Simplicity at its finest is NOT what i would depict how my life was, nor would i suggest the continuation of my naivety however, as my life escalates into complexity, i hope to keep my optimistic hindsight on life in order to live. Just live. My personal ordeal is to live with no regrets, as though i will die tomorrow. I follow the path that will lead me to who I want to be: someone who people can confide in, to go to when they are in their deepest hour; that's who I want to be. That is my aim in life. Hobbies and interests make my path more flamboyant and enticing, while my family, pet, and friends are the reasons for my existence; the reasons why i try and improve myself. My lack of self motivation for change may be quite obvious, but it doesn't mean that improvement did not occur. It may be so petite, so small, that it's practically invisible, but i guarantee you, i do try. Indefinitely.


Saturday, 12 July 2008

out at last

Yesterday, I went out with Jeffrey to the city. hehehe! This is my first outing with friend(s) in the holidays (besides the time when Titan came over to my house to get the patched MS and we watched Shaolin Popi). I haven't seen him in ages and damn has he grown taller! I'm only up to his nose or something now! Anyways, we didn't really have a destination or a plan so we were just wondering around the city. He lend me his coat because it was extremely cold in the morning. He also bought me easy way and a panda xD! I named the panda Jeffrey dee dee (LOL) or maybe just Jeff, for short. Anyways, we went to Galaxy World and played Initial D. I won him in the first round by just a couple of seconds. He won the second round BUT only because I wasn't even paying attention. I was calculating my pay IF i was to work for WYD any time soon and how I was going to use the money for Kelly's and Maylina's birthday presents. In the end, I bought Kelly some clothes and Maylina and doraemon plushie, undies and some jewelery. Morning Glory was having a sale for their birthday! What PERFECT timing! Anyways, I shouted $10 to Jeffrey to buy a miniature helicopter =.=! We were all over the place JUST to look for batteries and in the end he needed a screw driver to open the back =___=. Anyways, we met up with Susan and her dad gave me a discount for the jacket I bought from her shop. PEOPLE GO PADDY'S MARKET AND NEAR THE END THERE IS A CLOTHES SHOP AND A HOT CHICK WILL BE WORKING THERE! BUY FROM HER SHOP! IT"S REALLY GOOD xD!!! I'll be helping them advertise their shop, DEFINITELY! I saw Kim and Linh and these other 12th graders. They were celebrating Ivan's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY IVAN! Oh yeah, I dared Jeffrey to ask for a girl's number of my choice. I chose this girl and he took about ... 10 MINUTES just trying to get closer to her and glancing at her =.=! In the end, the girl talked to him first and they were actually workmates. OOPS! She was actually 20 years of age. I thought she seemed like a nice, talented girl because she was playing with her younger siblings AND she had a LOT of tickets in her hands O_O! Jeffrey shouted me some food, but he was the bigger pig at that moment. I guess I didn't really feel that hungry even though I didn't eat breakfast. I don't usually eat breakfast anyways. Jeffrey had to leave at 3 PM to go to work. I just bummed around Kinokuniya for a little while before I went off somewhere else in search of Maylina's present. It was hard to find a really good present for her because I didn't know her really good enough to get her extra special. I just know she's girly. I saw Maria snr. and her boyfriend. Her boyfriend recognized me before she did. WOW. I haven't seen her in AGES! Anyways, I went home at about 5:30PM, then Linh drove me to her cousin's house for a little while. CONGRATULATIONS LINH AND ANTHONY! They both have their P's. WOOT WOOT! Linh got her P's on her very first go while Anthony took 3 times to get his. First time, he accidentally ran cross red light. Second time, he missed out because he had something that time (what a waste of money xO). Third time, he passed xD! Linh has such a big, very nice and noisy family (all in a good way!). I wish my family was like that too! They fed me, that's even BETTER! Feeding strangers O_O, I wonder if my family would ever do that? Hmmms... Anyways, we went back to Linh's house and Linh, My Linh and I were just chatting and joking around in Linh's room. It was about 11PM when Linh drove me home. I thank her and her family for their chilvalrous and generous attitudes toward me =). That's my day people, I hope you had a great day!

PS. Jeffrey told me if I was to work, don't work on next Thursday. The monks predicted that something really bad is going to happen, and they were the same monks that predicted the earthquake that happened in China. OH EM GEE! That got me thinking. Life is so fragile. I can't die yet! I have too much things to do. Like to redeem myself, improve myself, defend myself, straighten out myself, things to do, sites to see. LOTS AND LOTS OF THINGS!

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