I am sincerely sorry to my business group. I'd like to explain for my absence when you needed me most. My mother was preoccupying to finish off her homework, and hasn't finished til 9 something o'clock. I was also eating dinner, since I was taking a nap earlier. Peter couldn't get to me due to bad reception, hence I had no idea that you guys wanted me to go on before 9 o'clock. If I knew, I would have asked my mum to finish the work after I've finished with mine. I am especially sorry to Mitchell for letting him down like this. Now I feel bad because I feel like I've done nothing for th is group. I hope I can redeem myself later on today by aiding one of yous with something, or help print things off. I hope you would accept my apology. Virtually, I'd like to send each of you a purple hyacinth, representing my sincere apologies. A purple hyacinth defines apology and query of forgiveness. Once again, I'm sorry.
PS. Sorry Katty, I just wrote a personal blog again. This time I've written it to apologise, so forgive me xO!

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