I recently just left Cindy's 18th birthday party WOOT!!! The theme was to dress up as either a gangster, a hippie or a nerd. I think most of us dressed up as a hippie xD hippies ftw!!! I would like to apologise to Cindy for not giving her a present just yet. Unfortunately, there are certain factors which are obstructing me from eBaying a dress for her and hence, I've decided to chip in with Derek instead *sigh* ... LOL! I hope I'm not too late xO!
Back to the party. It sure is lucky to have a chef as a father because the food were sure delicious! It's a shame I couldn't eat more because I was too busy playing games hahaha! Andrew and Derek brought PS2 games over, which includes: Simpsons Road Rage; Tekken; Guitar Hero; and another driving game which I don't know the name of =). I think Tekken is the BEST game to play at a party. Why? Because whether you're the person playing or watching, everyone gets so excited and they start screaming like hell LOL! Hong D. was the funniest when she plays because she just screams at everything LOL! Jen R.D. and Derek were actually pretty good players =D They were pretty hard to beat *coughgamfreakscough* LOL! Michael's another gamer as well LOL he's practically a pro at almost every single game that's available at Time Zone since he goes there a lot. He even came 7th in the Guitar Hero competition at Time Zone. He was actually wearing a 'finalist' t-shirt to the party today lol =D I bow to you man, you're too pro xD.
Gangster, nerd and hippie; one of each =D.

Groupie photos; friends who loves Cindy =). (Plus more!)
Now that I think back, I have no idea why we even bought aluminum foil LOL! Eric, Derek and I went to Woolworths to buy some aluminum foil to "protect ourselves from aliens" *cough*. Yeah... it was fun while it lasted =). I guess it was pretty much hanging around, eating, playing, meeting new people and catching up with each other at Cindy's place. Though it was fun most of the time, the feeling of getting hit in the head, with a golf club, by Vicky was a NOT so fun moment. That's okay hahaha I'm used to injuries anyways ;). Then came the birthday cake YAY!!! It was an ice-cream cookies and cream birthday cake with a picture of My Little Pony =D. I liked it xD but I think i prefer the boysenberry flavour over the cookies and creams flavour for ice cream =). Then came the gifts =D everyone had such cool gifts for Cindy, like Kim's painting, Andrew H.'s Pekingese, 6 weeks old, male dog Piglet, Maxine's home-made croquembouche and Melissa's scrapbook xD they were all awesome presents =D Cindy must've been overjoyed! Then it was group photo time WOOT WOOT! It was funny when Stephanie said "I'm wetting your ball!" because she was leaning on Cindy's green fluffy pillow-like ball, against the green grass. LOL! It was just amusing the way she said it xD.
After that was just more hanging around and stuff. For the rest of the night, I was with a group of friends upstairs, in Cindy's room, playing spin the bottle and just talking =) however, we had the lights turned off to make it more convenient for Piglet to sleep. HE'S OH SO CUTE xD!!! I also had a go at that electrocuting-thingamabob. There are four sticks which each player holds on to; the light in the middle will begin to flash red; you press on the button on your stick when it turns green and whoever was the slowest to press it gets electrocuted. I've only played it once, but I don't think I want to play it again lol. Wendy was actually quite funny with her questions and quotes eg. "QUEENSLAND". Rather than swearing, she replace them with the word Queensland LOL! And Shirley, rather than saying 20/20 vision, she accidentally said 40/40 vision LOL! It was also hilarious to watch Minhky squirm under our interrogation with his current girlfriend, Rosalyn LOL!
I know it's not actually Cindy's birthday today, because it's actually on NYE, but I'll say it anyways:
HAPPY 18TH BIRTHDAY CINDY! Never change yourself because we all LOVE you just the way you are =D. Keep smiling because it always make my day! Words cannot describe what and how I think of you because this feeling of gratitude and thankfulness that you give me is indescribable. I can go on and on about how I am feeling but I'll never be able to reach the end because you, Cindy, are indefinitely, undoubtedly, perpetually worth more than all the words in the world; you ARE the definition of those words. If you ask me what kind of person you are Cindy, I'll reply as "Cindy, you are a Cindy." I know I can provide millions of complimentary words to describe you, so I won't. I'll just type 18 words because it's your 18th birthday. Here it goes: genuine; generous; resilient; positive; benevolent; sympathetic; thoughtful; enthusiastic; intelligent; beautiful inside and out; clumsily adorable; independent; happy-go-lucky; patient; tolerant; lovable; worthy; priceless. I'm blessed to have you walk into my life and even more grateful to have you as a friend. I wish to be able to enjoy the rest of life with you by my side =) and hence, I want to grow old with you Cindy. I LOVE YOU ;D !!!
Cindy, the birthday girl =3.
Cindy and her boyfriend, Andrew =).
I'll say it again when it really IS her birthday =D. Anyways, that's it for now =D bye everyone!PS. Thanks David, Hanh Hong, Charles and Anne for the photos =).
PSS. I can't believe bothered to spend approx. 2 hours to tag all the group photos, with approx. 20+ people in every one of them =.=" FML.
PSSS. How cool are Katherine's shoes =D ?!?!?!
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