23O9O8 - Mitchell's 17th Birthday.
24O9O8 - Vi's 17th Birthday.
Monday - We aboard one of the three buses for camp. I was sitting with Titan, while Sarina was sitting with Kelly, Jenny with Maylina, and Lisa, Katty and Cathleen together, etc. We had a stop at McDonald, then continued our trip.
It was the afternoon once we arrived at our destination, Illaro Camp. The weather there was quite strange. First it was really hot, then sprinkles, then cloudy, then hot, then rainy. This temperamental cycle of weather was almost driving us nuts! However, it was quite a sight for sore eyes. It was something different to view, a different site to explore, a different smell to sniff.
Of course, including the food and the activities, everything else was... not as satisfying. For example, there were plenty of spiders, whether dead or alive, in all our rooms. There were sudden black outs, waves of cold showers and things that go bump in the night. The taste of food varies at time, but overall it wasn't bad. In saying this, some people filled their stomachs with midnight snacks of instant noodles. Each activity we had were two hours each, and most of were kind of boring LOL! The manager and employees were Aboriginal people! How awesome is that? Anyways, they warned us about toads, snakes and spiders dwelling around the areas that we were staying in. Another negative matter about the camp was the amount of crap! Every 5 - 1o steps there were a pile of crap, whether dog crap, cow crap, chicken crap, or horse crap! My God xO! You can't really smell it though, so that's a good thing.
The first night, we ended with a Trivia Night, and everyone was so heated up from it! Sounds of screams, yells, thumping heart beats, and music was crashing into each other, like a chaotic circus act! There were the winners, and there were the last place people. The winners, you ask? Obvious, a group of intellectual people. I won't be able to name them all because it was a big group after all. It seemed like everyone had something to prove =). Good for them. We sang Happy Birthday to Lisa T. WOOT WOOT for her!
Anyways, our cabin played monopoly before we went to sleep. Our cabin contained of Lisa L., Bich, Kelly 1, Sarina, Titan, Julie, Anh, another Vietnamese person who I forgot their name is (when I find out I'll add it back in here) and I =)! Lisa seemed to be having bad luck during the game, and Titan was on a roll! Did I tell you how we found a frog in our toilet? Yeah, we did, and Kelly and I helped it get out of the toilet, and let it out near the muddy creak. I heard a lot of toads at night, I just hope that it wouldn't be eaten, or that it's a mother frog and that there's actually tadpoles in the toilet O_o.
Anyways, I didn't really sleep much but that's okay. Seemed like everyone had their habits exposed during camp =). All in all, one night gone.
Tuesday - It was Mitchell's birthday that day, so we sang him Happy Birthday a couple of times during the day YAY! For a lesson, we cooked banana choc-chip cupcakes hahaha! I was stuck with Peter D1. I thought he was partnering up with Thi, so I'd be partnered up with Cathleen, but I guess not. Mitchell was partnered up with Jade, and Titan was partnered up with Kelly, so yeah. Oh yeah! We were split into 4 groups from the beginning in order to finish the activities. Anyways, back to the cooking. Neither Peter nor I were good cooks so we had some trouble getting started. We had trouble with the mixing and filling the small cups with the filling, but we managed to finish. We had a flour/mixture fight and hence, our top half was covered with flour LOL! We did the chores, and somehow I got stuck with Jackie G.'s chore O_o'. But I finished it anyways. I managed to ask my friends to help me save some for my mum, and she said they were yummy! WOOT WOOT!
Anyways, back to camp. Mr. Donohue told us that we were all going for a walk up the mountain and boy was it steep! I'm not kidding. It was seriously steep as you got closer to the top. People were dragging their feet, sweating from head to toe, and complaining during the journey. How can they not? It's like every turn, you'd think it was the end but it was just another steep hill they had to complete! However, once we got up to the top, it was satisfying, in my opinion. The sense of accomplishment. We went there in there first place to receive reception because where we were camping, there weren't any reception. The sight was quite nice too. Maybe not the most beautiful site, but still just as good.
Anyways, back to camp. Mr. Donohue told us that we were all going for a walk up the mountain and boy was it steep! I'm not kidding. It was seriously steep as you got closer to the top. People were dragging their feet, sweating from head to toe, and complaining during the journey. How can they not? It's like every turn, you'd think it was the end but it was just another steep hill they had to complete! However, once we got up to the top, it was satisfying, in my opinion. The sense of accomplishment. We went there in there first place to receive reception because where we were camping, there weren't any reception. The sight was quite nice too. Maybe not the most beautiful site, but still just as good.

Injuries occurred. Mistakes been revealed. Another ended. AS IF! ROFLS! But still, it was sad for accidents to happen =( , no predicted to happen. To liven up things, we played 'Truth Or Dare,' MWAHAHAHAHA! It sure was interesting. secrets were exposed, limits were tested, lines were crossed, and moments were broken. It was fun. It was wrong. Overall, it sure was interesting! We moved on from the game, and decided to tell ghost stories, but that didn't really turn out well. Just scary images popped up here and there, scaring ourselves to death. In the end, we just went to sleep. Sarina, Kelly and I thought of going out at night to pull pranks, but that didn't turn out as planned. Oh wells.
Wednesdsay - It sure was cold in the morning. Sarina and I went to play soccer to warm ourselves up. However, besides getting hot, we also got wet from diving for the ball before it fell into the mud. Of course, half the time it did enter the mud, but we managed to get out of it anyways. We changed a new outfit and then went to our last activities. We agreed that STI was the most interesting, education, and entertaining lesson out of all of them. We packed our stuff, said our goodbyes, took pictures and got ready to leave. Before that, we took a grade photo of CVHS.
It was awesome! I think during this whole trip everyone got more co-operative, and closer in a way LOL! No, seriously =). Anyways, an Aboriginal performer sang for us as a farewell act. Before we entered our buses, we sang Happy Birthday to Vi hahaha! So many birthdays on camp! It was also Sophy's and Kevin's birthday during camp, but I wasn't sure which day it was. Anyways, we left and got home at different times. I believe it's safe to say that we were all tired.
PS. I'll add pictures in this blog when I'm not capped anymore =). Some pictures may be taken by other people as well, so thank you! I have more camp pictures on Facebook if you want to see more.
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