Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Monday, 7 February 2011

Diary Entry #9: Twin Towers, here I come

Dear Diary,

Today's objective was to buy camera, which was chipped in by the family. But before that,  2nd auntie, cousin San San and I went to eat breakfast with 3rd auntie and cousin Mun Hong at a restaurant close by to 3rd auntie's house. We went shopping after that. We bought the camera, which was a Canon IXUS 130 =). It's almost exactly like cousin Mun Hong's camera. Including a protective screen cover and a 4GB DS, it was RM $799. It had a lot of functions to play around with, like a miniature affect and a fish-eye affect, etc. =D. I really like the camera because not only was it better than my previous one, but also because it was from the entire family. I'm very grateful and thankful towards my family because they made me feel loved and special; I'm very happy =). I'm also thankful towards my 3rd aunt for buying me a pair of new shoes too =). We did quite a lot of shopping today; we mostly shopped for shoes... well, I did anyways =P. I wonder how I'm going to back all these shoes into my luggage =/.

 My red envelope money from my family for this CNY =D.
My new camera =D - Canon IXU 130 =D !!!
 Testing out my new camera =).

Cousin Mun Hong and 3rd auntie went home with us for dinner. Uncle did the cooking this time =). After dinner, we went out to KLCC (Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre/Twin Towers) for some sight-seeing time. I got a new pair of Rip Curl thongs using the coupon given by cousin Mun Loong along the way =D. Even in a different country, it's still a pretty expensive brand. After driving 3rd aunt home, we met up with cousin Mun Hong's friends and had some midnight snacks at a street side Mamak store. Cousin Mun Hong and friends have been together since primary school, so I guess they're pretty good old friends =) That's pretty lucky to have friends since primary school =). Although they mostly spoke in Mandarin, I thought they were pretty friendly and funny people =). I knew because my cousins were translating, what they were saying, to me. One of them were a couple about to get married =D they even asked me to come up with a weird/unique name for their child, but we didn't really decide on one LOL. After a while, we went our separates. Unfortunately, we couldn't start on making tiramisu because we didn't get to buy all the ingredients that day. But that's okay, there's always tomorrow. Another day gone.

 Famous Amos, supposedly really popular.
 Choc-chipped flavoured. It's a shame I didn't finish it before I came back =(. Apparently, it kind of expensive too, for biscuits =(.
 It's like a hot pot food store on the side of the street =D.
The famous Twin Towers of Malaysia.
 This was where cousin Mun Hong used to work at, some high class hotel or something =S I forgot the name xP.
A Mamak store on the side of the street.
Cousin Mun Hong's friends, cousin San San and I =) (cousin Mun Hong was taking the photo).

FiONA =).

PS. Thanks cousin Mun Hong for the photos =).

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