Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Wednesday, 25 August 2010

never sleep around photographers

Honestly, I wanted to back out of PHOTOSOC's event to Long Reef Beach because it was right after polling day. However, I promised that I'd be there and it was part of my obligations to chaperone the members who were going.

Being so tired from the previous day, I thought I'd take a nap on the bus ride to the beach. Big mistake. I should've known that being surrounded by photographers, on a photography event, it was wise not to be unconscious around them. *sigh*.

Photo by Carmen.

Oddly enough, the beach outing was full of surprises. Quote from Zinah: Is this real Carmen? Oh no, I don't have my totem! It was a reference to the movie Inception. I must agree, there were so many unexpected things that it almost felt like something was out of place. We I think of beach, I thought of just a wide, open area full of rock and sand and sea water. I didn't expect there to be a football field, a tennis court, a golf course, a park and a mud swamp next to the beach. Note to self, I should never follow Alfred and his directions. He unintentionally led us to the mud swamp and the only way to get to the other side was to walk over it *sigh*. My purple converse turned black/brown.  

I also didn't except to see to many dogs around. Speaking of dogs, a Labrador walked towards us and laid on its back for us to pat his stomach. Unfortunately, earlier Alfred placed a bag of lollies on my hoodie, so when I bent down to scratch the dog, the bag of lollies fell out. I tried to stop the dog from eating the lollies, but in the eyes of the members, they thought I was abusing the dog. Well, I guess I'd rather look like an abuser than let the dog eat the lollies; dogs aren't suppose to eat sweet things because it's bad for them. I know that because I'm a dog owner myself. 

There were also power-gliders at the beach as well. It looked fun, but tiring at the same time. We passed by a group of people promoting Vitamin drinks and were given a sample each and got our photos taken as well. Free drinks, that's a plus =D.

For once in my life, never have I witnessed so many life and death situations in the natural environment. There were 3 that I've encountered:
  1. A colony of ants eating a small, dead crab.
  2. A man fished and caught a beautiful looking fish and was going to take it home to eat it. (Honestly, I wouldn't mind if it was a bream or something, but it was a such a beautiful fish; a fish that you'd take it home as a pet, not as dinner. I had the urge to kick the bucket. Alas, it wasn't my business)
  3. Humans poking a red plum looking organism so hard that it leaked and died. Later, we discovered that it was a type of jellyfish. Because we learned that jellyfish lived in the ocean, it was odd to see them living on rocks. Curiosity could kill *sigh*.
Although I felt like I needed to do something, but I thought, even if I could do something this time, it doesn't mean I could do something all the time. It was like survival of the fittest. Organisms live and die everyday, it's part of life. Sad, but true. I prefer not to dwell on such a philosophical matter like this online, so I'll just leave it as that. 

Thanks to the members and their snacks, I had food to eat at lunch =D. I completely forgot to bring snacks to the picnic because I was running late. I especially liked the dried mango strips made in the Philippines. I should look for it one day =). 

I'll end my blog with a joke that Alfred told me: 
Alfred: What fruit does Beethoven likes?
Fiona: Um... beetroot?
Alfred: No
Fiona: What then?
Alfred: Bananana (8)

PS. Thanks to Andrew fro driving Zinah, Carmen and I home at the end of the day =).

political drama

In the last minute, I was offered a position, by the AEC, as an Official Polling Assistant at Lansvale East Public School  on polling day. The pay was good but of course you'd have to work for it. I brought a pillow but I didn't use it at all since I was assigned to different jobs. There wasn't just one job to do; I had to look after the ballot boxes, mark people off the lists, and there was counting the citizens and assigning them to one of the three tables but I didn't get to do that one. 

Looking after the ballot boxes was easy but tiring since there's no chair for you to sit on. The marking job provided you a chair but I think it was more intense because there were so many names to look through and it was your obligation to mark off the right person. Also, if the citizens was having a bad day, you'd be the first to experience their anger. I made one mistake when marking names off. 

A man came in and told me his name, but apparently he had the exact same name as his son except he had an extra middle name. I accidentally marked off his son instead of him. Thank God his son came later so I was able to mark off the father's name instead since his name was already marked off. So in the end, it was all good. 

Although there were many votes and Senate ballots were extremely long, I had the most fun counting the votes. Well, not exactly the unfolding part, but the counting part. At our polling location, for House of Representatives Liberals and Labor were pretty close; Labor won by just 10 votes, literally. One of the older workers said that it was the first time he's seen such a small difference between the parties. Unfortunately, he also said that there were much more donkey votes than he's ever seen. I felt bad because those donkey votes could've made a huge difference between the parties if they were counted. For once, I thought politics was exciting, seeing how close the votes were. I even stayed up at home that night to check how the numbers were for the seats. That night, it was 72 Labor and 71 Liberal. As you know now, Liberal's in the lead now. Apparently, it was the first hung parliament since post WWII *gasps*!

We spent hours counting and recounting the votes to make sure that there were no mistakes and that the votes balanced out with the number of people who entered the polling place. Apparently, there were 10 votes missing. I'm not completely sure why but things happen, like people accidentally bringing their ballots with them, or accidentally chucking in the bin, etc. 

It was a long day; from 7:30AM to 10:30AM, so about 15 hours. Since the pay was a certain amount, no matter how much longer I stayed after the polling, I wasn't going to get an O.T. double rate. So thankfully, I only stayed behind for 3 more hours. Unfortunately, some places had to stay back til 1:00AM to recount the votes over and over again to make sure it balanced.

It was a tiring day, but I'm willing to try again for next year's State elections =). I wonder, if they really can't decide which party would run the government, and that we'd have to vote again, would I get hired again and get paid the same amount again? I wouldn't mind if that happened =D.

Monday, 16 August 2010

you can never have enough cheesecakes

16O81O - Tony's 19th Birthday - Happy Birthday =D !!!

 I think Mimi might be sick of cheesecakes now seeing she was given 4 for her birthday xD. There was a homemade raspberry one from Maxine, mini Hokkaido one from me, one from her sister and another coffee/caramel one from Shirley and Vicky. 

I visited Mimi after uni, on Friday. We just talked, eat cheesecakes and played World Band Tour =). You know, Tiger is almost as tall as me when he stands up O_O. He's cute, but I don't think I would want to be left with him because with his strength and horny-ness, who knows what he'd do to me >.

I am honestly tired of sitting in the car with my aunt and uncle now. Not that I dislike them or anything, but they sure argue a lot. We got lost with my Uncle's directions, and that was because he didn't trust my Aunt's directions even though she's  been there before already *sigh*. I also kind of feel sorry for my Uncle's mum. They treat her like she's a vegetable O_o. Well, not exactly, but kind of...? I know she's old, but come on! She isn't disable =.= she can buckle and unbuckle her seat belt, she can open the door herself, she can walk to places. I don't mind doing those things for her, but seriously why are you treating her like she's useless. I think I'd be offended if I was in her situation. Anyways, we went to eat at the Canterbury RSL Club. The place was huge! And the interior design was quite magnificent. I mean, they even have their own mini fountain inside, and a jungle looking garden! To be honest, the food was not worth the prices. They were normal, nothing spectacular, but the prices were expensive as the restaurants at the city. Maybe it was to make up for their decorations? For once, I thought that night's dinner was quite nice. I actually talked quite a bit, something that I don't usually do during dinners. It was pretty funny when we were talking about our bad driving habits. I guess it's cause it's something that all of us can finally relate to. There was an awful lot of birthday cakes that night too, which I thought was odd. I mean, if it was one or two, it would've been okay, but it was like .. three or four O_o. I feel like a mango cake too actually lol. We haven't celebrated with a birthday cake in a long while *sigh*. 

The next day, Shirley, Vicky and I went to Mimi's house for a birthday visit. Shirley brought her Singstar over so we just played musical games and ate cheesecake for the rest of the afternoon. When nightfall came, we walked Vicky home before getting driven home by Mimi's brother. Thanks Mimi's brother =).

That's it for now =). Bye!

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

bad timing

Birthdays: 11O81O - Kylie's, Yvonne's and Jessica D.'s 19th HAPPY BIRTHDAY GIRLS =D! ; 13O81O - Mimi's 19th ; 14O81O - Nona's 19th (R.I.P).

Adam and Kelly performed in this competition where $3000 is up for grabs. Unfortunately, Minhky, Joes and I didn't make it in time so we didn't get to watch her. Sorry Kelly and Adam! Since there were five of us (Paz, Edim, Minhky, Joes, and I) it was too expensive to take 2 cabs, so mum suggested that I drive them instead, in 2 rounds. I first drove Paz and Edim because they were there first. Then I went back to the station to drive Minhky and Joes. Unfortunately, on the way back the duet started already. When we got there, it ended 5 minutes ago. Can I say what pathetic management it was? The show only lasted for 10 minutes, the speakers were too loud, and there were no sits for people to sit down and enjoy the music. Although I wasn't there at the performance but Paz, Edim and Karen told us about it. 

We just hanged out after that. It was the first time I've ever been in Liverpool Markets, and it was pretty big. It was kind of like a Flemington. We went to Officeworks next and it was hilarious to see Paz so amazed by the place. Apparently, it was her first time entering Officeworks, which I find quite amusing and strange, seeing that she lives in that area. To Paz, it was "a dream come true" for her lol. Seeing she's was artist, I guess it is. I seriously need to take her to more places; she's just so oblivious to so many things!

Next stop was Krispy Kreme. We bought a pack of a dozen of original donuts, and some burgers from Maccas, and just relaxed and enjoy our food in the dining area of Krispy Kreme. By evening, I had to take them all back and again, another two rounds of driving. I honestly don't like driving. The traffic, the rules, the beeping, the embarrassment from my mum, etc. *sigh*. 70 hours down, another 50 to go.

PS. Thanks Joes for the food =).

Sunday, 8 August 2010

another year wiser? pft

O8O81O - 姐姐's 25th HAPPY BIRTHDAY =D!

To be honest, overall my 19th birthday was one of my worst birthdays because I actually cried. However, there were moments where it made my birthday quite special. So rather than talking about sad things, I'll just talk about the good things.

It was a good thing that my birthday was on a Wednesday because it was the only day I had a free day from uni. However, I still had to go to PHOTOSOC meeting. But because it was a Wednesday, it was $5/meal day at Lansdown Pub =D. Who wouldn't be happy at the thought of cheap food. 

Kelly, my dearest friend, stayed back at uni to see me. She also ran with me, helped me hold my stuff, and waited for me during my job interview (which I didn't get), and joined me at my society meeting even though she barely knew anyone nor was she part of the society to begin with. When the society meeting was over, unfortunately she had to leave. Before she left, she gave me a papers of questionnaires answered by some of my close friends, who includes Cindy T., Derek, Edim, Eric, Kelly, Mark, Minhky, Nathan, Shirley L., Thanh, Vicky, Wendy, Yvonne. 

I sincerely thank you for your replies and effort in answering those questionnaires, especially Kelly, who I know made the questionnaire. I was actually surprised when she told me that she was actually working on the questionnaire, rather than her online training for her job. I am grateful to have you guys as friends and you don't know how long I laughed after reading your answers ROFLMAOS! Thinking about it cracks a smile on my face. There were answers which I was surprise to read, maybe because I thought you may not have remembered, or maybe I just don't remember it myself and that you actually did. I hope that our friendship will last a very long time and that even if we do take different paths, I hope we will still bound by a strong line of thread called destiny - friendship =D. I quote from Minhky: ... we've had our ups and  downs... and downs ... and more downs... but we made it through as friends. I have to agree. You've got on my nerves, and I'm sure I've gotten on yours plenty of times, but in the end, somehow we managed through. I know nothing's perfect, just like friendship. And I know we'll have our differences, many actually, but I hope we'll all reflect back and I hope that our good  times will outweigh the bad and then hopefully, we can still stick together and peanut butter and jam. I didn't quote from Minhky because he's my closest friends. You all are. I quoted from him because I thought although it was very short and lacking of words, it sent out a simple message to me: we don't need to extremely compatible in order to be really good friends. I know that I don't actually have much common interests with all of you, but look at me and Kelly. We've been friends for 6 1/2 years, ever since we started high school. I barely have any common interests with her. It amazes me how she's still friends with me ROFLS but I guess we just click =). I'll just conclude this: I hope that we'll keep clicking til we're old =).  

I think that questionnaire will be one of my favourite birthday presents now =). Anyways, the other good thing that happened was Eric shouting me dinner and dessert. We had pork ribs at Pancake at the Rocks and then chocolate dipping at French Riviera. We were going to go to MIzuya but it was too expensive O_O  and we didn't know where else to eat that was close enough. If it was another day, I wouldn't have mind walking but that day I was getting blisters from wearing the heels =_=. Eric was considerate enough to buy me thongs from this Australian souvenir shop =P. For dessert, I wish we could've shared instead because both of us were kind of full and it was a tad expensive for one serving. In the end, I couldn't finish my chocolate sauce and icecream. I think it was coconut. I wanted to eat mango cake >=( but most of the dessert shops that we knew were closed *sigh*. Oh wells, it was still good. Mimi and Shirley could've joined us but  they were preoccupied that night. Hanging out with Eric and reading those questionnaires made my day. 

Also, I would like to  thank the many Facebook messages, phone calls and text messages that I got on my birthday =D. Thank you people for remembering my birthday, even if it was a Facebook alert lol =).

Another year older *sigh*. Next year I'll be 20 years old T__________T no more teens AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Tuesday, 3 August 2010

my first sashimi boat =D

O4O81O - Elliot's 20th
O7O81O - Jessica T.'s 19th

Saturday was a busy day. Animania workshop with Tony. What sucked was I had to wake up at 7AM to catch a bus, and then a train, to Redfern because there was track-work *sigh*. I should thank Tony for joining me in the morning though since his workshop actually start at 1PM. I made some acquaintances, and had fun playing games. I was surprise to see Geelong and Danger there, but it was nice to see a familiar face =). I'm helping out as a backstage crew, though I wish I chose maid cafe instead. It's the first time Animania was including maid cafe into their activities. You can cosplay AND get free entry into the event =D. I saw it, but I didn't choose it because I thought you weren't really going to dress up, or rather than dressing up yourselves, you help other people dress up ... anyways, I don't know what I was thinking. I chose backstage because I'll be able to see the cosplay performers =D! YAY! 

Since Tony waited for me for 2 hours, it was right to wait  for him for 2 hours as well. It wasn't too bad, I just fell asleep on the couch. After the workshop, Tony and I went to the city to eat. We were going to go to Ichi-ban to eat but it was really crowded. So we went to look for Jess's present instead. I know, it was a late-minute present. Eventually, I found an almost perfect present: a book with 'Witch' and 'Son of a Witch' combined =D. As most people know, Wicked is an excellent musical. It's a shame that it's going to end soon *sigh*. Unsure if Jessica would have the chance to watch the musical, I bought her the book instead. We went to the food court to eat and after that, Tony and I  went our separate ways. He went home while I stayed at the city til it was time for Jess's birthday dinner.

The dinner was at Shoyu, a place which I've never been before. It was a Korean and Japanese restaurant owned by Korean people. Altogether, it was $25/person. It was a tad expensive to what I usually pay for but it was worth it. There was a lot of food and for the first time in my 18 years of living, I had a sashimi boat =D. Of course, other things were delicious as well, like the dumplings we had for entree. We most ate Japanese food for dinner, but our last 2 plates were Korean. I must say, I should learn not to put too much wasabi on my salmon =_=". I couldn't stay to go clubbing with Jess, but I hope she had a great to with everyone else. Being out from 8AM - 11:30PM can take a lot out of a person! 

Craving for more sashimi, Wendy, Eric and I went to the sushi train at Market City to satisfy my appetite on Monday night. We could've joined up with Derek at Paramatta, but he had an assignment due soon. Good luck Derek =D! I admit, I'm a pig. Most of the plates were mine. Thankfully enough, Eric was generous enough to shout for most of the meal. So we had 23 plates altogether, $3/plate. You MUST try the fried prawn/chicken/scallop/etc. whatever else they can fry because it's just mouth-watering! There was another dish that was really good too! Unfortunately, it was chicken... I ate it without knowing T_T so when I went to order another plate and saw the name of the dish, my heart shattered; a) I ate chicken that was most likely not free range and b) I couldn't eat it anymore T_T. It was chicken sushi with sweet and sour sauce and mayonnaise/melted cheese on top T______T maybe if I can just take the chicken out and just have the seaweed and rice with the sauce topping... *sigh* 

AHAHAHA!!! Before I forget, I felt sorry for Eric to eat with the world's 2 most clumsy and messy eaters AHAHAHA! I was pouring soy sauce into my dish, but then I accidentally bump it over, and then later Wendy did the same thing except hers dripped down to the floor as well ROFLMAOS! *sigh* Thankfully, I wasn't wearing a light coloured top, or else it would've been stained, as usual.

Tonight, mum took me to Cabravale Diggers to have an early celebration for my birthday tomorrow seeing that I had a society meeting tomorrow evening. I do miss eating their salad with french vinaigrette dressing, but their mashed potatoes seemed different from before. I think they baked it O_o. I think I prefer it as it was before. Anyways, another night well spent =). 

PS. Thanks Princess for the photos.