2911O8 - Vincent's 18th Birthday.
It seems like it was just yesterday that I started typing in this blog. It feels like it was just yesterday, that I've been encouraged to make up my own blog. It was eight days before yesterday, a year ago, that I've made up my mind to pour my thoughts and emotions onto this two-dimensional screen, just for the world to acknowledge what I was feeling at that time. Maybe I'm feeling all sentimental and emotional because of the song I'm listening to right now: Love Me - Yiruma. Yiruma sure is an excellent pianist! I remember me typing a blog about how intrigued I was about his music.
Anyways, today is the last day of November, and nine days ago it was the day that I've started making this blog. I just felt like exclaiming this to the world LOL! Afterall, I didn't really expect msyelf to last this long with a blog. Okay, maybe not that surprising, but still!
Anyways, today sure had nice weather =). It was sunny, but not too hot. I thought of walking my dog today but then I had some chores to do, so I'll just walk him next time =). Anyways, I wonder how everyone is doing.
What else can I talk about? Oh yeah! Assessments are coming up! NO! It's week 8 next week *sigh* the year's about to end. It's quite sad actually. It just means we're getting closer to our own HSC T_T. I don't feel like year 12 still. I feel the pressure, but I don't really feel like a year 12. You know... the year 11 actually look older than us O_o'. We look like the younger grade xD! I'm not the only one that thought so too! That's okay, ngeh.
I think that's about it from me =). Everyone, enjoy the rest of your term!
Sunday, 30 November 2008
Wednesday, 26 November 2008
just delightful
2411O8 - Jacky's 17th Birthday.
Voyage by Ayumi Hamasaki quite suit the situation of our grade lately. Only because some people have traveled to Vietnam, and is coming back after this week, and the Society&Culture people have left for camp, bringing Mr. Donohue along with them =). I guess we have 3 days to relax from Mr. Donohue?
Hms... what else can I say? Oh yeah, we celebrated Jacky's birthday on Monday, in English, thanks to Thomas, Cindy, and Stephanie, and all those other people that helped as well. The cake was so nice! It was a black-forest cake =).
Oh yeah, the jacket won over the jerseys. I don't mind a jacket but I'd prefer it with a hoodie. Since it's going to be only navy blue and white, and not much designs, I thought the cotton jersey wasn't so bad after all. I wonder how much it will be, I hope it's not going to be over $75 xD.
We sure have came a long way, from year 7 until now when we're all in year 12. It's so sad how it's going to end soon, sooner than you think xO!
PS. ZOMG! Assessments coming up! NO!!!
Voyage by Ayumi Hamasaki quite suit the situation of our grade lately. Only because some people have traveled to Vietnam, and is coming back after this week, and the Society&Culture people have left for camp, bringing Mr. Donohue along with them =). I guess we have 3 days to relax from Mr. Donohue?
Hms... what else can I say? Oh yeah, we celebrated Jacky's birthday on Monday, in English, thanks to Thomas, Cindy, and Stephanie, and all those other people that helped as well. The cake was so nice! It was a black-forest cake =).
Oh yeah, the jacket won over the jerseys. I don't mind a jacket but I'd prefer it with a hoodie. Since it's going to be only navy blue and white, and not much designs, I thought the cotton jersey wasn't so bad after all. I wonder how much it will be, I hope it's not going to be over $75 xD.
We sure have came a long way, from year 7 until now when we're all in year 12. It's so sad how it's going to end soon, sooner than you think xO!
PS. ZOMG! Assessments coming up! NO!!!
Saturday, 15 November 2008
gettin' down 'n' dirty
Hms... what can I say about today? Well, I was late, again, but I guess not the lastest =). We saw Chrissy with a friend, then Eileen and her boyfriend =). They were going to Fairfield, and so were we, except ... we were on the opposite. We didn't realise until I saw the train on the other side THEN I realised that the side we were on was going to Liverpool =.= Stupid Titan LOL! Sarina, Titan and I went shopping at Fairfield for Sarina's birthday present =). Anyways, it got pretty tiring walking here and then... but in the end... we did it! ROFLS! We helped Sarina get in touch with her feminine side =D, and boy does she look SMASHING! Anyways, I also found a summer red and white stripped dress and I really wanted to buy it! Alas, I had no money, so I asked my mum to take me to Fairfield's Big W to buy it tomorrow =) WOOT WOOT! I hope I can still buy it!
Anyways, We can back to Cabramatta and went to Titan's house to have a rest and eat some lunch. We then met up with George, Jason and Kelly at the park next to PCYC and we played some games. I sure recevied a lot of injuries xO! I think the game got quite competitive, ngeh. We all got pretty dirty from diving and falling and rolling on the ground O_o'. Anyways, we shopped with Kelly for a bit, before Titan and I left to the park. We sure had a lot of fun playing like little kids, but then we had to go home. Later on, we played cricket with Tri and his friend and they found a dead bird O_o R.I.P. I had dinner at Titan's house, and then I went home =). That's about it, I guess!
PS. THANKS SARINA for your hard-drive xD! I'll return it to you asap! And I also really like your pirate looking bag xD!
Anyways, We can back to Cabramatta and went to Titan's house to have a rest and eat some lunch. We then met up with George, Jason and Kelly at the park next to PCYC and we played some games. I sure recevied a lot of injuries xO! I think the game got quite competitive, ngeh. We all got pretty dirty from diving and falling and rolling on the ground O_o'. Anyways, we shopped with Kelly for a bit, before Titan and I left to the park. We sure had a lot of fun playing like little kids, but then we had to go home. Later on, we played cricket with Tri and his friend and they found a dead bird O_o R.I.P. I had dinner at Titan's house, and then I went home =). That's about it, I guess!
PS. THANKS SARINA for your hard-drive xD! I'll return it to you asap! And I also really like your pirate looking bag xD!
Sunday, 9 November 2008
couples alert
When you think of spring time, what usually comes into mind? For me, it's romance, mating season, the time for love. How can I not? It's pratically slapping my face and forcing me to stare back at it! Of course, it's not a bad thing :). I do believe that the amount of couples have doubled since last year. I mean seriously, every corner I turn, there's a couple. I'm not the only one thinking that either. So, what's the point of this blog? No, it's not about me raving on and on about me being a loner while couples just walk around me, taunting me. In fact, it's quite the opposite. I support people and their feelings. WOOT WOOT! TELL THEM HOW YOU FEEL! IT"S SPRING! THEY'RE TOO BUSY FEELING LOVEY DOVERY TO REJECT YOU =). Okay, that looks like sarcasm, but I'm seriously! Okay, maybe not the lovey dovey part, but in general LOL! You know why I'm blogging about it? Because it's November, it's the last month of Spring before Summer hits us, and I'm pretty sure that people would be feeling too hot and sweat to do anything romantic LOL! We're in Australia after all.
Saturday, 8 November 2008
leap of faith =)
Sometimes, just have some faith.
Try something that you usually don't do. Do the opposite, once in a while. maybe turn the tables around on someone, or just let loose. There's no harm in doing that you know. And sometimes, you'd be more surprise. Call it a fluke, or just luck, but there are such things as miracles. I guess, just have some more faith in others, in yourself. Doing the opposite of what you usually do in a situation can really shock you. In the end, it comes down to whether you have faith or not.
Trust and faith goes together. IF you trust someone, but you don't have faith in them, it just means you don't trust them. If you did, you'd believe them, you'd have faith in them because you trust them. Visa verse. You can't have trust is you don't have faith. Sometimes, people don't realise that faith can give positive pressure and expectations to others. Either you're the one having faith, or the one owning up to it, the feelings are unbelievably fantastic. I mean, if you want people to have faith in you, you need to prove that you can live up to the faith they have in you. This is like giving and receiving. They say, giving is better than receiving, then living up to faith's expectations is better than having faith. You feel great when you know they did the right thing when they placed their faith in you.
Of course, I'm not trying to make it sound like you HAVE to live up to faith's expectations, but I guess its up to you and your morals. You know why faith is a positive thing? It's because, unlike other expectations where you need to do something in order to reach it, sometimes all you need to do are just simply things. The simplest things in life can suffice. Eventually, all those small things will just add up in the end. After all, action speaks louder than words. Most of the time anyways. I'd say take a leap of faith. You just don't know how far it can take you in life =).
PS. This is my 100th blog of this year! WOOT WOOT!
Try something that you usually don't do. Do the opposite, once in a while. maybe turn the tables around on someone, or just let loose. There's no harm in doing that you know. And sometimes, you'd be more surprise. Call it a fluke, or just luck, but there are such things as miracles. I guess, just have some more faith in others, in yourself. Doing the opposite of what you usually do in a situation can really shock you. In the end, it comes down to whether you have faith or not.
Trust and faith goes together. IF you trust someone, but you don't have faith in them, it just means you don't trust them. If you did, you'd believe them, you'd have faith in them because you trust them. Visa verse. You can't have trust is you don't have faith. Sometimes, people don't realise that faith can give positive pressure and expectations to others. Either you're the one having faith, or the one owning up to it, the feelings are unbelievably fantastic. I mean, if you want people to have faith in you, you need to prove that you can live up to the faith they have in you. This is like giving and receiving. They say, giving is better than receiving, then living up to faith's expectations is better than having faith. You feel great when you know they did the right thing when they placed their faith in you.
Of course, I'm not trying to make it sound like you HAVE to live up to faith's expectations, but I guess its up to you and your morals. You know why faith is a positive thing? It's because, unlike other expectations where you need to do something in order to reach it, sometimes all you need to do are just simply things. The simplest things in life can suffice. Eventually, all those small things will just add up in the end. After all, action speaks louder than words. Most of the time anyways. I'd say take a leap of faith. You just don't know how far it can take you in life =).
PS. This is my 100th blog of this year! WOOT WOOT!
Thursday, 6 November 2008
con-obama-lations US
Barack Obama, America's 44th President, as well as being the first African-American President, has won the election over John McCoin with a smashing 349 to 162 from the electoral college. Congratulations President Barack Obama. Now that ex-president George W. Bush's out of the picture, you may be able to bring real hope and possibilities to the Americans; a role model especially for the different nationalities. You, P. Obama, is the icon of change, of a new era (in the opinions of the ch10 news). For you to become president, it brings faith and hope to people, to show them that it's not impossible, that if you try hard enough, and if Lady of Luck and Lady of Fortune belieces you've got what it takes, then it's possible. If it was about two hundred years ago, the approximate age of Australia, it would've been practically impossible, and maybe a sin to have any notions in that topic. But now, it's a different story. We all know change is happening but you seemed to BE the solidified definition of change, of hope, of possibilities. No, I'm not exaggerating because I believe that's what the Americans feel when you've won that election today. It was only 13 minutes later have Senator John McCoin made a speech about his selfless thoughts. John McCoin sure fought hard through the years, but I guess he got out-voted. Anyways, there's always information about Obama on wikipedia. Once again, I congratulate you.
Wednesday, 5 November 2008
purple hyacinth

I am sincerely sorry to my business group. I'd like to explain for my absence when you needed me most. My mother was preoccupying to finish off her homework, and hasn't finished til 9 something o'clock. I was also eating dinner, since I was taking a nap earlier. Peter couldn't get to me due to bad reception, hence I had no idea that you guys wanted me to go on before 9 o'clock. If I knew, I would have asked my mum to finish the work after I've finished with mine. I am especially sorry to Mitchell for letting him down like this. Now I feel bad because I feel like I've done nothing for th is group. I hope I can redeem myself later on today by aiding one of yous with something, or help print things off. I hope you would accept my apology. Virtually, I'd like to send each of you a purple hyacinth, representing my sincere apologies. A purple hyacinth defines apology and query of forgiveness. Once again, I'm sorry.
PS. Sorry Katty, I just wrote a personal blog again. This time I've written it to apologise, so forgive me xO!

Tuesday, 4 November 2008
helpful house husbands
I'd like to blog about our cooking practical in Senior Science today. Each group was assigned to do different parts of a meal. Jackie, Patrick, Kelly and I were to do the mayonnaise and the chicken nuggets. It took us a while to get started, but then again, we didn't have much to do. Anyways, I accidentally told Kelly to add egg white, instead of egg yolk, making our mayonnaise quite runny LOL! Patrick and Jackie and I were scabbing some food off the group that was making salad LOL! The cranberries was a refreshing snack =).
Everyone else were all so good. Majority of us agreed that the pavlova that Mousawi, Dennis, Kevin and Jeremy made was better than the one bought. I guess they found it more fulfilling that just plain egg white. The salad and lasagna was delicious as well and everyone was digging in. Well, Mousawi took a while to start eating since he was writing up the practical and all. Lucky him, at least he didn't have any homework.
Before we ate, the girls did the washing up, so we decided that the boys should do the washing up afterward. Hence, Dennis, Timothy and Patrick were cleaning up the mess. HAHAHA! We all thought they'd made very good house husbands. I remember entering the kitchen, a couple of people were in there already, and Dennis was like "get out of my kitchen!" LOL! Dennis was funny =D!
Anyways, overall, I think the meal was a success. At least no one got food poisoning! LOL! OH YEAH! There wasd a class of juniors in the common room with us and they were doing their while, watching us cook and eat out food! We were all making comments and stuff like that to make them jealous, especially Patrick! That may not have been school captain behavior, but it sure was funny!
Mei actually ran all the way down to a junior to give them back their badge, then she had to walk all the way back again to get her bag, and then back to the station again. LOL! Poor Mei, but good for you school captain LOL! Oh yeah, I ended up carrying a bag of bowls which made a lot of noise while I was walking O_o. The bag was a supre bag as well! A PINK supre bag =.=! Ngeh, I'm home now.
PS. Today sure was windy!
Everyone else were all so good. Majority of us agreed that the pavlova that Mousawi, Dennis, Kevin and Jeremy made was better than the one bought. I guess they found it more fulfilling that just plain egg white. The salad and lasagna was delicious as well and everyone was digging in. Well, Mousawi took a while to start eating since he was writing up the practical and all. Lucky him, at least he didn't have any homework.
Before we ate, the girls did the washing up, so we decided that the boys should do the washing up afterward. Hence, Dennis, Timothy and Patrick were cleaning up the mess. HAHAHA! We all thought they'd made very good house husbands. I remember entering the kitchen, a couple of people were in there already, and Dennis was like "get out of my kitchen!" LOL! Dennis was funny =D!
Anyways, overall, I think the meal was a success. At least no one got food poisoning! LOL! OH YEAH! There wasd a class of juniors in the common room with us and they were doing their while, watching us cook and eat out food! We were all making comments and stuff like that to make them jealous, especially Patrick! That may not have been school captain behavior, but it sure was funny!
Mei actually ran all the way down to a junior to give them back their badge, then she had to walk all the way back again to get her bag, and then back to the station again. LOL! Poor Mei, but good for you school captain LOL! Oh yeah, I ended up carrying a bag of bowls which made a lot of noise while I was walking O_o. The bag was a supre bag as well! A PINK supre bag =.=! Ngeh, I'm home now.
PS. Today sure was windy!
Saturday, 1 November 2008
Happy Halloween
I'd love to celebrate Halloween by dressing up, bobbing for apples and having donut races but it didn't turn out that way. Instead, I went to Linh's house and we watched 'Shutter Unrated.' It wasn't too scary but it was quite sad, although Julie already told me what the story was about anyways LOL! The rest of the night, I watched Di-Gi Charat, which I borrowed with Vivian's video card.
Today, Sarina, Jason, George and I went to woolies and bought some sweets and just hanged around at the park, eating and talking. I guess it was our way of celebrating Halloween. We played a bit of soccer and basketball before we all separated. It was a pretty tiring and fun day. What a shame that not everyone I've invited to play came. Oh wells, that's okay. There's always next year =D ... or the year after!
Today, Sarina, Jason, George and I went to woolies and bought some sweets and just hanged around at the park, eating and talking. I guess it was our way of celebrating Halloween. We played a bit of soccer and basketball before we all separated. It was a pretty tiring and fun day. What a shame that not everyone I've invited to play came. Oh wells, that's okay. There's always next year =D ... or the year after!
special occasion,
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