and most of were kind of boring LOL! The manager and employees were Aboriginal people! How awesome is that? Anyways, they warned us about toads, snakes and spiders dwelling around the areas that we were staying in. Another negative matter about the camp was the amount of crap! Every 5 - 1o steps there were a pile of crap, whether dog crap, cow crap, chicken crap, or horse crap! My God xO! You can't really smell it though, so that's a good thing.
The first night, we ended with a Trivia Night, and everyone was so heated up from it! Sounds of screams, yells, thumping heart beats, and music was crashing into each other, like a chaotic circus act! There were the winners, and there were the last place people. The winners, you ask? Obvious, a group of intellectual people. I won't be able to name them all because it was a big group after all. It seemed like everyone had something to prove =). Good for them. We sang Happy Birthday to Lisa T. WOOT WOOT for her!
Anyways, our cabin played monopoly before we went to sleep. Our cabin contained of Lisa L., Bich, Kelly 1, Sarina, Titan, Julie, Anh, another Vietnamese person who I forgot their name is (when I find out I'll add it back in here) and I =)! Lisa seemed to be having bad luck during the game, and Titan was on a roll! Did I tell you how we found a frog in our toilet? Yeah, we did, and Kelly and I helped it get out of the toilet, and let it out near the muddy creak. I heard a lot of toads at night, I just hope that it wouldn't be eaten, or that it's a mother frog and that there's actually tadpoles in the toilet O_o.
Anyways, I didn't really sleep much but that's okay. Seemed like everyone had their habits exposed during camp =). All in all, one night gone.
Tuesday - It was Mitchell's birthday that day, so we sang him Happy Birthday a couple of times during the day YAY! For a lesson, we cooked banana choc-chip cupcakes hahaha! I was stuck with Peter D1. I thought he was partnering up with Thi, so I'd be partnered up with Cathleen, but I guess not. Mitchell was partnered up with Jade, and Titan was partnered up with Kelly, so yeah. Oh yeah! We were split into 4 groups from the beginning in order to finish the activities. Anyways, back to the cooking. Neither Peter nor I were good cooks so we had some trouble getting started. We had trouble with the mixing and filling the small cups with the filling, but we managed to finish. We had a flour/mixture fight and hence, our top half was covered with flour LOL! We did the chores, and somehow I got stuck with Jackie G.'s chore O_o'. But I finished it anyways. I managed to ask my friends to help me save some for my mum, and she said they were yummy! WOOT WOOT!
Anyways, back to camp. Mr. Donohue told us that we were all going for a walk up the mountain and boy was it steep! I'm not kidding. It was seriously steep as you got closer to the top. People were dragging their feet, sweating from head to toe, and complaining during the journey. How can they not? It's like every turn, you'd think it was the end but it was just another steep hill they had to complete! However, once we got up to the top, it was satisfying, in my opinion. The sense of accomplishment. We went there in there first place to receive reception because where we were camping, there weren't any reception. The sight was quite nice too. Maybe not the most beautiful site, but still just as good.
Anyways, back to camp. Mr. Donohue told us that we were all going for a walk up the mountain and boy was it steep! I'm not kidding. It was seriously steep as you got closer to the top. People were dragging their feet, sweating from head to toe, and complaining during the journey. How can they not? It's like every turn, you'd think it was the end but it was just another steep hill they had to complete! However, once we got up to the top, it was satisfying, in my opinion. The sense of accomplishment. We went there in there first place to receive reception because where we were camping, there weren't any reception. The sight was quite nice too. Maybe not the most beautiful site, but still just as good.

Injuries occurred. Mistakes been revealed. Another ended. AS IF! ROFLS! But still, it was sad for accidents to happen =( , no predicted to happen. To liven up things, we played 'Truth Or Dare,' MWAHAHAHAHA! It sure was interesting. secrets were exposed, limits were tested, lines were crossed, and moments were broken. It was fun. It was wrong. Overall, it sure was interesting! We moved on from the game, and decided to tell ghost stories, but that didn't really turn out well. Just scary images popped up here and there, scaring ourselves to death. In the end, we just went to sleep. Sarina, Kelly and I thought of going out at night to pull pranks, but that didn't turn out as planned. Oh wells.
Wednesdsay - It sure was cold in the morning. Sarina and I went to play soccer to warm ourselves up. However, besides getting hot, we also got wet from diving for the ball before it fell into the mud. Of course, half the time it did enter the mud, but we managed to get out of it anyways. We changed a new outfit and then went to our last activities. We agreed that STI was the most interesting, education, and entertaining lesson out of all of them. We packed our stuff, said our goodbyes, took pictures and got ready to leave. Before that, we took a grade photo of CVHS.
It was awesome! I think during this whole trip everyone got more co-operative, and closer in a way LOL! No, seriously =). Anyways, an Aboriginal performer sang for us as a farewell act. Before we entered our buses, we sang Happy Birthday to Vi hahaha! So many birthdays on camp! It was also Sophy's and Kevin's birthday during camp, but I wasn't sure which day it was. Anyways, we left and got home at different times. I believe it's safe to say that we were all tired.
PS. I'll add pictures in this blog when I'm not capped anymore =). Some pictures may be taken by other people as well, so thank you! I have more camp pictures on Facebook if you want to see more.
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