So MG invited us to go ice-skating with her on Tuesday, 19th of July, at the Macquarie shopping centre but unfortunately, when we got there, the time slot that we wanted to skate in was used for the high school kids to practice their skating skills, and we weren't bothered enough to wait for two hours before we could get our turn.
Hence, we decided to go to the city, to M9 at Darling Harbor, to play laser tag and bowling. Lucky for us, they were having this special offer for Mondays and Tuesday where you pay $24 and get 3 games of a mixture of laser and/or bowling =). Now that was definitely much cheaper than if we were to pay those games separately lol.
Hence, we decided to go to the city, to M9 at Darling Harbor, to play laser tag and bowling. Lucky for us, they were having this special offer for Mondays and Tuesday where you pay $24 and get 3 games of a mixture of laser and/or bowling =). Now that was definitely much cheaper than if we were to pay those games separately lol.
We played laser tag first and it was the first time for the other girls, except me. Rather than running around a lot, like the last couple of times, I stayed in one place, with my back against the wall most of the time, and laser-tagged people that way instead. I thought I did pretty well =). Paz was such a natural; she's a natural at any sort of games involving some type of sport lol. We were in the green team and we came second overall. I came fourth in our team, while Paz came 3rd. Alicija, Karen and MG came 5th, 6th and 7th in their respective order (I think? xP). Embarrassingly enough, we lost to 2 younger girls. Oh wells, at least I kicked little boys' asses xD.
Paz in action xD a natural rookie =D.
We played bowling next and again, Paz was a natural at it. Although it was her first time playing, she came first, even if she was bowling it wrong LOL. We didn't know what our last game would be so we left it to fate... by tossing a coin =). We ended up bowling again. I guess fate really wanted us to bowl because it fell on heads 3 times (which I'm sure you figured that it meant bowling =P). In the second game, Paz decided to try bowling properly, though I must say that her 'normal' bowling wasn't as good as her 'abnormal' bowling lol. Karen was pretty good too, and MG was too... until she decided to become lazy in the second game. I felt sorry for the balls and the floor when she bowled... she practically chucked them onto the floor =S. Speaking of floor, I actually went down to the other end because my ball wouldn't fall down the hole to come back to the beginning, and they weren't kidding when they said that the floor was slippery O_o. Another incident was when I was swinging the ball backwards, it accidentally fell out of my fingers. Luckily, no one got hurt but I shouldn't known not to use that ball lol. We all weren't really playing that well, but I don't think it was completely our fault. I mean, we all had size 9+ balls!!! Everyone else have taken the smaller size =.='.
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