Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Friday, 9 July 2010

sticky sand, chilling water and an erratic sky

Years ago, I would be thinking who would be crazy enough to go to the beach in Winter because I sure wouldn't. Well, I ended up going to Palm beach, on a chilly day of Winter with a group of friends. Technically, it wasn't Palm beach, but we were close enough anyways =). 

Getting up and catching the train by 8:08AM wasn't my ideal time of waking up. Like my mum said, I wouldn't even wake up that early for school, let alone an outing. Then again, school's a place to work, while going out could be a potentially fun adventure =). 

We stayed at Wynard station for while to stack up some food for the trip. There were chips, coke, water, lollies, cups and serviettes. Maybe we should've bought some hot food as well. It was nice of Derek to make some fairy bread for us =D! I haven't had fairy bread in YEARS! Thanks to him, I get to revisit my childhood =). We had some breakfast at Maccas before heading onto the bus. It was a good  thing that we did because the bus ride was 1 1/2 hours long. I had fun playing 'Doodle God' on Mark's i-Touch =D! It's one awesome game! Thanks Mark =). 

During the trip, we passed by many beaches, admiring the beauty of it all. We were all hoping that Palm beach would surpass our expectations. It not quite did, but it was just as good. Wendy was so considerate as to bring along a tent ahahah =D. It was pretty fun putting it up. It was a shame that Kenneth backed out at the end because he was supposed to bring the vortex and frisbee with him =(. No Kenny, no beach games. Or so I thought. Although we had no balls to play with, we had the sand, the water and the warm, bright sky to make it all enjoyable. We wrote on the sand with our feet; we jumped around, kicking and splashing water around; we had fun eating and chatting; we ran around to keep ourselves warm; we had sand castle battles to see who could make the best sand castle (the sandcastle that Mimi, Hanh and I made looked like a hobit hole... or a piece of crap, literally ROFLS!); we even played bullrush and stuck-in-the-mud combined. 

Alas, all good things come to an end when the rain started to pour harder. Everyone went to change or clean up, except for Wendy and Derek who stayed back to pack up the tent. Silly Wendy. She went to wash her feet and thongs but a huge wave came in and took her thongs away. She went out to get it but couldn't, so Derek went out to get it for her instead. Awww =). Anyways, while we waited for the bus, we were playing word games like rhyming words or thinking of 10 body parts with only 3 letters in them. That was hard =/. Well, I couldn't stand not knowing the answer, so I googled it =). They were: 
  1. eye
  2. ear
  3. lip
  4. hip
  5. toe
  6. rib
  7. jaw 
  8. arm 
  9. leg 
  10. gum

YEAH! Anyways, on the trip back, everyone was just chatting and laughing at Thanh's videos and stuff. Eric and I were both tired, so we dozed off. Well, I was just resting my eyes, so I could still kind of hear what everyone was saying. There was a part of the conversation which was very funny. The girls were talking about scenarios with relationships and stuff, then the boys started to get involved. Thanh was speaking out his mind about not minding being a girl's 50th, as long as she likes him back, but Wendy took it literally and said 'but she'll be all saggy!' ROFLMAOS!!! She was thinking age-wise, while everyone else knew Thanh was thinking about dating-wise. She's so adorably ignorant =). Well, they do say 'ignorant is bliss.' 

When we got back to the city, we made a pit stop at QVB before going to Pepper Lunch for dinner. Well, the majority of us had Pepper Lunch, while Minhky, Thanh and Eric went to Hungry Jacks. Pepper Lunch now have Wagyu Beef!!! IT'S THE BEST TYPE OF MEAT TO EAT WHEN BBQING!!! It's so buttery and warm and soft ... *drools* that $15 meal was worth it =D. After dinner, we left to Gloria Jeans for some more chit-chat. Gradually, people started leaving and unfortunately, I was one of the people who left earlier. I wish I said bye to everyone before I left, but I was at Time Zone with Eric before I got a call from Mimi to go home with her. Thanks to her older brother, I managed to have a short nap in the car before arriving home. It was better to be in a warm car than outside after all =). Oh, and thanks to Mimi for letting me be driven home by her brother. Anyways, I guess that nap wasn't enough because I was so tired from the outing that I went to sleep straight away, at 6:30PM, and I didn't wake up until morning! I had a great day out Wendy, thanks for organizing it and thanks for inviting me =). 

PS. I was stupid enough to give the sea an opportunity to devour my Samsung X660. I've had a long journey with you, 3 1/2 years. Even after all those dropped and whacks and hits, you still lived on, although my sim cards didn't. You've done well over those years. I'll miss you. Goodbye.


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