O6O9O9 - Lisa T.'s 18th & Jessica S.'s 17th Birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!)
Is it just me, or are the steps at UNSW high? It shouldn't make much of a difference but seeing that I was practically a cripple yesterday, yes it DID make a huge difference. Kenny (Kenneth) thought it was just because I was short ... Okay, THANK YOU SARINA for your first-aid and stockings xO! You're my savior! And SORRY Kelly and Sarina for waiting for me and hence, missed 2 trains xO! Apparently, Vicky woke up late as well so she took the train with us. Welps, save us time from meeting up with her at the university. Oh, and THANK YOU MIMI for waiting for us at the bus station at Central station =). The environment is refreshing, and the monuments is a sight for sore eyes. Alas, they don't have the course that I'm aiming to get; B nurshing combined with B arts/B science/B commerce. Unless I get a teaching or social work degree, then I will try to get to UNSW, but I'll most likely aim for USYD or UTS, maybe even UWS. Anyways, they didn't have as much freebies as the other unis, but the food was good. Fairy floss *drools* =D ! I saw Christine N. again, with some of her friends =D! I sure miss her!
Besides meeting a lot of seftoners and canley valers, there's not much I can talk about UNSW LOL so I'll just skip to the next activity of the day =). VICKY IS HILARIOUS! She pick-pocketed Minhky and he didn't even realised what we took from him. It was him, then Vicky, me and Mimi. Vicky handed me Minhky's stuff. Apparently, his money was in his BAG, and not in his WALLET... so what's the wallet for Minhky? Of course he was suspicious, but didn't do much about it =). He thought we just took his 2 stress balls, when we actually took his wallet as well. he only noticed that it was taken out of his bag when we conspicuously shoved it back into his bag again LOL! It's also funny how Minhky, a person who goes out a lot, haven't tried travelling on his own before. Hence, we gave him directions, for transport, to Kylie's house for her 18th birthday party. What a funny guy =D.
THANK YOU KENNY AND ERIC for pigging backing me xO! I feel so bad, making everyong wait and carry me xO! GAH! I feel like a burden xO. Oh, and THANKS VICKY for the fish tofu !!! It was yummy =D! Karaoke was a blast! I haven't been to karaoke for a while and it sucked how Kelly and Sarina had to go home early xO! I actually liked karaoking with the seftoners (inc. Michael) because we actually all sing along hahaha! So, how do you know if a person is being impulsive? Not sure actually. Now I wonder, who is impuslve - girls or guys? Does anyone actually have the stastistics for this? Anyways, after 2 - 3 hours for karaoking (and slmost losing my voice HAHAHA), Eric, Michael, Vicky and I left =). Vicky went to Chinatown for a family dinner, in celebration of Father's Day, Michael took the train to tutor and Eric and I went home =). Mummy was kind of upset about me going out so much =/ she thinks I dont study much xO. I would like to say 'If I haven't been studying much, do you think that I would get improvements in most of my subjects?' Ngeh =P. Bye bye Saturday.
JESS, WHY DO YOU LIVE SO FAR FOR?! Today was Jessica Pham's 18th birthday part, at her house. Okay, so I woke up late, then it took me FOREVER to get to the party. I thought she said to meet up at Homebush, and that took a while to get there. Then she said I was actually suppose to meet her at Lekumba, which is on the other side of Homebush xO! I seriously thought that I would have to go all the way back to and take the Bankstown train. Thankfully, Jessica told me to go to Straitfield instead so that her brother can pick me up from there. Met Jessica's friends and family, watched HSM movies (inc. Jess's mocking perfomances) and ate =D. By the way, the theme of her party was also HSM LOL. Now, I think how her life is quite similar with HSM itself ie. her basketball playing friends, she as a performer, smart girl friends, etc. Here are the photos I took today:
I hope I can see her soon xO! This is the first time I've seen her for the whole year, and that sucks! Oh and THANKS SAM for driving me back home! I wouldn't know what to do if I don't have a ride home... I might be stuck at Jess's house xO! I wouldn't mind, but school's tomorrow and yeah.. hope you got home safely!
PS. There were a lot of dogs and cats at her house =D!
PSS. My torso hurts xO I think it's because of the piggy back rides from Eric and Kenny (they are both in Judo - Kenny's blue and Eric's brown- AWESOME!) I guess I'm not used to piggy back rides ... and there's no way I'm letting them carry me bridal style O_O'!
PS. There were a lot of dogs and cats at her house =D!
PSS. My torso hurts xO I think it's because of the piggy back rides from Eric and Kenny (they are both in Judo - Kenny's blue and Eric's brown- AWESOME!) I guess I'm not used to piggy back rides ... and there's no way I'm letting them carry me bridal style O_O'!
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