Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Tuesday, 3 August 2010

my first sashimi boat =D

O4O81O - Elliot's 20th
O7O81O - Jessica T.'s 19th

Saturday was a busy day. Animania workshop with Tony. What sucked was I had to wake up at 7AM to catch a bus, and then a train, to Redfern because there was track-work *sigh*. I should thank Tony for joining me in the morning though since his workshop actually start at 1PM. I made some acquaintances, and had fun playing games. I was surprise to see Geelong and Danger there, but it was nice to see a familiar face =). I'm helping out as a backstage crew, though I wish I chose maid cafe instead. It's the first time Animania was including maid cafe into their activities. You can cosplay AND get free entry into the event =D. I saw it, but I didn't choose it because I thought you weren't really going to dress up, or rather than dressing up yourselves, you help other people dress up ... anyways, I don't know what I was thinking. I chose backstage because I'll be able to see the cosplay performers =D! YAY! 

Since Tony waited for me for 2 hours, it was right to wait  for him for 2 hours as well. It wasn't too bad, I just fell asleep on the couch. After the workshop, Tony and I went to the city to eat. We were going to go to Ichi-ban to eat but it was really crowded. So we went to look for Jess's present instead. I know, it was a late-minute present. Eventually, I found an almost perfect present: a book with 'Witch' and 'Son of a Witch' combined =D. As most people know, Wicked is an excellent musical. It's a shame that it's going to end soon *sigh*. Unsure if Jessica would have the chance to watch the musical, I bought her the book instead. We went to the food court to eat and after that, Tony and I  went our separate ways. He went home while I stayed at the city til it was time for Jess's birthday dinner.

The dinner was at Shoyu, a place which I've never been before. It was a Korean and Japanese restaurant owned by Korean people. Altogether, it was $25/person. It was a tad expensive to what I usually pay for but it was worth it. There was a lot of food and for the first time in my 18 years of living, I had a sashimi boat =D. Of course, other things were delicious as well, like the dumplings we had for entree. We most ate Japanese food for dinner, but our last 2 plates were Korean. I must say, I should learn not to put too much wasabi on my salmon =_=". I couldn't stay to go clubbing with Jess, but I hope she had a great to with everyone else. Being out from 8AM - 11:30PM can take a lot out of a person! 

Craving for more sashimi, Wendy, Eric and I went to the sushi train at Market City to satisfy my appetite on Monday night. We could've joined up with Derek at Paramatta, but he had an assignment due soon. Good luck Derek =D! I admit, I'm a pig. Most of the plates were mine. Thankfully enough, Eric was generous enough to shout for most of the meal. So we had 23 plates altogether, $3/plate. You MUST try the fried prawn/chicken/scallop/etc. whatever else they can fry because it's just mouth-watering! There was another dish that was really good too! Unfortunately, it was chicken... I ate it without knowing T_T so when I went to order another plate and saw the name of the dish, my heart shattered; a) I ate chicken that was most likely not free range and b) I couldn't eat it anymore T_T. It was chicken sushi with sweet and sour sauce and mayonnaise/melted cheese on top T______T maybe if I can just take the chicken out and just have the seaweed and rice with the sauce topping... *sigh* 

AHAHAHA!!! Before I forget, I felt sorry for Eric to eat with the world's 2 most clumsy and messy eaters AHAHAHA! I was pouring soy sauce into my dish, but then I accidentally bump it over, and then later Wendy did the same thing except hers dripped down to the floor as well ROFLMAOS! *sigh* Thankfully, I wasn't wearing a light coloured top, or else it would've been stained, as usual.

Tonight, mum took me to Cabravale Diggers to have an early celebration for my birthday tomorrow seeing that I had a society meeting tomorrow evening. I do miss eating their salad with french vinaigrette dressing, but their mashed potatoes seemed different from before. I think they baked it O_o. I think I prefer it as it was before. Anyways, another night well spent =). 

PS. Thanks Princess for the photos.

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