Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Saturday, 8 August 2009

this word is amusement

O8O8O9 - 姐姐 Marina's 24th Birthday.
O7O8O9 - Jessica T.'s 18th Birthday.
O6O8O9 - Kivi's 15th Birthday.
O5O8O9 - Patrick's 18th Birthday.

'Ce-le-bra-tions time, come on!' The trip to Golden Star Restaurant wasn't exactly the most pleasant one. Not that I don't respect my elders, but sitting in a car full of older adults, between my cousins' grandma and my mum, and hearing them attempting to dominate one another to tell their own stories is quite frustrating. Nevertheless, I was quite please to finally have some personal space between them and I. I was quite happy when we ordered my favourite dish - pipi/clams with X.O. alcohol in it. We socialized, we ate and we laughed - what more can I say. Family dinners are usually the same for us; the difference is the purpose of our dinners. This time, we were celebrating my cousin, Marina, and I's birthdays together. As usual. I don't complain because this doesn't happen much and it is quite nice when we do get together. When my cousin suggested that William, her and her boyfriend, Edward, celebrate our birthdays better after dinner, it made me quite content =D.

I am extremely fascinated by my cousin's new car. Unfortunately, I don't know the brand or the type of car it is, but it has really clear speakers, a small rectangular space on top of the car which can open up, wide foot space, bluetooth and anything cool you can think of is included in the car. William's unit is extremely high-classed and modernized, with an LCD screen, two bathrooms with one in his own room, remarkable artwork and a view of his building's swimming pool and inside garden. How amazing is that?! If you haven't realised, we decided to hold the celebration and William's apartment with games. William did the honours of making chai latte for us, as snacks. When you smell it, it smells distasteful, but once you drink it, it's quite soothing and delicious =). I was glad to see Hector again (William's dog)! At first he ran away from me, and almost knocking into the window, but after a while he crawled out of the under the chair and played with me =D. I don't know why he was afraid of me first when he knew who I am, but that's okay. I guess he was afraid of me taking over his territory =). The first game we played was Taboo and it was so hilarious! First it was William and I versing Edward and Marina, and then we swapped teams. We all teamed up with everyone else and whoever teamed up with me lost... But cut me some slack! It was the first time I've ever played that game before! I was better at describing that guessing, since half the time I didn't know who or what the word they were trying describe. I remember there was one which Marina and William were versing me and Edward, and this was how it went (well, I tried to remember how it went):

Marina: okay, what is a piano?
William: an instrument.
Marina: okay, this is a, you know, instrument, and you put it on your shoulder.
William: an accordian?
Marina: on your shoulder? No!
William: a harp?
Edward and I laughed out loud. Marina laughed and looked exasperated.
Marina: How are you suppose to put a harp on your shoulder! It's freaken heavy!
Marina pretends to have a harp on her shoulder, ridiculing William. Edward and I laughed even harder. William also laughed along.
William: I don't know what it is!
Marina: OMG.
William: I don't know! Um, a voilin?
Marina: Yes! *Takes out the next card* Okay this is -
Edward: Time's up!
Marina: OMG you suck! A harp on your shoulder?!
We all laughed and ridiculed William and his wild imagination. Then the game continued.

The next game we played was Trivia Pursuit. William and I was teamed again. Seriously, I lost MOST when I was paired up with William LOL! Anyways, we played one round because we were all so tired already, and the time was ticking for 2 AM. William answered all the questions since I had no idea what the answer was. I'm telling you, the the questions were freaking old! As if I know what Parkinson is! Okay, now I do - it's an old television series. Emphasis on old. William wasn't so serious at answering the questions either because he was falling half asleep while answering them and hence, Marina and Edward won. I liked Taboo better. It reminded me of charades, only there was no actions and just words; just talking the talk, not walking the walk. After packing up and all, Marina drove me home. The end =).

愉快的第24个生日姐姐 / HAPPY 24th BIRTHDAY MARINA!!!

PS. Sarina made me chocolate cupcakes for my birthday. THANKS SARINA =D.
PSS. I won't be blogging for a while, due to my trials =). WISH ME LUCK!!!

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