27O711 - Tae's 23rd Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY =D !!!
28O711 - 妈妈's 59th Birthday.
Yesterday was the first time I've ever driven the car all by myself =D YAY !!! That was because i was just driving around Cabramatta. Anyways, I went to visit Kelly at around 11:30AM to catch up and hang out since we haven't done that in a while. And we did. I even helped fold her clothes =D. At around the afternoon, we went to pick Sarina up and drove back to Kelly's house. We made some fried rice, which was quite good =D (that's because Sarina was the one who did most of the cooking, and she's definitely a better cook than Kelly and I put together hahaha =D). We even made sausages in the shame of octopuses, like what the Japanese do for their bento boxes =D.
After lunch, Emma and Wendy came over for a visit. To kill time, we played the Monopoly Deal card game. Tracy couldn't join us because she was busy doing her homework lol how studious of her =). Anyways, for the first couple of rounds, everyone was friendly and all, but then after a while, everyone pretty much stopped playing nice and were fighting for themselves in the game LOL! I guess we were all so determined to win that we all won at least once =) so I guess it was fair. We played until 6PM before Sarina and I had to go. I drove her home before going to Linh's house.
We decided to go eat Pancakes On The Rocks at North Mead as a celebration for Linh's safe trip home from Vietnam =). It was another great time to catch up with everyone, though when our food came, everyone barely talked. I guess we were all too hungry to say much lol. After dinner, Linda and Linh decided to have pancakes as well for dessert. Before we left, Linda decided to play with her food and made a concoction with the remaining raspberry custard, syrup, ice-cream and butter (I actually helped too lol ...). Kenny dared someone to drink it for $5. I said I would if Kenny was to pay for the drink I had earlier with my meal. I had a couple of sips; it smelt nice, but the taste was quite sweet... and thick =S I even made Linda want to vomit ROFLS! I didn't regret it though, I got $3.95 off my bill =D. Well, many thanks to Linda for driving us home =).
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