3O12O9 - Joes's 18th Birthday.
3112O9 - Cindy T.'s & Annie T.'s 18th Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
Yesterday, Vicky, Minhky, Michael and I went to Joes's house to celebrate his 18th birthday =D YAY! Vicky made him an omlette and bought him a sponge cake =D!!! Danny wasn't about to come, until Vicky and Michael managed to persuade him to come ;D good on you guys! I guess reverse psychology DO work =).
For the whole day we were playing games like street fighter, a cheap Asian version of jenga, Mario games, chess and Pictonary =D YAY! We also did some youtubing and watched some television; I'm sorry to say but 'The Cleveland show' is just a ripe off from Family Guy. The baby just wasn't as awesome as Stewie man! Stewie FTW!!! But you know what? Joes is AWESOME because he still have the Nintendo 64 console, which they don't sell anymore, and it actually still works! I have one too, but it's stopped working ages ago *sigh*. Oddly enough, he has only one control for it, like me... I shall bring my conroller one day and we shall play with two players on it =D. But honestly, he sure has a LOT of games and controllers for his PS2, which is apparently broken ... what a shame lol =P. Anyways, for dinner, we had pizza, chips, soft drinks and cheese cake ;D junk food much?
Oh and have you guys heard about 'Pythagoras Switch'? According to the Japanese, it is pronounced as Pi-tha-gor-as Su-i-cci. If it weren't for Michael, I don't think I would've known that it existed! It's like a chain reaction hobby type of thing =D. Please look for it on youtube =D; this is a link you can go to for a start =). It even has its own jingle hahaha! How awesome is that?! Another thing to watch on youtube is 'I want to be that guy' LOL! It's about this guy and his epic journey through this ridiculously hard game LOL. This is the link to watch it from =D. Yes... we did a LOT of youtubing hahaha!
lol! i actually still have my nintendo 64. BUT i also have a super nintendo entertainment system which needs to be fixed up a lil more lol.
LOL AWESOME xD nintendo 64 FTW!
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