28O5O8 - Peter D. 17th Birthday.
28O5O8 - Tony's 17th Birthday.
Oh sigh. I attempted to donate blood yesterday, only to drown in disappointment when they informed us that the weight has increased to 50 kg. I've been trying to hard to gain weight just to donate blood, the aftermaths was 48kg (including clothes and etc.) and it just wasn't good enough for them. I reasoned that the weight should vary due to different age groups yet they stayed firm. Athena was suffering from the same reason as I was, so neither of us could donate blood. Lisa L. couldn't donate blood either because her hemoglobin was too low - the average was 120, while hers was only 118. So only Julie, Kelvin and Eric managed to donate blood. Julie's one took a while because she had to do another test to see if she really was appropriate to donate blood. I volunteered to wait for Julie and Lisa because they were taking quite a while and it was already home time. This caused me to be late for my dentist appointment and I almost had to pay $50 for being late... AGAIN! My mum was chucking a fit on the phone =.=. I finally got my plates for my top teeth. It felt funny and I was having trouble talking. The dentist said that I had to wear it for about 4 months, day and night, and then another 4 months but only at nigh. However, I have to wear my retainers for another 2 years. It's okay I guess, I mean it's at the back of my teeth, so no one can see it, and I'm getting used to anyways. Afterwards, Vincent and I went to our interviews at Sizzlers and then his uncle took us home while we ate meat lovers pizza in the car. I haven't eaten meat lovers in ages!!!
Today was Peter's birthday and we sang happy birthday to him in ext. English and adv. English LOL! Oh yeah, I failed my biology test T__T! I'm not that bummed out though. I mean, majority of us failed anyways and I thought Mr. Ward photocopying a textbook as our test isn't quite right either. Minhky came first with the test, so good for him =). However, I was quite annoyed when I found out that there were some people cheating in the test. I won't say any names but I just can't believe they would actually do that. They had their textbooks and papers on their laps while they were doing the test. David saw them. In the end, they got pretty high marks too! I can't can't believe it! It's just morally and ethically wrong! Oh wells, I'll just have to study harder for the next test. Anyways, Mitchel, Danny, Katty and I watched Kim and Daryll perform their song again and Katty recorded it down this time. They were planning to put it up on youtube since their performance wasn't 'multicultural' enough to make it to E'Day, or so they say. Same with Peter's group as well. What a shame because they've been rehearsing quite a lot, at recess and lunch. I still can't believe our group made it in. Our group Titan, Tien, Sarina and I are going to sing and dance to 'Kimigasuki' by Trish Thuy Trang, a Vietnamese female singer who can sing English pretty well. Actually, I think majority of her songs are in English.
I don't really feel like a senior but I am forced to take on the responsibilities. Don't get me wrong, I mean being a senior can be pretty good since you get to have your own line at the canteen and other privileges as well. Alternatively, the stress can be quite overwhelming at times. I spent two nights, in a row, sleeping at about 4 in the morning because I was doing my English assignments. I know, I know. That's quite bad of me and that I should try not to procrastinate or allocate my time more better. Easier said that down, easier said that done. I'll try, I'll just try.
PS. The debating team of our school got it pretty hard with such bias people. Jenny thinks they won't be going to the semi-finals anymore. Oh wells, there's always next year right? Just with the HSC going and all that.
Wednesday, 28 May 2008
Tuesday, 27 May 2008
no respect
What can I say? I'm a senior now and I STILL don't have the proper respect from teachers. For example, Mrs. Diep marks the yr 9s' tests first than ours, and we're the senior here! Not that I mind too much, but sometimes I just want to know my mark earlier, you know? Don't get me wrong, I think Mrs. Diep is a wonderful teacher; she's very nice. When I was a junior, all I hear is how teachers couldn't give our marks back fast enough because they had to mark the seniors. Mrs. Diep contradicts that statement. Or maybe, since I'm actually IN the situation, I don't actually hear the teachers say how they put us near first (the year 12s will always have the no. 1 position on the list). I don't have a clue. However, I can't stand Mrs. McCallum. I mean, she didn't really appreciate my help with doing errands for her or placing the chairs down. If she doesn't, I'll just brush it aside, but taking my assessment task on the day it was due?! Where is the moral in that?! Just because she's a teacher, it doesn't mean she should do that! I mean, I just gave it to Cindy and Athena to read my story, to have a look at it, and then she told them to put it away but they couldn't hear her. Sheesh, just because she couldn't speak loud enough she shouldn't just vent on people when they don't listen to her, or couldn't listen to her. She moved me to the front because I was talking too much in morning assembly. That was fine by me. But not returning my assessment task after I've done so much JUST to finish it by the due date? UNACCEPTABLE! She told me to get it at the end of the day. Dude, I have Ext. English the bloody first period! You don't know how PISSED I was during the first couple of periods. SERIOUSLY! In the end, I got Cindy to get it back for me, so thank you to Cindy. Besides, I'm a senior now, can't she be more considerate about my freaking marks?! I know, I know. As a senior, I have more responsibilities and that I should set out a good example. But with her as my roll call teacher? I don't think so! Thank God I only have about 2 years left to have her as my roll call teacher. I managed to escape her from Geography, I don't mind escaping her again!
Sunday, 25 May 2008
no pain no gain
24O5O8 - Maylina's 16th Birthday.
This morning, my mum couldn't drive me to Cabramatta High for the Salvation Army event, so I had to walk there by myself. I thought I would know how to get quick because I've been there a couple of times. However, I went down a couple of wrong streets, and had to run back out again. When I got there, my friends were all waiting for me; I was about 20 minutes late. SORRY YOU GUYS! Who was there? There was Jenny (who finally got a mobile! YAY FOR JENNY!), Maylina, Cathleen, Annie, William and Mitchel. We had to split up because our group is too big, so it was Jenny, Cathleen, Maylina and Mitchel and Annie, William and I were a team. Then another girl came along, called Elizabeth, and joined our group. She was such a nice girl, and quite courteous when she wants to be. She is such a generous person, what a kind soul. It was her 3rd year doing the event. We spent HOURS collecting money and we were all getting famished, tired and aching all over. We raised $349.40 altogether. WOOT WOOT! We had some sausage sandwiches and cordial drinks. Maylina, Mitchel and I went back to Cabramatta, and then to our seperate ways. I got my mum to bring money for food but we didn't really eat, we just bought drinks from Gloria Jeans oopsie ^___^'.
I went home and did some errands for my mum, then I went to Linh's house and helped with moving and cleaning some things. I played around with Cocky and he almost bit me but I thought he was trying to bite a fly because I heard one flying around. Then later, he bit me! My finger bled T__T! And it hurt for a while. I can't believe Cocky actually bit me! UNBELIEVABLE! T_______T! My Linh warned me but I trusted Cocky. DAMN! Later, Linh's sister took us all to eat; Linh, My Linh, their sister, their cousin and I went to this club to eat. I finished my plate and we were all getting full. Linh's sister said that she couldn't taste the tofu and I thought her sense was too strong or something, but when I tasted it, you can taste the outside (which the sister poured pepper on) but you can't taste the inside O_O! I thought the sister didn't really like me but it was because she was temporarily frustrated and she was just blowing on everyone. Oh wells, everyone has their days. Anyways, we ate at the club and I had a competition with their cousin; him and I had 3 tofus to eat and who ever eats theirs first will get to play with the snack skill tester. in the end, he won. Oh wells xP! I felt so full at that moment that I can hardly even move. We all played the skill tester and their sister was actually pretty good at playing it. She wasted $6 on about 10 snacks LOL! We all had fun and laughed a lot. I could hardly move from laughing and from being full. I thought I was going to burst any time soon. Anyways, we got back and I played MS on Linh's laptop and we just chatted away, then I went home. Linh needed some sneakers so I lent her my old ones, though it was kind of small for her. Oh wells. xD OH YEAH! I versed this really big slime, all by myself, on MS and I actually beat it! I feel so proud! xD WOOT WOOT FOR ME! I temporarily can't go on because I need to download this patch and I'm too capped to download it quick enough, so in the end I couldn't be bothered to download anymore.
PS. I now know where Peter D2 lives now... LOL! I shall stalk him one day... JOKES! As if mans! I have better stuffs to do LOL! By the way, his dog is oh so cute! xD
This morning, my mum couldn't drive me to Cabramatta High for the Salvation Army event, so I had to walk there by myself. I thought I would know how to get quick because I've been there a couple of times. However, I went down a couple of wrong streets, and had to run back out again. When I got there, my friends were all waiting for me; I was about 20 minutes late. SORRY YOU GUYS! Who was there? There was Jenny (who finally got a mobile! YAY FOR JENNY!), Maylina, Cathleen, Annie, William and Mitchel. We had to split up because our group is too big, so it was Jenny, Cathleen, Maylina and Mitchel and Annie, William and I were a team. Then another girl came along, called Elizabeth, and joined our group. She was such a nice girl, and quite courteous when she wants to be. She is such a generous person, what a kind soul. It was her 3rd year doing the event. We spent HOURS collecting money and we were all getting famished, tired and aching all over. We raised $349.40 altogether. WOOT WOOT! We had some sausage sandwiches and cordial drinks. Maylina, Mitchel and I went back to Cabramatta, and then to our seperate ways. I got my mum to bring money for food but we didn't really eat, we just bought drinks from Gloria Jeans oopsie ^___^'.
I went home and did some errands for my mum, then I went to Linh's house and helped with moving and cleaning some things. I played around with Cocky and he almost bit me but I thought he was trying to bite a fly because I heard one flying around. Then later, he bit me! My finger bled T__T! And it hurt for a while. I can't believe Cocky actually bit me! UNBELIEVABLE! T_______T! My Linh warned me but I trusted Cocky. DAMN! Later, Linh's sister took us all to eat; Linh, My Linh, their sister, their cousin and I went to this club to eat. I finished my plate and we were all getting full. Linh's sister said that she couldn't taste the tofu and I thought her sense was too strong or something, but when I tasted it, you can taste the outside (which the sister poured pepper on) but you can't taste the inside O_O! I thought the sister didn't really like me but it was because she was temporarily frustrated and she was just blowing on everyone. Oh wells, everyone has their days. Anyways, we ate at the club and I had a competition with their cousin; him and I had 3 tofus to eat and who ever eats theirs first will get to play with the snack skill tester. in the end, he won. Oh wells xP! I felt so full at that moment that I can hardly even move. We all played the skill tester and their sister was actually pretty good at playing it. She wasted $6 on about 10 snacks LOL! We all had fun and laughed a lot. I could hardly move from laughing and from being full. I thought I was going to burst any time soon. Anyways, we got back and I played MS on Linh's laptop and we just chatted away, then I went home. Linh needed some sneakers so I lent her my old ones, though it was kind of small for her. Oh wells. xD OH YEAH! I versed this really big slime, all by myself, on MS and I actually beat it! I feel so proud! xD WOOT WOOT FOR ME! I temporarily can't go on because I need to download this patch and I'm too capped to download it quick enough, so in the end I couldn't be bothered to download anymore.
PS. I now know where Peter D2 lives now... LOL! I shall stalk him one day... JOKES! As if mans! I have better stuffs to do LOL! By the way, his dog is oh so cute! xD
Friday, 23 May 2008
International Students
Today the international students came (I.S.) and it was cool. My friends and I were following the I.S with their host around the school to know them. Our Kelly's exchange student looks really pretty and quite tall too. Nathan's one looks ain't bad and Tu's one looks like Elwin ... but a darker and taller version! The funny thing is that Jordan has two and he's not even Asian, let alone know anything about Vietnam. They students are going to stay here for about 2 weeks and during this time, them and their hosts are going to have a trip around NSW to go sightseeing and etc. How cool is that? We had our 2 units maths 1/2 yearlies. OMG! I wish we had more time. There is one question that I didn't answer at all, and another question I definitely know I stuffed up and hence, I will be losing at LEAST 2 marks T_____T! Oh yeah, because of the exchange students, we told Mr. Ward to not swear in class and he said that he'll 'try' not too LOL! And he managed to not swear in class today! LOL!
PS. I'd like to take pictures of them to keep as memory and go out with them all one day, before they leave, to show them the 'real' Asia in Australia ROFLS xD!!!
PS. I'd like to take pictures of them to keep as memory and go out with them all one day, before they leave, to show them the 'real' Asia in Australia ROFLS xD!!!
birthday strike
22O5O8 - Titan's 16th Birthday.
Yesterday, Titan, Vincent, Kelly and I went to Burwood to eat at Vincent's Uncle's restaurant to celebrate Titan's 16th Birthday. We saw Jason, and his friend Khanh, and we also saw Diana and Tien there as well. Some were going to City while others went to Parramatta. Then we had some trouble with the ticket machine because it ate Kelly's ticket and we had to call the one of the guards to take it back out for us. The food was delicious and quite tasty. Vincent and I had tom yum, Kelly had a seafood and vegetable side dish with rice and Titan had fried rice. Vincent brought us a can of drink each and some lollies as well. Later on, Vincent's Aunt was nice enough to make us a dish of spring rolls for free and it was really delicious! We experienced different ways of eating the spring roll. Later, we went to a shop and attempted to dress Kelly up. She looks cute in the outfit but she felt guilty because she wasn't going to buy anything and that she's just window shopping. Oh wells. I wanted to buy some shirts but I had no money ^__^' LOL!
During the ride back, we took heaps of photos and Kelly and Vincent looked like mushrooms due to their pointy hoodies LOL! Coincidentally, we ALL were wearing jackets with hoodies =). Kelly was trying to sleeping but I kept disturbing her by taking pictures of her. Earlier, while we were waiting for our train, we played around with Kelly's and Vincent's hair LOL! Vincent looks funny at that time =D.
Kelly went to the library later because her friend, Cathy, bought her some excel maths textbooks. How nice of her! So Titan, Vincent and I went to the park. Titan and I were on the see-saw singing our lungs out with different songs that we both know. Anyone that passed the park looked at us weirdly LOL! But it was fun overall. Then Vincent and I played on the see-saw while Titan played on the swings, then we took turns pushing Titan on the swing. Titan 'attempted' to sleep on the see-saw. Then Titan and Vincent hanged around the tree and I took picture of them. In the end, I asked Vincent to walk Titan home, just in case, while I went the other way to tutor. I was late, but not that much. Overall, it was a pretty fun day!
Yesterday, Titan, Vincent, Kelly and I went to Burwood to eat at Vincent's Uncle's restaurant to celebrate Titan's 16th Birthday. We saw Jason, and his friend Khanh, and we also saw Diana and Tien there as well. Some were going to City while others went to Parramatta. Then we had some trouble with the ticket machine because it ate Kelly's ticket and we had to call the one of the guards to take it back out for us. The food was delicious and quite tasty. Vincent and I had tom yum, Kelly had a seafood and vegetable side dish with rice and Titan had fried rice. Vincent brought us a can of drink each and some lollies as well. Later on, Vincent's Aunt was nice enough to make us a dish of spring rolls for free and it was really delicious! We experienced different ways of eating the spring roll. Later, we went to a shop and attempted to dress Kelly up. She looks cute in the outfit but she felt guilty because she wasn't going to buy anything and that she's just window shopping. Oh wells. I wanted to buy some shirts but I had no money ^__^' LOL!
During the ride back, we took heaps of photos and Kelly and Vincent looked like mushrooms due to their pointy hoodies LOL! Coincidentally, we ALL were wearing jackets with hoodies =). Kelly was trying to sleeping but I kept disturbing her by taking pictures of her. Earlier, while we were waiting for our train, we played around with Kelly's and Vincent's hair LOL! Vincent looks funny at that time =D.
Kelly went to the library later because her friend, Cathy, bought her some excel maths textbooks. How nice of her! So Titan, Vincent and I went to the park. Titan and I were on the see-saw singing our lungs out with different songs that we both know. Anyone that passed the park looked at us weirdly LOL! But it was fun overall. Then Vincent and I played on the see-saw while Titan played on the swings, then we took turns pushing Titan on the swing. Titan 'attempted' to sleep on the see-saw. Then Titan and Vincent hanged around the tree and I took picture of them. In the end, I asked Vincent to walk Titan home, just in case, while I went the other way to tutor. I was late, but not that much. Overall, it was a pretty fun day!
Wednesday, 21 May 2008
triple the pleasure
21O5O8 - Thi's 16th Birthday.
Ridiculous, just plain ridiculous. You should have seen the traffic yesterday morning! It's was horrible! My mother and I assumed that something happened at Canley Heights because all the cars went to our side of the road. Anyways, It took us about 20 + minutes to get out of there. I apologise to Titan because if it wasn't for us, she wouldn't have went back up and got her mother to drive and they wouldn't be late. Anyways, I just made it for the bus to the Cross Country Zone. Anyways, It was pretty fun at the Cross Country Zone. The 17+ started the race first, so it was in reverse. I was quite scared because I will be running by myself. From our school, only 5 girls were 17+. I managed to continue non-stop for about 3/4 of the way, the rest of the way I started to slow down a bit. I wish I sprinted the last part a bit more. In just a couple of seconds, I could've came 10th, but I came 11th in the end. That's my first pleasure of the day. Oh wells, I guess it's pretty good. I actually beat Wattey but she wasn't even trying so much. She's actually really REALLY good. She didn't try that hard and she still made it as 12th. I think I was second from our school, for the girls, to finish the race. WOOT WOOT! I might be a reserve for Cross Country Area xD! After the race I was praying for Katty and Kelly to be safe and that they tried their hardest and finish the race. YAY FOR THEM! And I've been cheering for people from our school, though not all of them heard my cheer. Oh wells xD! It doesn't matter.The point is that they finished the race. OH YEAH! There was these two boys from Prairiewood High. A guy was carrying his friend on his back and walking to the finish line. What sportsmanship! What friendship! What spirit! I was so amazed by such courtesy! I highly doubt there are such guys in this world anymore, and even if there were, it's quite rare. It's rare to find people that are honestly good, inside and out. So GOOD FOR THEM WOOT WOOT =D! After the race, I was really hungry and I couldn't use the money, for certain circumstances, so I asked Patrick for some food. He was so nice to give me his banana and half his pork roll! And Peter gave me some of his tuna and lollies, and Lisa shared some of her chips with me, and Minhky gave me some chips and Kelly gave me an orange to eat. THANK YOU, YOU GUYS =D! Anyways, afterwards half of us were doing maths homework while the other half were playing card games. Paul rubbed some hot cream down his pants ... and his reaction was PRICELESS!! ROFLMAOS! He said that it stings and it hurts LOL! It sure looked painful. Some of the guys decided to play 13 and that who ever loses have to put the hot cream on their eye. I was SO close in losing to Bach. SO close, I swear! But in the end, I managed to survive. WOOT WOOT for me! Bad luck for Bach xP! It sure looked painful! There there guys, be a man and suck it up! Anyways, when Susan lost, it had created a crowd around us LOL! Anyways, we came 4th! Our school came 4th! YAY! We weren't last! LOL! When Jovin when to get his picture taken, our school fully cheered for him. Minhky screamed out 'What Team?' and half of us answered 'WILDCATS!' LOL! How funny is that?! Anyways, *sigh* Jordan flashed ... AGAIN! T___T! Thank GOD I didn't see anything .. besides a bit of his bum cheek T___T! ARGH! My eyes! Afterwards, Peter and Jordan gave each other weggies LOL! The one Peter did to Jordan sure looked bad! His underwear went all the way up to his waist! Half of us waited for quite a while for the bus so we were late coming back. The bus that we were on was actually the school bus but because of Katty's good conscious, we went off rather than hitching a free ride (well, technically, we did that with the Cross Country Zone bus but that's an exception. Hey, I was late! Cut me some slack!).
Katty and I walked to Canley station and there was a fight going on, the police people were there to solve it. Katty walked me to my dentist and then she left for home. I finally took off my braces, all of it! Although I am wearing retainers for my bottom teeth, and I will be wearing plates for my top teeth, it's still good overall. I'm still trying to get used to not wearing braces. After all, I did wear them for a bout 2 years. That's my second pleasure.
Later that night, Titan called me and told me about her incident with that trash and how much trouble he got into. GO TITAN! But I regret not being there for her when she needed it. I bet he purposely chose yesterday, when Kelly and I were there so he can 'attempt' to pick on her without our interference! He knows the our closeness and that we would do anything for her! That's the third pleasure.
Today was okay. In chemistry, Mrs. Bremet and Mrs. Rogers actually asked Mousawi to help with the chemistry question. Unbelievable! Mousawi definitely have excellent potential in the science department! Jenny was like saying how the situation is like Star Wars, when it looks like Mousawi is our only hope ... to understand the question ROFLS!
Thi received to many gifts from her friends and many people greeted her with a 'happy birthday thi' and/or a hug, including me. Good for her =)! She's finally 16 years of age! That reminds me, we were writing in a birthday card for Lisa L. I guess Annie still haven't given the present to Lisa yet. Oh wells, It's not like she's going anywhere anyways so it's okay I guess LOL!
That's about it. This is Fiona and she's signing out right now =).
Ridiculous, just plain ridiculous. You should have seen the traffic yesterday morning! It's was horrible! My mother and I assumed that something happened at Canley Heights because all the cars went to our side of the road. Anyways, It took us about 20 + minutes to get out of there. I apologise to Titan because if it wasn't for us, she wouldn't have went back up and got her mother to drive and they wouldn't be late. Anyways, I just made it for the bus to the Cross Country Zone. Anyways, It was pretty fun at the Cross Country Zone. The 17+ started the race first, so it was in reverse. I was quite scared because I will be running by myself. From our school, only 5 girls were 17+. I managed to continue non-stop for about 3/4 of the way, the rest of the way I started to slow down a bit. I wish I sprinted the last part a bit more. In just a couple of seconds, I could've came 10th, but I came 11th in the end. That's my first pleasure of the day. Oh wells, I guess it's pretty good. I actually beat Wattey but she wasn't even trying so much. She's actually really REALLY good. She didn't try that hard and she still made it as 12th. I think I was second from our school, for the girls, to finish the race. WOOT WOOT! I might be a reserve for Cross Country Area xD! After the race I was praying for Katty and Kelly to be safe and that they tried their hardest and finish the race. YAY FOR THEM! And I've been cheering for people from our school, though not all of them heard my cheer. Oh wells xD! It doesn't matter.The point is that they finished the race. OH YEAH! There was these two boys from Prairiewood High. A guy was carrying his friend on his back and walking to the finish line. What sportsmanship! What friendship! What spirit! I was so amazed by such courtesy! I highly doubt there are such guys in this world anymore, and even if there were, it's quite rare. It's rare to find people that are honestly good, inside and out. So GOOD FOR THEM WOOT WOOT =D! After the race, I was really hungry and I couldn't use the money, for certain circumstances, so I asked Patrick for some food. He was so nice to give me his banana and half his pork roll! And Peter gave me some of his tuna and lollies, and Lisa shared some of her chips with me, and Minhky gave me some chips and Kelly gave me an orange to eat. THANK YOU, YOU GUYS =D! Anyways, afterwards half of us were doing maths homework while the other half were playing card games. Paul rubbed some hot cream down his pants ... and his reaction was PRICELESS!! ROFLMAOS! He said that it stings and it hurts LOL! It sure looked painful. Some of the guys decided to play 13 and that who ever loses have to put the hot cream on their eye. I was SO close in losing to Bach. SO close, I swear! But in the end, I managed to survive. WOOT WOOT for me! Bad luck for Bach xP! It sure looked painful! There there guys, be a man and suck it up! Anyways, when Susan lost, it had created a crowd around us LOL! Anyways, we came 4th! Our school came 4th! YAY! We weren't last! LOL! When Jovin when to get his picture taken, our school fully cheered for him. Minhky screamed out 'What Team?' and half of us answered 'WILDCATS!' LOL! How funny is that?! Anyways, *sigh* Jordan flashed ... AGAIN! T___T! Thank GOD I didn't see anything .. besides a bit of his bum cheek T___T! ARGH! My eyes! Afterwards, Peter and Jordan gave each other weggies LOL! The one Peter did to Jordan sure looked bad! His underwear went all the way up to his waist! Half of us waited for quite a while for the bus so we were late coming back. The bus that we were on was actually the school bus but because of Katty's good conscious, we went off rather than hitching a free ride (well, technically, we did that with the Cross Country Zone bus but that's an exception. Hey, I was late! Cut me some slack!).
Katty and I walked to Canley station and there was a fight going on, the police people were there to solve it. Katty walked me to my dentist and then she left for home. I finally took off my braces, all of it! Although I am wearing retainers for my bottom teeth, and I will be wearing plates for my top teeth, it's still good overall. I'm still trying to get used to not wearing braces. After all, I did wear them for a bout 2 years. That's my second pleasure.
Later that night, Titan called me and told me about her incident with that trash and how much trouble he got into. GO TITAN! But I regret not being there for her when she needed it. I bet he purposely chose yesterday, when Kelly and I were there so he can 'attempt' to pick on her without our interference! He knows the our closeness and that we would do anything for her! That's the third pleasure.
Today was okay. In chemistry, Mrs. Bremet and Mrs. Rogers actually asked Mousawi to help with the chemistry question. Unbelievable! Mousawi definitely have excellent potential in the science department! Jenny was like saying how the situation is like Star Wars, when it looks like Mousawi is our only hope ... to understand the question ROFLS!
Thi received to many gifts from her friends and many people greeted her with a 'happy birthday thi' and/or a hug, including me. Good for her =)! She's finally 16 years of age! That reminds me, we were writing in a birthday card for Lisa L. I guess Annie still haven't given the present to Lisa yet. Oh wells, It's not like she's going anywhere anyways so it's okay I guess LOL!
That's about it. This is Fiona and she's signing out right now =).
Monday, 19 May 2008
weekend mayhem
14O5O8 - Kelly's 16th Birthday.
15O5O8 - Eric's 16th Birthday.
Saturday - I went to Linh's house for the day and they were cleaning stuff out of the garage. I helped a bit buy putting clothes into the bags and cutting off the buttons and stuffing the bags of clothes into the clothes bin, next to the Homeware warehouse, just around the corner. Linh and Auntie were laughing at me because I was struggling to shove the bag it. Hey! It wasn't my fault that the bin was almost full! Anyways, we went back and I decided that it was getting too cold and I went inside to watch some T.V and fed the fish xD!! Linh asked me to feed the cat some food too. Almost, I attempted to catch the kitten ... but failed miserably T__T! It's so agile! Anyways, we had dinner and their cousin was getting sick; Linh was sick already. The whole family was gradually getting sick. I think I got sick from Linh xO! Oh wells! Anyways, I won't be swimming tomorrow ... OH YEAH! I have Cross Country carnival tomorrow. Just to skip English, I'd do almost ANYTHING! Keyword: almost. Anyways, I played some Maple Story on My Linh's computer. That night, when I left, I decided to download the game myself. It actually didn't take that long, surprisingly enough. The rest of the night I played MS and met a guy and almost got married on it LOL! He was a nice guy anyways. Oh wells. Due to circumstances, like time zone, I highly doubt I will be able to see him again *sigh*.
Sunday - Today started out a bit crap. My cousin was kind of giving me a lecture in the car. I felt that I had no need to say anything and she took it as a sign that I'm in a disagreeable mood. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. I just felt like I didn't want to talk at that time. I was contemplating deeply in my head, along with some profanities ... Anyways, after the stretching for dance class, I was okay again but I started to have some cramps. It was okay. Anyways, it was fun but we didn't sweat as much as usual. We went to Edward's house later and we did some exercise. LOL! Seeing my cousin doing weights is funny ROFLMAOS! *coughcough* Anyways, we went to pick up Auntie up from Mahjong and then we went home. That's about my day.
PS. I did a practice maths test today. OMG! I died big time mans! I seriously need to study my ASS off xO!!!
PSS. Trash is being an ignorant bastard blinded by his stupidity. This is evident due to his childish and immature behaviour online. Who does he think he is? Trying to 'virtually' ruin Titan's reputation. I don't think so buddy! He better watch out. He thinks that my warnings are groundless statements. AS IF! I just couldn't be bothered with filthy trash like him at the moment. He's not WORTH my time.He better be ready for me! GRRR!!!
15O5O8 - Eric's 16th Birthday.
Saturday - I went to Linh's house for the day and they were cleaning stuff out of the garage. I helped a bit buy putting clothes into the bags and cutting off the buttons and stuffing the bags of clothes into the clothes bin, next to the Homeware warehouse, just around the corner. Linh and Auntie were laughing at me because I was struggling to shove the bag it. Hey! It wasn't my fault that the bin was almost full! Anyways, we went back and I decided that it was getting too cold and I went inside to watch some T.V and fed the fish xD!! Linh asked me to feed the cat some food too. Almost, I attempted to catch the kitten ... but failed miserably T__T! It's so agile! Anyways, we had dinner and their cousin was getting sick; Linh was sick already. The whole family was gradually getting sick. I think I got sick from Linh xO! Oh wells! Anyways, I won't be swimming tomorrow ... OH YEAH! I have Cross Country carnival tomorrow. Just to skip English, I'd do almost ANYTHING! Keyword: almost. Anyways, I played some Maple Story on My Linh's computer. That night, when I left, I decided to download the game myself. It actually didn't take that long, surprisingly enough. The rest of the night I played MS and met a guy and almost got married on it LOL! He was a nice guy anyways. Oh wells. Due to circumstances, like time zone, I highly doubt I will be able to see him again *sigh*.
Sunday - Today started out a bit crap. My cousin was kind of giving me a lecture in the car. I felt that I had no need to say anything and she took it as a sign that I'm in a disagreeable mood. Maybe I was, maybe I wasn't. I just felt like I didn't want to talk at that time. I was contemplating deeply in my head, along with some profanities ... Anyways, after the stretching for dance class, I was okay again but I started to have some cramps. It was okay. Anyways, it was fun but we didn't sweat as much as usual. We went to Edward's house later and we did some exercise. LOL! Seeing my cousin doing weights is funny ROFLMAOS! *coughcough* Anyways, we went to pick up Auntie up from Mahjong and then we went home. That's about my day.
PS. I did a practice maths test today. OMG! I died big time mans! I seriously need to study my ASS off xO!!!
PSS. Trash is being an ignorant bastard blinded by his stupidity. This is evident due to his childish and immature behaviour online. Who does he think he is? Trying to 'virtually' ruin Titan's reputation. I don't think so buddy! He better watch out. He thinks that my warnings are groundless statements. AS IF! I just couldn't be bothered with filthy trash like him at the moment. He's not WORTH my time.He better be ready for me! GRRR!!!
Wednesday, 14 May 2008
COLOURS in a black & white world
Can you really identify a person as good or as evil due to their actions. Some people just see the blacks and whites of the world, they see only the truths and the lies but not many actually willing to scrutinize for the reason behind it all. Robinhood. Can you really call him a bad guy? Majority of us will say no because he's doing a good thing - stealing from the rich bastards and giving it to the ones that needs it most and will appreciate it more. A minority of people will say that he's stealing. Stealing is stealing. Yes, that is right but the fact that he's doing it for good intentions, it's not as relevant that he's committing a crime. Cheating. Cheating is cheating. There's nothing good about it. However, if it's reasonable that the incident happens the person will be forgiven and maybe, even given a second chance. The army. When they are forced to fight for their country, their people, they will eventually kill the opponent's soldiers. However, killing is bad, it's wrong, but because of the intentions behind it, people see more white that black. Yes, these are the grays in life - a mixture of good and evil. I believe gray isn't the only colour in the world though. Since black and white are like the foundation of colours, it's like the basis for each and every individual. Like cases, there can be crimes committed due to the persona's mentality. Would you call that a gray? You only see the black parts of this case and that the only exception that he's mental. However, that's isn't a white part; it's a different colour. People have both good and bad in them, but it just depends on the person, and the influences around him/her, that leads that person to be more good or more bad. Hence, everyone's a different colour. They may be similar, but not identical. It shows our individuality and uniqueness in our values, personalities and moralities. Besides, being in a black and white world is too boring - colour brings life in the world.
Sunday, 11 May 2008
Hungry as a Hippo

Here it goes. Kit, Adam, Kim, Kylie, Peter, Kim, Lisa, Ray, David, Shain, Paul, Vincent, Louis, Daryll and I all waited the Cabramatta train staion for Chris, which took about an hour. We were going to celebrate Kit's 16th birthday with a dinner. We missed so many trains and we were all starving! Stupid Chris!!! When we finally took the train, Shain and Peter lost Chris's ticket so he was having a panic attack throughout the whole journey to the city. Anyways, Jason and Kim teased our brains with some riddles. They were:
- Brothers and sisters I have none, but that man's father is my father's son. Who am I? Answer: Your son. (Don't ask how that works because I don't really get it. Chris was explaining to us the answer but it still doesn't make sense).
- There are two doors, one leads to heaven and the other leads to hell. There are 2 guards, one for each door. One of them always tell the truth, the other always lies. If you are allowed one question to ask them, what question would you ask them? Answer: Ask which door goes to hell. (Jason explained this and I kind of understand it - They will point to the same door ... or something like that LOL!).
Anyways, we saw a performance at the Darling Harbor, then we took about 20 minutes to get to Star City from Townhall (Kylie was walking slower than the others because she was wearing boots and Kim and I joined her), and then another 10 - 20 minutes for tables for 17 people LOL! The place was called 'Garden Buffet' and the whole thing cost $35.90/person - EXPENSIVE xO! Hence, even though we were gradually getting full (as in stomach ache full) we still kept on eating! The food was delicious though, majority of it anyways. The boys were playing with their food LOL! The chocolate icecream that came out looked like how shit comes out (if that even make sense) and the boys were joking around about 2 girls and a cup, then it turned to 3 girls and a cup and all those disgusting jokes LOL! Peter had 5 plates! And Kim (Lisa's friend) ate about 4 plates, but not completely finished for each one. WOW! I only had 3 plates, but the food's so less that it looks more like 2 plates. Overall, it was fun. We also had to eat quickly because the place was going to close at 10:30PM.

Saturday, 10 May 2008
being ambitious =)
Yesterday, after school was fun. I joined Kim, with her photography, and Annie and Peter, as her models, and assisted her in the process. I actually told my mum I was going to Linh's house today but she had tutor and I didn't know that. Seeing that I had spare time, I asked if I could join them and I did. We took pictures around the school and at a park between the school and the station. It was kind of awkward at first with the teachers roaming around and having single shots but everything just fell into place in the end. We were about to trespass into this really ancient, attractive and quiet messy house. Although it was quite obvious that the place wasn't used in years due to the overgrown plants and the debris around the area, though Kim thought it was quite a lovely place to take photos. Annie and Peter were great models and it was okay that they weren't 'professional' because Kim's theme was nature, friendship and happiness. Kim's creativity was blanking out at times, but when she does hit the jackpot her photos were amazing, just amazing. It can be quite tiring but it was worth it in the end! HAHAHA! Kim said she was going to shout us cakes ROFLS! Annie and I left for the library, to wait for her dad, while Kim and Peter walked the over way at Cabramatta. It was nice talking to Annie alone, it's been ages since the last time I've talked to her. We saw Mitchell and his mother, going to the library and back, and we also saw Aaron, who just came back from Parramatta for buying his mother a present for Mothers Day. I feel kind of bad because this year I won't be able to buy my mum anything but I'm in the process of making her a scarf. I'm planning to make it up to her on her birthday. I think I will make a hand-made card for my mum, she likes those type of things - things made from the heart =).
Anyways, below are some of my favourites from Kim's photography:

PSS. Peter should seriously be a model, or have some part time job in modeling - he's really good =).
Anyways, below are some of my favourites from Kim's photography:
- Annie + a clover.

- Peter contemplating.
- Annie + Peter = Friendship.
- The future is temperamental.
- Last, but not least - Annie + Me + Peter = all in this together =).
PSS. Peter should seriously be a model, or have some part time job in modeling - he's really good =).
Wednesday, 7 May 2008
seeing something invisible . . .
O1O5O8 - Kit's 16th Birthday.
O3O5O8 - Linda C.'s 16th Birthday.
O5O5O8 - Nguyensa's 15th Birthday.
O7O5O8 - Antony's 16th Birthday.
Ghosts. It's like a new window has opened up to me on the concepts of ghosts. I used to think only of the negative issues about ghosts. I knew the basics - spiritual wondering souls waiting to pass over, or have unfinished business and waiting for it to end so they can be finally rest in peace. The media can have such a huge impact on people, not only about ghosts but other things as well. I've always thought I wasn't that easily persuaded by the media, but I guess I'm not an exception to it. Of course, I still believe in ghosts (along with the other 20% of the world's population) but I'm not as afraid of them anymore and I'm glad. I'm glad that I don't see them in that light anymore. I was so engrossed in the groundless statements and unbelievable facts about them that I completely forgot about the actual existence of ghosts. They are souls, they still have emotions, they still have unreachable goals, they still reminiscent about their past. Instead of helping them rest in peace, I'm was being totally and utterly afraid of them. How selfish of me; I'm ashamed of myself. It was the 'discussion' I had with Jerry which finally slapped me awake from my unnecessary nightmare. Seeing that he is an intellectual and promising adult, while I'm just a stubborn, 'naive' little girl he explained to me things that no other people had actually told me about. Of course they told me there's no such things as ghosts and things like that, but they had no reassurance, no reasonable explanation for that. Of course, overall he didn't really change the fact that ghosts do OR do not exist. However, he did help me see another perspective, the 'adults' perspective. The sentence, he said, that made me not as afraid of ghosts anymore is 'even if there are ghosts, the chances of you meeting a ghost is like one to a billion, so whats the point being afraid of something that's not really going to happen...' or something along the lines. Our perspectives disagrees with each other but his is more logical, realistic, compared to mine. He made me feel like a child; a silly, stubborn little child. And here I was, thinking I was becoming more mature. It was nothing. I am becoming more mature, but not in the sense of actually seeing the real world. I wont deny it, I still have feelings i need to feel, knowledge to learn, experiences to go through, memories to remember. I'm still young. Overall, I'm a teenager, an adolescent, a child. I talked with Jeffrey and Nathan. Both had similar, yet different opinions at the same time. Jeffrey had a close relative encountering with ghosts, while Nathan is Buddhist, and had explained his point of view in a religious perspective. Both made me feel even safer and much better about ghosts. Nathan made ghosts seem so interesting to learn about. Although, I wouldn't mind learning about them, I don't think I'm ready to get too in depth with the ghost topic. I began to understand more about 'ghosts full of vengeance' after I've watched 'Saw 2' because all the people that had to suffer were people that had committed crimes or did bad deeds. I've always believed in karma, so I always think that hopefully I wouldn't suffer since I don't think I've actually did anything THAT bad. So now, instead of thinking about the liquidized illusions of my own wild imaginations, I'll be thinking about the positive things about ghosts. Nathan said that if a person is good enough (as in a good person in general) then ghosts will follow them, and learn from them, as well as protecting them. I find that very interesting so it would be a nice notion to think that there's a ghost protecting me and learning from me =). If possible, it would be nice to learn from them too.
PS. Bich has been away for a couple of days now due to an allergic reaction with her cream. Because she had never been away before, let a lone this many days consecutively, we were worried about it. Lisa L. seemed to be selfish when Bich was away. She was thinking about herself and how she would hurt Bich for leaving her like that. Titan and I thought she really was being selfish and slack to Bich, but now ... I finally realised it's just Lisa's way of showing her affections and care towards Bich. Afterall, they have been close friends for quite a while in high school. So I apologise to Lisa for judging her just like that. I should've known better. Anyways, I hope Bich will get better soon =).
O3O5O8 - Linda C.'s 16th Birthday.
O5O5O8 - Nguyensa's 15th Birthday.
O7O5O8 - Antony's 16th Birthday.
Ghosts. It's like a new window has opened up to me on the concepts of ghosts. I used to think only of the negative issues about ghosts. I knew the basics - spiritual wondering souls waiting to pass over, or have unfinished business and waiting for it to end so they can be finally rest in peace. The media can have such a huge impact on people, not only about ghosts but other things as well. I've always thought I wasn't that easily persuaded by the media, but I guess I'm not an exception to it. Of course, I still believe in ghosts (along with the other 20% of the world's population) but I'm not as afraid of them anymore and I'm glad. I'm glad that I don't see them in that light anymore. I was so engrossed in the groundless statements and unbelievable facts about them that I completely forgot about the actual existence of ghosts. They are souls, they still have emotions, they still have unreachable goals, they still reminiscent about their past. Instead of helping them rest in peace, I'm was being totally and utterly afraid of them. How selfish of me; I'm ashamed of myself. It was the 'discussion' I had with Jerry which finally slapped me awake from my unnecessary nightmare. Seeing that he is an intellectual and promising adult, while I'm just a stubborn, 'naive' little girl he explained to me things that no other people had actually told me about. Of course they told me there's no such things as ghosts and things like that, but they had no reassurance, no reasonable explanation for that. Of course, overall he didn't really change the fact that ghosts do OR do not exist. However, he did help me see another perspective, the 'adults' perspective. The sentence, he said, that made me not as afraid of ghosts anymore is 'even if there are ghosts, the chances of you meeting a ghost is like one to a billion, so whats the point being afraid of something that's not really going to happen...' or something along the lines. Our perspectives disagrees with each other but his is more logical, realistic, compared to mine. He made me feel like a child; a silly, stubborn little child. And here I was, thinking I was becoming more mature. It was nothing. I am becoming more mature, but not in the sense of actually seeing the real world. I wont deny it, I still have feelings i need to feel, knowledge to learn, experiences to go through, memories to remember. I'm still young. Overall, I'm a teenager, an adolescent, a child. I talked with Jeffrey and Nathan. Both had similar, yet different opinions at the same time. Jeffrey had a close relative encountering with ghosts, while Nathan is Buddhist, and had explained his point of view in a religious perspective. Both made me feel even safer and much better about ghosts. Nathan made ghosts seem so interesting to learn about. Although, I wouldn't mind learning about them, I don't think I'm ready to get too in depth with the ghost topic. I began to understand more about 'ghosts full of vengeance' after I've watched 'Saw 2' because all the people that had to suffer were people that had committed crimes or did bad deeds. I've always believed in karma, so I always think that hopefully I wouldn't suffer since I don't think I've actually did anything THAT bad. So now, instead of thinking about the liquidized illusions of my own wild imaginations, I'll be thinking about the positive things about ghosts. Nathan said that if a person is good enough (as in a good person in general) then ghosts will follow them, and learn from them, as well as protecting them. I find that very interesting so it would be a nice notion to think that there's a ghost protecting me and learning from me =). If possible, it would be nice to learn from them too.
PS. Bich has been away for a couple of days now due to an allergic reaction with her cream. Because she had never been away before, let a lone this many days consecutively, we were worried about it. Lisa L. seemed to be selfish when Bich was away. She was thinking about herself and how she would hurt Bich for leaving her like that. Titan and I thought she really was being selfish and slack to Bich, but now ... I finally realised it's just Lisa's way of showing her affections and care towards Bich. Afterall, they have been close friends for quite a while in high school. So I apologise to Lisa for judging her just like that. I should've known better. Anyways, I hope Bich will get better soon =).
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