The day had finally come - our graduation. What does that mean? Tears, photos, hugs, signing on t-shirts and books, tears, laughter, smiles, tears, screaming, clapping, singing, awards, antics, jokes, pranks and have I said tears yet? Since the main event was the formal, I'll just briefly talk about the highlights of our final formal assembly:
- Confetti poppers are already awesome, but what made it even more awesome is that the boys bought like a KING-SIZE popper, which spread confetti across 1/3 of the hall =D WOOT! According to Kelly, this was the first time it has happened at our school=D! Is our grade awesome or are we just awesome?
- Performances include: string accompaniments for Pachelbel's Cannon; Fianna and the violinist tutor for Merry People; the CVHS band for The Great Escape by Boys Like Girls; Kim and Bach for Scar by Missy Higgins; Kelly and Danny C. for La by Old Man River. Antony and Kim both started crying during their performances, which made some of the girls cry in our grade, which made other people cry, etc. CHAIN REACTION PEOPLE!
- Mr. Donohue and Captains' (Mei and Patrick) speeches triggered the tears and laughter. Mei got teary during her captain's speech AWWW! "You make me want to be a better person" - Mr. Donohue AWWW!
- It was funny how all the other teachers received boxes of gifts while Mr. S (deputy principal) received an envelope ROFLS! Don't worry, we gave him tickets =) It's not empty. We also gave Mr. M (principal) a photo ouf our grade LOL! I'm not sure how to spell their names, and I'm not bothered to learn them now since I'm an ex-student.
- Congratulations to Aaron Tran and Linda Lu, for captains, and John Ly and Rosalyn Hoang, for vice captains, of 2O1O!
- Me? I received a Perfect Attendance for 2OO9 award and a Faculty Award for General Maths =) WOOT WOOT for me!
Congratulations 2O1O captains and vice captains =D.
SRC - except for Shirley =).
String accompaniments.
Graduation 1.
Graduation 2.
Graduation 3. 
Graduation 4.
Our last free period xO!
Groupie 1.
Groupie 2.
Groupie 3.
Ladies and gentlemen, lets PAR-TAY! The ladies were just stunningly fabulous, the gentlemen were just absolutely impeccable and the teachers looked just lovely =D! Hummers and limousines were parading around near the venue, giving an essence of prosperity and opulence to the Dockside scene. Although DocksideI was slightly smaller than our year 1O formal, at Parravilla, overall it wasn't so bad... it had a nice view =)! Oh, Mrs. Diep even brought her daughter, Natalie, and husband to the formal YAY! However, the teachers weren't the only guests at our formal. The ex-captains 'O8, Kevin and Natalie, and the future captains '1O, Aaron and Linda, were invited as well =D! Hope you had fun guys!
Natalie, Kevin, Linda and Aaron - captains of CVHS.
Before I continue about the formal, let us give a round of applause for the Seftoners (Vicky, Eric, Shirley, Adnrew and Kenneth) for courageously crashing our formal >=D According to their side of the story, a female blonde teacher had somehow influenced their course of action *cough*.
Female blonde teacher: Why are you down here, the party's up there!
With confused/blank looks the seftoners followed the teacher up to the venue, passing the security guards.
Female blonde teacher: Why are you dressing to casually? *to Shirley*
Vicky: She's going for the casual look.
Female blonde teacher: Oh, the casual chick look.
Smiles all around.
They would have stayed longer during the second time round, except ...
Same female blod teacher: I think you should go back to your own formal now *to Kenneth*
Hence, the Seftoners were forced to leave.

Seftoners crashing our formal xD!
May I say how Minhky was more paranoid than the Seftoners? ROFLS! Anyways, firstly, Kelly accidentally left her camera in Mrs. Kowalin's car and hence, she had to come and give it to us. Thank you for the ride and camera Mrs. Kowalin! Yes, she drove Sarina, Kelly, Christina, Jason Q. and I to the formal. Christina wasn't going to our formal, but she wanted to go anyways =D hehehe! I seriously thought we wouldn't be able to enter because of our tardiness xO!
The food wasn't bad either, but I liked the desserts the best! For my entree, I had risotto, then steak for my main and this vanilla pudding for my dessert. The steak was kind of chewy... too chewy for my liking =/ and hence, I couldn't finish it. Actually, it's not that I didn't want to finish it, it's just I went to play tips with some girls before I finished my main course ... HAHAHA! Yes, I didn't believe it either. Fianna, Cindy H., Cindy V., Annie, Linda, Julie C. and I played tips in our heels around the venue HAHAHA! Although, after an hour of playing, Mrs. Wright told us off, after a half and hour rest, they went and play another game of tips again LOL! As for I, I hit the dance floor >=D. I do apologise to those who I accidentally stepped on while dancing ^___^" and I guess karma hit me back, because eventually I also got stepped on LOL!
The girls.
More girls.
The boys.
The stripping boys LOL!
There were no slow music for the lovers; there was only fast up-beat music. That's okay, I'm pretty sure we all liked it that way anyways LOL! There were conga lines, lifting people up and moving them around, stripping from the boys and even some pre-choreographed dance routines! Shain made a speech to the grade, while David C. and Philip did a beatbox duet =D. Eventually, the dancing was temporarily stopped because it was awards time WOOT! Here are the awards and winners:
- Shocker of ther year: Jacky Hanh
- Most Mature of the year: Minh Troung
- Clumsiest of the year: Annie Praseuth
- Prankster of the year: Thomas Tran
- Blondest person of the year: Tiffany Tran
- Drama Queen of the year: David Hu
- Intelligent person of the year: Jenny Ky
- Addict of the year: Peter Do 1.
- Best dressed male: Jordan Van Etten
- Best dressed female: Shirley Wong
- Best dressed Teacher: Miss. Gazanfer
Recipients for the awards.
I would like to point out the fact that Jenny won the same award for both year 10 and year 12 formal! Good for you Jenny! *sigh* Unfortunately, near the end of the night, Kelly's camera ran low on batteries xO! Again, silly of Kelly to bring only half of the charger (the wire, but not the plug - if you know what I mean) LOL! Hence, I went borrowing other people's camera for the remainder of the night ^_^'. Thank you Lisa L.!

Kelly and Philip (date).

Kim and Jonathan (date).

Jenny, you PIMP! xD

Victorian Period FTW =D!
Anna and Bach (date).

Katty and Peter (date).
Kelly and Robert (date).
Tu and Lisa (date).
Darren and Lisa (date).

There are also 4 things I want to point out about the formal: we started AND ended the night with Black Eye Peas's 'Good Night;' Loyee was smart enough to bring thongs along; Athena wore pants with pockets underneath her dress; everyone received an engraved CVHS O9 champagne glass, as a sorvenir, which is to be used at our reunion in 10 years time. ROFLMAOS! To view the formal photos we took that night, go to this site please =).
Teachers and students:
The clock strike 12. With aching feet, sweating bodies and tired eyes we dragged ourselves to Kelly's father, where him, and his car, waited for us with open arms. Thank you Mr. Huynh! After changing into my pjs, brushing my teeth and having me feet soaked in warm water for half an hour, I finally hit the hays. Goodnight, good luckies, and farewell everyone.
Our reunion class =).
Our table.
PS. I'll be taxing/getting photos and uploading them from other people, thank you!
PSS. Thanks Linh and My Linh for coming over, giving me cake and poppers, just to congratulate me for my graduation! You guys are so sweet!