Then I went to Linh's house and she taught me how to play the song I've been meaning to learn to play, White Love Story by As One. She managed to teach me approximately 16 bars because she only had enough ink to print out the first page. Better than nothing xD. Unexpectedly, I was invited to an outing after the Sefton's formal. Of course I accepted. I was to meet Michael and Minhky at the city first before meeting up with Eric and Vicky.
Surprisingly, both boys suited up for the sake of the formal and being the idiot I am, I was only clothed in simple outing attire. Damn, I wish I dressed up xO! Anyways, thanks to Minhky's suit and tie I managed to look 'presentable' and hence, we managed to crash Sefton's formal for 10 - 15 minutes =D YAY!!! Unfortunately, their year adviser found us in the first 5 minutes xO. That woman sure has a sharp eye! Thanks to Vicky and the others, we were allowed to stay a bit longer, but I still feel bad because Vicky and Eric took the blame for our unexpected visiting.
We went bumming around Parramatta's Westfield before heading off to the city for some dessert and karaoke. It was raining and all, but it wasn't so bad since we had each other. I also found it hilarious when Eric, being the gentleman he is, insisted on changing shoes with Vicky because they had the same shoe size. Of course that wasn't teh hilarious part, it was the fact that he could walk in Vicky's heels so elegantly and sufficiently that was funny. Michael and Minhky were so embarrassed that they didn't feel comfortable walking next to him LOL. Don't worry Eric, Vicky and I accept you >=D. Of course that didn't last for long. Rather than wearing Vicky's heels, the boys decided to share turns in piggybacking Vicky around the city and hence, I also became the bag lady =D but that's okay. It was very generous for the guys to carry Vicky like that =D. After all that, we wanted to go home but unfortunately the next train was at 5:18AM (yes, I actually remembered the time) and it was only around 3 something in the morning.
Michael offered us shelter, but it would've taken too long and expensive to get there and back. Luckily, we took the train to Lidcome instead, then changed trains back to Cabramatta. Thank you and sorry to Vicky's mum for needing to wake up so early in the morning to drive us home xO! I must say, this Monday would've been the latest time I've stayed out because I actually arrived home at around 6AM in the morning. Shocking O_O!
Minhky: Gimly a Frodo chocolate because I'm Legaless.ROFLMAOS!
Crashers: Me, Minhky and Michael; Seftoners: Vicky, Derek and Shirley L.
Sitting around @ approx. 12AM.
Vicky and I in the play area at Parramatta =).
Yes... we stole a ribbon from Parramatta's Greater Union cinema Christmas tree...
Vicky, me, Minhky and Eric at Chinatown.
Vicky and I in the play area at Parramatta =).
Yes... we stole a ribbon from Parramatta's Greater Union cinema Christmas tree...
Vicky, me, Minhky and Eric at Chinatown.
Karaoke @ approx. 3AM - Vicky, Me, Minhky and Eric (Michael's M.I.A).
Sitting around @ approx. 4AM *sigh* LOL!
Me and Vicky and the bow we stole ... LOL!
Yeah... Your head starts to think funny @ around 5AM...
The photo shoot portrait =D.
Wednesday: I went to Vincent's house with the purpose of trying out the mini martini and margarita mix set Vincent bought the other day, and playing Lisp on his PS3. Since Kelly couldn't come, the drinks were separated between Sarina, Vincent and I. It sure was fun mixing the concoctions around and seeing how it'll turn out. To me, they all taste pretty good, except when it's mixed with beer =.= please don't try mixing martini with beer. It would've been a good day except that night I had stomach upset and hence, I was practically vomiting throughout the night T_T. I'm pretty sure it wasn't the alcohol because I would've started vomiting maybe an hour later after consuming it. No, I actually wasn't feeling too well from that morning, but I ignored it *sigh* why am I an idiot? There goes my night.
Thursday: Finally, I went to Mimi's house for the first time YAY!!! I've been meaning to visit her, but she always managed to reject me, or I was too busy to comply that wish of mine. Her house was HUGE and her dog, Tiger, just as huge too! It's only 6 months old but it's already almost up to my hips xO! We played Guitar Hero, Mario Kart and Grand Thief Auto (wish I continuously get caught every couple of minutes or so). She also let me borrow her sister's anime His and Her Circumstances, which I finished just this morning =D. Andrew also came to visit and we had a fun time playing around and talking =). Stupid Mimi, she was scaring me with the folklore of sleep paralysis xO! Luckily, I didn't get it, subconsciously or not. Anyways, I would like to say thank you to Mimi, for her hospitality, and Andrew, for driving me home =).
And that's my week =) I hope you guys had an awesome week too! Take care for the weekends now =D. Sayonara!
PS. let me say that everyone at the formal looked just gorgeous/pretty/beautiful and any other adjectives that describes someone as being good looking =).
PSS. Thanks to Vicky and Michael for their photos =D!
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