Today Linh, My-Linh, Thanh, Jack, Anthony, and I went ice skating at Canterbury. It was pretty fun and tiring at the same time. This would be the 2nd time that i went ice skating.
Linh, My-Linh, Thanh and I caught the bus to Cabramatta Station and I saw my uncle at the bus stop as well. He was nice enough to give me $20 to spend for the day. All I can say is that he likes to give money, or show off? That's how the family rumor goes ... don't ask me anything! I didn't say a thing! xO! But I was thankful because it means I have more money to go to the city this coming Tuesday. We met Jack and Anthony at the train station and caught the next bus to Canterbury. I managed to take Anthony's Tafe Library card but he slyly attempted to take it back which, of course, was fruitless. Although, it did give me a fright. I thought he was perverting or something! So I believe he is secretly 'perverted' but he kept denying it xP.
We made it to the ice rink by walking the 'supposed' short cut led by Thanh and My-Linh. It was quite cold inside so I asked Anthony if I can use his jacket since he was the only person who was wearing his jacket at the time. He was nice enough to lend it to me. Since it was my second time ice skating, of course I wasn't as good as the others so it took a while before I could properly skate without falling. Unfortunately, my friends took this chance to see me stack it and embarrass myself, so I rightfully took the first stack of the day via Linh. GRRR! Slowly, one by one they tried to make me fall and most of the time they succeed, sadly enough. Even so, I wasn't the only one falling on the ice. Thanh, My-Linh, Anthony, I think and Jack all had their fair share of stacking. Linh, the infamous cheetah on ice, was the only one who didn't stack it, although there were a couple of times where she might have. Anthony's stack was the most hilarious stack of all! He was quite haughty since he managed to make most of us fall, so when HE fell, well all laughed at him as well as other people that were around us LOL! He also got skidded with ice by some more better skaters. My-Linh suggested to skid or trip them from behind but I guess it didn't really work out that well.
Linh taught me how to skate backwards and I know I shouldn't learn to skate backwards when I can't even stable myself while skating forwards but I determined to learn the basics of it. Jack 'said' he would teach me but in the end he didn't, how upsetting xO! Most of the time I was hanging onto Anthony for aid since he IS a personal trainer in training LOL! AND he was quite good at skating, so he helped me not to fall. I fell so much that the whole back part of my jeans were wet (and I mean REALLY wet), but luckily I was wearing Anthony's jacket because it seemed to be 'water-proof' because my top didn't get wet (or maybe I just didn't fully fall on my back). Half the time my friends were either pushing me to fall or stopping me from falling, so I really don't know if they are trying to help me or hurt me. To help or not to help, that is the question.
We played stuck in the mud and was about to try tips but the rink was getting too crowded and we wouldn't know who was it. My friends cut me some slack since I AM an amateur at ice skating. But it was still fun. I tried to help tip people too. Linh is too good! she managed to tip all of us but it's because she managed to corner Anthony (they literally ran into each other and bumped each other into the wall and I saw the whole thing LOL! It looked quite painful >O<), so when we tried to save him, we all got caught as well. My-Linh was hard to save because every time the others tip her, Linh would be right next to her to tip her again. I screamed out to My-Linh to get ready to run, but it didn't work. Oh wells xD!
There was this adorable little girl, called Emily, who was going ice skating for the first time. She was just ADORABLE! She was half Thai and half Viet. I offered the father that we would look after her and skate with her while he goes play. Most of the time it was Linh and I that was holding her hand and helping her but Thanh and My-Linh did help too. Jack and Anthony were skating around us at times, but I wasn't too sure why though LOL! We took a picture with her ! She's just so cute and small and a fast learner too! We had to go in the end. Jack, Linh and I waited and practised dancing for Anthony, My-Linh and Thanh while they went to get some lollies and drinks.
Bankstown was where we ate. What can I say about it? stood around, talked about things and discussed where to eat. The food was pretty nice, the ice coffee was a bit too strong and Anthony ordered last again, and got his food last again as well. Jack sure eats fast, and My-Linh was already quite full on lollies. I shoved some prawns and seafood onto his plate since Thanh didn't want to eat it anymore. It was such a waste to seem them get wasted away. He only at one of the seafood, which i believe is fish... I think? He fed me a prawn, and I was trying to scoop up the second prawn when Anthony used his chopsticks to intervene me so we had a fight, in the end he won but he was clumsy so he dropped the prawn on the floor. WHAT A WASTE OF FOOD! T______T Especially with PRAWNS!!!
We left the place and went home. Thanh went home first at Chester Hill since she lives near there. The rest of us stopped at Cabramatta. Jack had to take the train home to Paramatta and Anthony took the bus home. I had to return his jacket and card to him. Oh wells. Linh, My-Linh and I walked all the way home and we saw this dog! It was so cute! The mother and son was walking it. Linh told me to go because she said the mother didn't seem like she wanted to stay. I felt kind of bad at that time.
We got to their house and I just bummed around Linh's room and we just talked until 9:00 PM. I went home by my mum and she told me she got hit by a bat by accident when playing table tennis today. She went to hospitable and she told my aunt not to call me *sigh* oh mother =/. Luckily she's okay now, It's just that her nose still kind of hurt. There's nothing much that we can do about but just wait till it heals because she said it was the bone that hurts, not the muscle, or flesh. Thank God she's okay now.
Monday, 28 January 2008
Thursday, 24 January 2008
23O1O8 - Cathleen's 16th birthday.
26O1O8 - Julie's 16th birthday.
Yesterday, on Cathleen's birthday, we went to the city to celebrate it. I was quite late since I didn't want to wake up to the ringing of my phone alarm and it was on snooze too! Eric was also late xO ! So I'm not the only one that was late. We were supposed to meet at 9:30 AM since that's the time when Cathleen's parents can drive her to Cabramatta Station. Kelly was there too but she was only there to see us off. So sweet of her! =D Oh, as well as giving Eric and William her posters to stick up in the city. When we were on the train, I was banging on the door telling Kelly not to follow strangers and etc. and my friends were thinking that I just blew a fuse or something ^___^ LOL!
I had to meet up with Jeffrey to help him with something but it was over before I even got there so we walked to Kinokuniya in hope of meeting my friends but I only saw Maylina there. She was also suppose to be with us too but she had to help her cousin out in the city somewhere. Jeffrey had to go to work ... at EASYWAY! xO !! The gang regrouped at Mcdonalds down Goerge St.
We went to watch the Golden Compass next and William had to shout me the ticket even though I said I didn't want to, so THANK YOU WILLIAM! I saw Susan and her boyfriend and they were going to watch a movie too! The movie was actually quite good and I like the polar bear! =D Chris and William wanted to go to the little boy's room because Shain said they were playing the Hairspray song and Chris was pushing on the *right* hand side of the door when you're suppose to push the *left* hand side. I, myself, almost got tempted to walk into the boy's toilet until I realised 1. I wasn't a male, and 2. a man was in the toilet already so I'll just be embarrassing myself even more!
We went walking around while putting Kelly's posters on the poles. There was one where someone, I forgot who, told us that the poster was covered so Eric and I matched straight to the pole and tear the other poster apart so you can still see Kelly's poster. Eric shoved the ball of paper down my shirt but in the end I got it down HIS shirt =). We went to Darling Harbor and Cathleen got her name done in this water art like poster thingy ... by this talented Asian man. =D It was quite pretty! Though, it cost her $25 bucks, she thought it was worth it. Nelson came along since he thought his friends went to play Dota (but they actually went to another K instead LOL!)
Eric had to leave for tutor afterwards. The rest went on the monorail but since I didn't have any money on me ... at ALL, I didn't go with them. Instead, Nelson and I went walking around and ate a bowl of ice cream at French Laveira (how ever you spell it) and I managed to get him dirty and covered with chocolate LOL! It was a hilarious site to behold =D!
We met the others down Pitt St. but they decided to go home. So Nelson and I went to watch another movie at the DVD room, and we watched 'Imagine Me and You' and it was actually a lesbian love story. O_o' I felt bad for the husband because he didn't do anything bad but the wife turned gay in the end anyways. We went home afterwards. It was an interesting experience at the DVD room. If only the Korean movies had English subtitles =/.
OKAY! Today, I was suppose to go to Julie's birthday outing but I had a dentist appointment and tutor later on so I had to say no ... even though I told her that I was definitely going ... even for a little while. So I'm going to apologise to Julie here. I'M EVERY SO SORRY JULIE!!! I went to the dentist appointment, went home and ate and then went to tutor. Unfortunately, the tutor didn't realise Kelly and I were in the Thursday class and forgot to tell us that all the classes are moved to Friday, which is tomorrow, so he had to drive us home. Kelly and I saw a dog being ganged up by two other dogs and appalled by this, I shooed the other two dogs away. That's what happened to Fianna's dog. Her dog was ganged up by these two other big dogs and they were tearing her apart, luckily Maxshi (Fianna's dog) was saved in time and luckily she didn't get injured that badly. I went to linh's house afterward and instead of relaxing, like I planned, I helped them fix up the garden. It was fun and I didn't mind. I had dinner with them and hot chocolate. It was a nice evening =). Finally, I went home and here I am =).
PS. I wonder how Julie's going to kill me xO!!!
26O1O8 - Julie's 16th birthday.
Yesterday, on Cathleen's birthday, we went to the city to celebrate it. I was quite late since I didn't want to wake up to the ringing of my phone alarm and it was on snooze too! Eric was also late xO ! So I'm not the only one that was late. We were supposed to meet at 9:30 AM since that's the time when Cathleen's parents can drive her to Cabramatta Station. Kelly was there too but she was only there to see us off. So sweet of her! =D Oh, as well as giving Eric and William her posters to stick up in the city. When we were on the train, I was banging on the door telling Kelly not to follow strangers and etc. and my friends were thinking that I just blew a fuse or something ^___^ LOL!
I had to meet up with Jeffrey to help him with something but it was over before I even got there so we walked to Kinokuniya in hope of meeting my friends but I only saw Maylina there. She was also suppose to be with us too but she had to help her cousin out in the city somewhere. Jeffrey had to go to work ... at EASYWAY! xO !! The gang regrouped at Mcdonalds down Goerge St.
We went to watch the Golden Compass next and William had to shout me the ticket even though I said I didn't want to, so THANK YOU WILLIAM! I saw Susan and her boyfriend and they were going to watch a movie too! The movie was actually quite good and I like the polar bear! =D Chris and William wanted to go to the little boy's room because Shain said they were playing the Hairspray song and Chris was pushing on the *right* hand side of the door when you're suppose to push the *left* hand side. I, myself, almost got tempted to walk into the boy's toilet until I realised 1. I wasn't a male, and 2. a man was in the toilet already so I'll just be embarrassing myself even more!
We went walking around while putting Kelly's posters on the poles. There was one where someone, I forgot who, told us that the poster was covered so Eric and I matched straight to the pole and tear the other poster apart so you can still see Kelly's poster. Eric shoved the ball of paper down my shirt but in the end I got it down HIS shirt =). We went to Darling Harbor and Cathleen got her name done in this water art like poster thingy ... by this talented Asian man. =D It was quite pretty! Though, it cost her $25 bucks, she thought it was worth it. Nelson came along since he thought his friends went to play Dota (but they actually went to another K instead LOL!)
Eric had to leave for tutor afterwards. The rest went on the monorail but since I didn't have any money on me ... at ALL, I didn't go with them. Instead, Nelson and I went walking around and ate a bowl of ice cream at French Laveira (how ever you spell it) and I managed to get him dirty and covered with chocolate LOL! It was a hilarious site to behold =D!
We met the others down Pitt St. but they decided to go home. So Nelson and I went to watch another movie at the DVD room, and we watched 'Imagine Me and You' and it was actually a lesbian love story. O_o' I felt bad for the husband because he didn't do anything bad but the wife turned gay in the end anyways. We went home afterwards. It was an interesting experience at the DVD room. If only the Korean movies had English subtitles =/.
OKAY! Today, I was suppose to go to Julie's birthday outing but I had a dentist appointment and tutor later on so I had to say no ... even though I told her that I was definitely going ... even for a little while. So I'm going to apologise to Julie here. I'M EVERY SO SORRY JULIE!!! I went to the dentist appointment, went home and ate and then went to tutor. Unfortunately, the tutor didn't realise Kelly and I were in the Thursday class and forgot to tell us that all the classes are moved to Friday, which is tomorrow, so he had to drive us home. Kelly and I saw a dog being ganged up by two other dogs and appalled by this, I shooed the other two dogs away. That's what happened to Fianna's dog. Her dog was ganged up by these two other big dogs and they were tearing her apart, luckily Maxshi (Fianna's dog) was saved in time and luckily she didn't get injured that badly. I went to linh's house afterward and instead of relaxing, like I planned, I helped them fix up the garden. It was fun and I didn't mind. I had dinner with them and hot chocolate. It was a nice evening =). Finally, I went home and here I am =).
PS. I wonder how Julie's going to kill me xO!!!
Tuesday, 22 January 2008
lingering memories
Have you ever missed something so much, you feel like you're going to burst at any time with just the thought of it? Does it ever pains you to know that it's not until later, or maybe never, that you will have that serene feeling again? When you think about it, do you wonder if there's a possibility of making it reoccur over and over again? I think there are times in our lives that, even though it's hard to admit, some things might never repeat again. In this case, I am not talking about the tragedies in history like the Holocaust or the World Wars, because we all know that those are things we definitely don't want to occur again. No, I'm talking about the moments in time when you want it to last forever, or as long as possible. So what if that's a selfish thought, but it can't be helped. Humans ARE selfish beings. Is it wrong to just wish for a the moment to last? I don't think so. In the eyes of others' it might be unfathomable to them, yet to others, the emotions will still linger like it was just yesterday. And sometimes, when you think about it, it just upsets and cheer you up at the same time. Hence, I think it's safe to say that you should cherish every moment of your life, and reduce the possibilities of regrets in your life as much as possible. It's only a regret when you know you can't fix it. If you can fix it, yet you don't want to then it's your own selfishness and laziness to not bother. Yet, when you can fix the issue, it won't be a regret anymore. We only live once, so live the fullest. I know it's a cheesy saying, but you know it's true.
Sunday, 20 January 2008
19O1O8 - Nelson's 17th birthday.
Before I start the recount of the day, I need to say thanks to Jenny for helping me make Nelson's cake so, THANK YOU JENNY!!! xD
Anyways, although my mum's alarm clock kept on ringing repeatedly, I went back to sleep after pressing the button down. Then, Nelson gave me a call that he was almost at Cabramatta Station. Unfortunately, I went straight back to sleep after we hanged up. For a few minutes I stayed in bed before I finally decided to wake up. I took my time fixing the icing on the cake and adding decorations on the cake. When my mum came back it was already 1O:2O AM and she couldn't get the box because it was $1O for an empty box. Instead, she placed it in 2 plastic bags for me. Once I got there, I repeatedly apologised to Nelson and gave him the cake. I thought he was going to laugh at me for the homemade cake so I was quite embarrassed for a while. But he didn't laugh at me xD. We came late to the city and Amy thought Nelson was still at home and was chucking a fit on the other side of the phone. LOL! We continued waiting for other people and we were getting hungry. I'm pretty sure Nelson was quite happy yesterday because almost ALL of his friends came. Eugene couldn't come because he was sick and Kass couldn't come because she was in Hong Kong with her family. Keith came back from Melbourne just in time for Nelson's birthday! =D
We went to the food for at Market City to eat and in the end we were mixing some food together in a bowl for someone to eat it, but in the end no one did. Nelson shouted us 3 dishes of food!! YAY!! And I got a dish of prawns YAY!! We went to Phoenix for karaoke afterwards. Jessica made him a hand made birthday card with everyone's greetings on it and he got a t-shirt and jeans from his friends and William gave him the hairspray he was looking for =). Then Jessica brought him outside and asked me to occupy him because they were fixing up the cake for him. I distracted him long enough and we saw people running in and out of the room. Finally, he was called in, and I followed, and the room was dark and they were all singing happy birthday to him and the cake was bluebear and pinkbear and it was chocolate flavoured. It looked so delicious and pretty look! Everyone was singing Happy Birthday to Nelson! =D Unfortunately, I think I was the only one that managed to eat my piece of the cake because Tuyen took a piece of cake and smudged it on Nelson. Hence, the food fight began. Everyone ran out and Nelson, Tuyen and I were the only one in the room left. I was too busy eating my cake and watching everyone getting cake on their faces. It was hilarious! Tuyen was hiding behind the door and as they came back one by one, Allen, Jessica, and Susan all got creamed! LOL! Unfortunately, in the end one of the employees came in and told us to put a deposit in and said we can get the $50 back if we clean the mess up. So, we began cleaning the mess up. It was amazing! In a matter of minutes the place was cleaned up! "It's teamwork" said Nelson. Yeah, I think so too! They ate my cake since the other cake was all used for playing. They said the icing was nice. I was so happy that they liked it even though the decoration was smudged from the plastic. They had a game and who ever lost had to eat 5 pieces of cake LOL! I feel sorry for those people. Nelson liked my cake so much that he ate 8 pieces! *gasps* LOL! We spent 2 hours for karaoke. Caroline and Amy went home afterwards, so we went to an internet cafe where Jason, Keith, William, Tuyen, Minsu and Matt went to play Dota. So Susan, Anna, Jessica, Allen, Nelson and I went somewhere else. We were about to go to Starbucks to sit around but it was crowded, so we went to Mcdonald to sit down instead. Jessica had to go back to her shop so we escorted her back but we only managed half way. Anna had to leave as well. Nelson and I went to caps, and Allen and Susan came along later. I guess they decided not to play pool anymore. After taking some caps, we saw William. I found out that he was the youngest out of all of us because he is only in year 9 this year! William went home afterwards. We saw Jason walking to the station and we said our goodbyes. We went to Mcdonald at Darling Harbor to eat. I had fun talking to Susan and Allen. We walked to Central train station and went our separate ways. Nelson and I went back to Cabramatta and we waited for his train back to the city. It was a funny day that day and I hope Nelson had a really good day! xD
PS. Thanks Jenny for the souvenir! xDD
Before I start the recount of the day, I need to say thanks to Jenny for helping me make Nelson's cake so, THANK YOU JENNY!!! xD
Anyways, although my mum's alarm clock kept on ringing repeatedly, I went back to sleep after pressing the button down. Then, Nelson gave me a call that he was almost at Cabramatta Station. Unfortunately, I went straight back to sleep after we hanged up. For a few minutes I stayed in bed before I finally decided to wake up. I took my time fixing the icing on the cake and adding decorations on the cake. When my mum came back it was already 1O:2O AM and she couldn't get the box because it was $1O for an empty box. Instead, she placed it in 2 plastic bags for me. Once I got there, I repeatedly apologised to Nelson and gave him the cake. I thought he was going to laugh at me for the homemade cake so I was quite embarrassed for a while. But he didn't laugh at me xD. We came late to the city and Amy thought Nelson was still at home and was chucking a fit on the other side of the phone. LOL! We continued waiting for other people and we were getting hungry. I'm pretty sure Nelson was quite happy yesterday because almost ALL of his friends came. Eugene couldn't come because he was sick and Kass couldn't come because she was in Hong Kong with her family. Keith came back from Melbourne just in time for Nelson's birthday! =D
We went to the food for at Market City to eat and in the end we were mixing some food together in a bowl for someone to eat it, but in the end no one did. Nelson shouted us 3 dishes of food!! YAY!! And I got a dish of prawns YAY!! We went to Phoenix for karaoke afterwards. Jessica made him a hand made birthday card with everyone's greetings on it and he got a t-shirt and jeans from his friends and William gave him the hairspray he was looking for =). Then Jessica brought him outside and asked me to occupy him because they were fixing up the cake for him. I distracted him long enough and we saw people running in and out of the room. Finally, he was called in, and I followed, and the room was dark and they were all singing happy birthday to him and the cake was bluebear and pinkbear and it was chocolate flavoured. It looked so delicious and pretty look! Everyone was singing Happy Birthday to Nelson! =D Unfortunately, I think I was the only one that managed to eat my piece of the cake because Tuyen took a piece of cake and smudged it on Nelson. Hence, the food fight began. Everyone ran out and Nelson, Tuyen and I were the only one in the room left. I was too busy eating my cake and watching everyone getting cake on their faces. It was hilarious! Tuyen was hiding behind the door and as they came back one by one, Allen, Jessica, and Susan all got creamed! LOL! Unfortunately, in the end one of the employees came in and told us to put a deposit in and said we can get the $50 back if we clean the mess up. So, we began cleaning the mess up. It was amazing! In a matter of minutes the place was cleaned up! "It's teamwork" said Nelson. Yeah, I think so too! They ate my cake since the other cake was all used for playing. They said the icing was nice. I was so happy that they liked it even though the decoration was smudged from the plastic. They had a game and who ever lost had to eat 5 pieces of cake LOL! I feel sorry for those people. Nelson liked my cake so much that he ate 8 pieces! *gasps* LOL! We spent 2 hours for karaoke. Caroline and Amy went home afterwards, so we went to an internet cafe where Jason, Keith, William, Tuyen, Minsu and Matt went to play Dota. So Susan, Anna, Jessica, Allen, Nelson and I went somewhere else. We were about to go to Starbucks to sit around but it was crowded, so we went to Mcdonald to sit down instead. Jessica had to go back to her shop so we escorted her back but we only managed half way. Anna had to leave as well. Nelson and I went to caps, and Allen and Susan came along later. I guess they decided not to play pool anymore. After taking some caps, we saw William. I found out that he was the youngest out of all of us because he is only in year 9 this year! William went home afterwards. We saw Jason walking to the station and we said our goodbyes. We went to Mcdonald at Darling Harbor to eat. I had fun talking to Susan and Allen. We walked to Central train station and went our separate ways. Nelson and I went back to Cabramatta and we waited for his train back to the city. It was a funny day that day and I hope Nelson had a really good day! xD
PS. Thanks Jenny for the souvenir! xDD
Thursday, 17 January 2008
witch doctor
I went to the doctors today for a check up. Then my mum drove me to pizza hut, in Canley Vale, and I swear I ordered a Supreme, but I got a Hawaiin Pizza in the end. I went home, then to Linh's house. We talked about this and that, then we practised 'Valenti' and she taught me more dance moves. I think I only remember half the new moves I've learned yesterday xP ! So I might be going back to her house later on today =) ! Then we decided to make moves to the song 'Witch Doctor' by Alvin and the Chipmunks. It's a really cute and cool song! and we've managed to make moves for 1 minute and 10 seconds. I couldn't practice at home because I didn't have the song and I'm capped at well for the rest of the month T_T . David was nice enough to send me the song by email but I couldn't download it into my computer because I'm CAPPED! =_= !! I'm addicted to songs from S.H.E now. Julie finally gave me the S.H.E CD and DVD just a few days ago. It actually belongs to Jessica and I asked to borrow it ages ago but Julie kept on forgetting to give it to me. Luckily we live on the same street, so she just placed it in my mailbox LOL! Yeah, that was my day =) !
the regular
CITY!!!! It was Nelson's and I day out at the city together =). I'll keep this one short since I have to write about yesterday too! (which is just a few hours ago) I took a while to write a blog about that day hahaha! I guess I got lazy.
ANYWAYS Nelson picked me up from Cabramatta and we went to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks. I know I already watched it but it's so good!! Also, Nelson hasn't watch it yet so yeah! He was nice enough to shout me anyways so the movie didn't really matter much *coughcough* LOL!! Then we went to Pepper Lunch and we shared the meal; Nelson also shouted me the food! xD The food was real good and the service was friendly too! Lisa G. took me there once before so that's why I told him to eat there =D I was being such a messy eater =3 so messy that Nelson had to clean my mouth for me ROFLS!! So messy of me xO !! We went on that Sky View ferris wheel and was looking at the view, etc. but then there was a little boy, that was in the carriage in front of us, that kept on looking at us. Nelson was 'nice' enough to wave at him LOL! Then we went walking around Darling Harbor, and we went to Market City and Nelson was is so nice! He bought me my school socks! A pair of black and a pair of white socks and they were knee-high! Not exactly what I wanted but hey, it was really nice of him to do that so when ever I wear them I'll think of him hahaha!! THANK YOU!!! Then we went back to Cabramatta by train, and he went him afterwards. It was a good memory =) !
ANYWAYS Nelson picked me up from Cabramatta and we went to watch Alvin and the Chipmunks. I know I already watched it but it's so good!! Also, Nelson hasn't watch it yet so yeah! He was nice enough to shout me anyways so the movie didn't really matter much *coughcough* LOL!! Then we went to Pepper Lunch and we shared the meal; Nelson also shouted me the food! xD The food was real good and the service was friendly too! Lisa G. took me there once before so that's why I told him to eat there =D I was being such a messy eater =3 so messy that Nelson had to clean my mouth for me ROFLS!! So messy of me xO !! We went on that Sky View ferris wheel and was looking at the view, etc. but then there was a little boy, that was in the carriage in front of us, that kept on looking at us. Nelson was 'nice' enough to wave at him LOL! Then we went walking around Darling Harbor, and we went to Market City and Nelson was is so nice! He bought me my school socks! A pair of black and a pair of white socks and they were knee-high! Not exactly what I wanted but hey, it was really nice of him to do that so when ever I wear them I'll think of him hahaha!! THANK YOU!!! Then we went back to Cabramatta by train, and he went him afterwards. It was a good memory =) !
Saturday, 12 January 2008
Picnic Redo - BEACH
Friday 11th January, 2OO8 = Redo of our Year 1O Picnic at Bondi Beach.
All I can say yesterday was that it was a tiring day, even just waiting for other people. Everyone was there approx. at 8:3O AM but there were some people we still had to wait for, like David Chiv for one and he was the main organizer of the event. He had to sneak out of his house, in broad daylight O_o. Unlike Anna, I managed to persuade Jenny (Peter's girlfriend) to come... so SUCKED IN ANNA! xDD !! Jenny loves me more!! HAHAHA!! Anyways, Peter and Kit had an ear piercing, but Kit had a nose piercing as well, like whoa! We saw Rowena (who was going to work at Maccas), Lydia (going to the city with friends), William (going city with friends) and Lavender (going somewhere with friends). Unfortunately, the majority of the girls decided not to go so it was only Cindy, Kelly, Tracey, Anna, Jenny and I and the rest were boys, which was most likely more than 15. I can't believe I was so stupid because I bought the ticket before 9:OO AM so it was $5.60! Oh wells! Finally, at 10:30 AM we left for Bondi Junction. It took us 2 hours before we could even start going! We stopped at Townhall, and caught another train to Bondi Junction. David brought the plushie speakers I got for him for Secret Santa.I was happy that he liked it and that he even brought it to the beach!
At Bondi Junction train/bus station, some people had to stay back with me because I forgot to get the bus pass because the bus was a prepay bus. So half of the group left without us. Then on the 2nd bus the rest of us got on except for Jordan and Jacky. They said Jordan couldn't use his ticket any more because he already used it on the first bus but he went off to stay with us. At the time we didn't know Jacky was with him so we thought Jordan was by himself but they got to the beach just fine =).
We got to the beach and slip slop slapped our sunscreen on! I took of my glasses off because I didn't want to lose them. We hit the water and it was freaken cold at first but it was comforting in the end, although the saltiness of the water was quite annoying. We went back to our spot and I heard some people saw people tanning half naked and that it wasn't a good site to see. Thank God I wasn't wearing my glasses but they depicted to me anyways, eugh! Danny, Cindy, Minhky and Joes helped make me a mermaid tail! We then helped Danny dig a hole and buried him in the hole, up to his neck!
Unfortunately, Cindy had to go home early because her dad didn't know she was going to the beach and she had to buy something for her mum. Minhky escorted her to the bus stop. I was about to go back to our spot but then I saw Danny and I asked him what he was doing and he said he was going to follow them and asked me if I wanted to do that too. Of course I did, although I didn't have my thongs nor my glasses. Danny was nice enough to give me his thongs after I was complaining about it. Joes came along after a while. In the end, Minhky found out, and I think Cindy did too because Danny said they were trying to hide behind the pole or something. And Minhky, that idiot! He didn't do anything cute! But I don't blame him, we were there afterall.
Peter and Jenny, on the other hand, wasn't afraid to show their affection towards each other. Afterall, they were going out for 6 months and a few days already. Anna, Jenny and I had a rest and talked about their relationships. Anna and Dat has been going out for a year already! So CONGRATS to them! Of course, I had nothing to say so I just listened and commented here and there. Kelly and Tracey wanted to change so Anna, Jenny and I showed them the way. Sadly enough, we didn't bring our thongs so it was BURNING!! Luckily for Anna and Jenny, Eric and Kelvin was coming back from buying food so Eric allowed Anna to borrow his thongs. Surprisingly, Eric is a really nice person! Usually, I see him teasing and being all evil like but he's actually a pretty nice guy, as well as a healthy guy =D !! We buried Jenny in the sand (Anna's idea) up to her neck, and got a towel to cover her face. We waited until Peter came back, which was quite a long time, and when he came, we told him Jenny went off and Peter got all scared and freaked out and he acted like a crazy maniac, jumping up and down and calling for Jenny, and then he realised the lump of sand and tried to pull the towel off but we said not to disturb Joes, but Joes was just standing next to us LOL! So he found out it was Jenny. He said he was scared that Jenny will go with the surfer boys, dot dot dot LOL!! *coughJEALOUScough* But then he said he was joking *coughLIARcough* LOL! Maybe not with surfer boys, but I bet he was scared he lost her xD!
Christian shoved sand down my shirt. David was about to too but he couldn't find a gap, and same with Chris. So I chased Christian and shoved sand down HIS shirt =) so we are even! Jenny, Anna and I had a sand fight, and it was kind painful ^_^ ! I kept on falling in the water and getting pushed down by the waves. Peter had to help pick me up from the ground or else I could've gotten pushed down into the water again! Some of the guys were checking out girls and there was this one girl, in red, that did look pretty hot but she had a boyfriend with her. Oh wells, tough luck guys! The rest of the day was just resting and fun.
I'M SORRY KELLY! I accidentally lost her sunglasses in the waves, and she was so considerate in letting me use them. Why was I so stupid as to wear them in the water! D'oh! So now I owe Kelly a pair of sunglasses; it was a gift! I feel so bad! But she didn't get pissed off from that, she got pissed off at the other guys because they got her 2 noodles and she, Mitchell, Danny, Minh and Danny went looking for them and they were at the TOP of the beach, not at the BOTTOM near the water. They looked like little kids from far away.
At about 4:30 PM half of the group decided to leave, while the rest wanted to stay. I was one of the people who wanted to go. We went up and bought some food to eat. I mostly ate icecream and Eric was nice enough to let me have a scoop of his mango icecream! I had boisenberry and chocolate. Peter 'supposedly' lost his wallet but found them in the end, so good for him =)! The others decided to leave, so we waited for the other half to come up. Minh took this chance to take really random photos of himself LOL! Very weird indeed! I almost miss the bus because I forgot to buy the ticket for the bus but luckily, Christian and Jacky waited for me! So I thank them! THANK YOU! We got back to the bus/train station and got on the train. I took some more pictures on the bus and I managed to get Jenny and Peter to kiss so I can take a picture of them! It was so cute and sweet! HAHAHA! Peter was asking if they had to do it and Anna said that they wanted to do it anyways LOL!! That Anna! She can be so funny sometimes xD!! We didn't get to have our group photo because everyone left in their separate ways. Oh wells! It was still a fun day! Hopefully, I won't get skin cancer xD.
PSS. The dates on this blog is one day late!
All I can say yesterday was that it was a tiring day, even just waiting for other people. Everyone was there approx. at 8:3O AM but there were some people we still had to wait for, like David Chiv for one and he was the main organizer of the event. He had to sneak out of his house, in broad daylight O_o. Unlike Anna, I managed to persuade Jenny (Peter's girlfriend) to come... so SUCKED IN ANNA! xDD !! Jenny loves me more!! HAHAHA!! Anyways, Peter and Kit had an ear piercing, but Kit had a nose piercing as well, like whoa! We saw Rowena (who was going to work at Maccas), Lydia (going to the city with friends), William (going city with friends) and Lavender (going somewhere with friends). Unfortunately, the majority of the girls decided not to go so it was only Cindy, Kelly, Tracey, Anna, Jenny and I and the rest were boys, which was most likely more than 15. I can't believe I was so stupid because I bought the ticket before 9:OO AM so it was $5.60! Oh wells! Finally, at 10:30 AM we left for Bondi Junction. It took us 2 hours before we could even start going! We stopped at Townhall, and caught another train to Bondi Junction. David brought the plushie speakers I got for him for Secret Santa.I was happy that he liked it and that he even brought it to the beach!
At Bondi Junction train/bus station, some people had to stay back with me because I forgot to get the bus pass because the bus was a prepay bus. So half of the group left without us. Then on the 2nd bus the rest of us got on except for Jordan and Jacky. They said Jordan couldn't use his ticket any more because he already used it on the first bus but he went off to stay with us. At the time we didn't know Jacky was with him so we thought Jordan was by himself but they got to the beach just fine =).
We got to the beach and slip slop slapped our sunscreen on! I took of my glasses off because I didn't want to lose them. We hit the water and it was freaken cold at first but it was comforting in the end, although the saltiness of the water was quite annoying. We went back to our spot and I heard some people saw people tanning half naked and that it wasn't a good site to see. Thank God I wasn't wearing my glasses but they depicted to me anyways, eugh! Danny, Cindy, Minhky and Joes helped make me a mermaid tail! We then helped Danny dig a hole and buried him in the hole, up to his neck!
Unfortunately, Cindy had to go home early because her dad didn't know she was going to the beach and she had to buy something for her mum. Minhky escorted her to the bus stop. I was about to go back to our spot but then I saw Danny and I asked him what he was doing and he said he was going to follow them and asked me if I wanted to do that too. Of course I did, although I didn't have my thongs nor my glasses. Danny was nice enough to give me his thongs after I was complaining about it. Joes came along after a while. In the end, Minhky found out, and I think Cindy did too because Danny said they were trying to hide behind the pole or something. And Minhky, that idiot! He didn't do anything cute! But I don't blame him, we were there afterall.
Peter and Jenny, on the other hand, wasn't afraid to show their affection towards each other. Afterall, they were going out for 6 months and a few days already. Anna, Jenny and I had a rest and talked about their relationships. Anna and Dat has been going out for a year already! So CONGRATS to them! Of course, I had nothing to say so I just listened and commented here and there. Kelly and Tracey wanted to change so Anna, Jenny and I showed them the way. Sadly enough, we didn't bring our thongs so it was BURNING!! Luckily for Anna and Jenny, Eric and Kelvin was coming back from buying food so Eric allowed Anna to borrow his thongs. Surprisingly, Eric is a really nice person! Usually, I see him teasing and being all evil like but he's actually a pretty nice guy, as well as a healthy guy =D !! We buried Jenny in the sand (Anna's idea) up to her neck, and got a towel to cover her face. We waited until Peter came back, which was quite a long time, and when he came, we told him Jenny went off and Peter got all scared and freaked out and he acted like a crazy maniac, jumping up and down and calling for Jenny, and then he realised the lump of sand and tried to pull the towel off but we said not to disturb Joes, but Joes was just standing next to us LOL! So he found out it was Jenny. He said he was scared that Jenny will go with the surfer boys, dot dot dot LOL!! *coughJEALOUScough* But then he said he was joking *coughLIARcough* LOL! Maybe not with surfer boys, but I bet he was scared he lost her xD!
Christian shoved sand down my shirt. David was about to too but he couldn't find a gap, and same with Chris. So I chased Christian and shoved sand down HIS shirt =) so we are even! Jenny, Anna and I had a sand fight, and it was kind painful ^_^ ! I kept on falling in the water and getting pushed down by the waves. Peter had to help pick me up from the ground or else I could've gotten pushed down into the water again! Some of the guys were checking out girls and there was this one girl, in red, that did look pretty hot but she had a boyfriend with her. Oh wells, tough luck guys! The rest of the day was just resting and fun.
I'M SORRY KELLY! I accidentally lost her sunglasses in the waves, and she was so considerate in letting me use them. Why was I so stupid as to wear them in the water! D'oh! So now I owe Kelly a pair of sunglasses; it was a gift! I feel so bad! But she didn't get pissed off from that, she got pissed off at the other guys because they got her 2 noodles and she, Mitchell, Danny, Minh and Danny went looking for them and they were at the TOP of the beach, not at the BOTTOM near the water. They looked like little kids from far away.
At about 4:30 PM half of the group decided to leave, while the rest wanted to stay. I was one of the people who wanted to go. We went up and bought some food to eat. I mostly ate icecream and Eric was nice enough to let me have a scoop of his mango icecream! I had boisenberry and chocolate. Peter 'supposedly' lost his wallet but found them in the end, so good for him =)! The others decided to leave, so we waited for the other half to come up. Minh took this chance to take really random photos of himself LOL! Very weird indeed! I almost miss the bus because I forgot to buy the ticket for the bus but luckily, Christian and Jacky waited for me! So I thank them! THANK YOU! We got back to the bus/train station and got on the train. I took some more pictures on the bus and I managed to get Jenny and Peter to kiss so I can take a picture of them! It was so cute and sweet! HAHAHA! Peter was asking if they had to do it and Anna said that they wanted to do it anyways LOL!! That Anna! She can be so funny sometimes xD!! We didn't get to have our group photo because everyone left in their separate ways. Oh wells! It was still a fun day! Hopefully, I won't get skin cancer xD.
PSS. The dates on this blog is one day late!
Thursday, 10 January 2008
ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS is ONE OF THE BEST movies EVER! It literally made almost everyone in the cinema laugh and "aww" at the same time! So in sync! The chipmunks were so cute and they sing so good! Alvin was the awesome one, Simon was the smart one and Theodore was the really cute one! He was so innocent and chubby that it makes him really cute! Most of the time, we were awwing at Theodore's action. Also, the humour was just hilarious! Maybe because it was just so simple and stupid at the same time! I could hear the ringing laughter of the children that was sitting way above it. I got a bit annoyed, before the movie started, because the girl behind me kept on pushing my chair and it was annoying me, but I'm okay. I feel like buying their album IF they had one LOL! I watched the movie at Liverpool with Linh, My Linh, Christina, Rosalyn and Martin (Rosalyn little brother).
Before the movie we went to Toys R Us and played around. We attempted the skateboard but we were amateurs ^__^. We went to eat, and I dropped my last half-eaten fish tofu block T___T what a waste of food! After the movie Linh and I went to Pet Paradise and now I REALLY want to work there! So this weekend I am going to photocopy my resume and hand them out. I'm going to try out for Best & Less and Pet Paradise. I hope I make it in! I could stay longer because my mum was at Cabravale Diggers in a meeting. They were talking about the facilities and equipment involving table tennis O_____o.
My day was pretty good. I hope everyone else's day was good too! =)
PSS. I bought this grey singlet-like top for $5! It was on sale! WOOT WOOT for me!
Before the movie we went to Toys R Us and played around. We attempted the skateboard but we were amateurs ^__^. We went to eat, and I dropped my last half-eaten fish tofu block T___T what a waste of food! After the movie Linh and I went to Pet Paradise and now I REALLY want to work there! So this weekend I am going to photocopy my resume and hand them out. I'm going to try out for Best & Less and Pet Paradise. I hope I make it in! I could stay longer because my mum was at Cabravale Diggers in a meeting. They were talking about the facilities and equipment involving table tennis O_____o.
My day was pretty good. I hope everyone else's day was good too! =)
PSS. I bought this grey singlet-like top for $5! It was on sale! WOOT WOOT for me!
Today I woke up from a nightmare, as in a real nightmare this time. Unlike that other dream (which I wrote about earlier) it made my heart beat rapidly, and almost made me sweat. That nightmare was like a story from a thriller/horror movie, and some of my friends were in it! Somehow, I thought there were parts that was somehow related to Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I am not going to say the nightmare again because it upset me quite a bit. Near the end, I think I was slightly subconscious. You know, there are times, when you're dreaming, you can be subconscious at some point of the dream, I think? LOL! That's what Peter told me. xD ! When I woke up I called Nelson to tell him about it and his number was freaken easy to remember xD LOL! Yeah, he tried to comfort me.
Later, I was late because I didn't have an alarm clock and I apologise to Kelly for making her wait for so long for me. Then we had to wait for Julie because she just woke up when she called to ask where I was. On the train, there were like these Abos who were being such d*ckheads. I didn't notice, since I was too busy listening to what the other two had to say but the other two heard them. Julie faced them and told them off but they were such cowards. They insulted behind our backs. There was also a family there and were had a small conversation with their older daughter (but still really young) and both daughters were so adorable and their hair was really pretty. Then, poor Nelson and his group. I deeply apologise for being so late. Being the disorganised me, I didn't realise the train didn't go to Central, so it went straight to Wynard after Townhall, and it was until when I was at Circular Quay did I notice we were at the wrong station. So we had to take the train back. Poor Nelson, he told the others to eat first and continued waiting for us! But I would thank him for waiting for us.
Julie and I didn't eat much at yum-cha, and I felt bad because I made Kelly starve for waiting so long and she thought we were going to Cabramatta to have yum-cha. Nelson's friend were such a lively group, I envy them to be such a close and happy group, but Kelly said that our group is just fine the way it is, and I agree.
To compensate Kelly, I paid for K for her. We went to Phoenix to K. Unfortunately, somehow I lost $15 dollars. Oh wells, at least it was better than losing $50. Also, I shouted Nelson cookies and cream. They didn't have boisenberry so I had to get mangoes, but still it's mangoes so I didn't mind =). Almost anything that's mango is GREAT ... except with tentacles .. *coughcough* and other disturbing things. Unfortunately, as usual, Nelson teased Julie, Julie hits him and the aftermaths is the splat icecream on the floor *sigh*. What a waste of perfectly good icecream. But I'd say it's Nelson's fault for teasing Julie knowing he would get hit by her, so ngeh! Also, I saw Jessica (caca) today! So I'm extra happy at that moment! She was dressing so prettily =) and I think she grew taller, because the last time I saw her, she was kind of shorter than me... NO!!!!!!!!! I don't want her to grow any taller or else I'll be short T__T!!
Nelson, Julie, Kelly and I only stayed for one hour for K, so we went window shopping for my new swimmies next. Unfortunately, that was also when I realised that I lost my $15 and sadly, it can't be retrieved. So, in the end, no swimmies. We went to Galaxy World and Nelson got fully owned by Julie with the basketball hoops xD. Go Julie!!!
Julie and Kelly left afterwards (Julie's mood just went down the drain with unknown reasons to me but she's much MUCH better now so that's a good thing). I told Kelly I was going to call her every 10 minutes but I totally forgot. It was until later, when she finally went home, that I called her. Thank God Julie and Kelly are both safe and sound =). I blame my distraction to Nelson!
We went back to Nelson's group and some of his friends already left. The rest went to Cocos and everyone, except Nelson and I, took cocos. Amy seemed to be very good friends with the owner of the shop. You would think it would be boring between Nelson and I, but it wasn't so bad =) *coughcough*. Then Nelson, Keith, Matt, and I went to Inter-mission for the guys to buy some new shirts. And then we went home with our separate ways. Nelson accompanied me home because I was "scared" LOL! But it was good that he did because my mum wouldn't like me taking the train all by myself back to Cabramatta. It took a while to wait for Nelson's train to come. Ladiladilaah. He finally went home, and I went home by car with my mum =). That's the end of the dad for me today!
PS. Today's date is O9O1O8 =)
PSS. Amy's such a good singer! And Nelson's group had such great fashion in clothes O___o so jealous xP
PSSS. Nelson's a NOOB!
Later, I was late because I didn't have an alarm clock and I apologise to Kelly for making her wait for so long for me. Then we had to wait for Julie because she just woke up when she called to ask where I was. On the train, there were like these Abos who were being such d*ckheads. I didn't notice, since I was too busy listening to what the other two had to say but the other two heard them. Julie faced them and told them off but they were such cowards. They insulted behind our backs. There was also a family there and were had a small conversation with their older daughter (but still really young) and both daughters were so adorable and their hair was really pretty. Then, poor Nelson and his group. I deeply apologise for being so late. Being the disorganised me, I didn't realise the train didn't go to Central, so it went straight to Wynard after Townhall, and it was until when I was at Circular Quay did I notice we were at the wrong station. So we had to take the train back. Poor Nelson, he told the others to eat first and continued waiting for us! But I would thank him for waiting for us.
Julie and I didn't eat much at yum-cha, and I felt bad because I made Kelly starve for waiting so long and she thought we were going to Cabramatta to have yum-cha. Nelson's friend were such a lively group, I envy them to be such a close and happy group, but Kelly said that our group is just fine the way it is, and I agree.
To compensate Kelly, I paid for K for her. We went to Phoenix to K. Unfortunately, somehow I lost $15 dollars. Oh wells, at least it was better than losing $50. Also, I shouted Nelson cookies and cream. They didn't have boisenberry so I had to get mangoes, but still it's mangoes so I didn't mind =). Almost anything that's mango is GREAT ... except with tentacles .. *coughcough* and other disturbing things. Unfortunately, as usual, Nelson teased Julie, Julie hits him and the aftermaths is the splat icecream on the floor *sigh*. What a waste of perfectly good icecream. But I'd say it's Nelson's fault for teasing Julie knowing he would get hit by her, so ngeh! Also, I saw Jessica (caca) today! So I'm extra happy at that moment! She was dressing so prettily =) and I think she grew taller, because the last time I saw her, she was kind of shorter than me... NO!!!!!!!!! I don't want her to grow any taller or else I'll be short T__T!!
Nelson, Julie, Kelly and I only stayed for one hour for K, so we went window shopping for my new swimmies next. Unfortunately, that was also when I realised that I lost my $15 and sadly, it can't be retrieved. So, in the end, no swimmies. We went to Galaxy World and Nelson got fully owned by Julie with the basketball hoops xD. Go Julie!!!
Julie and Kelly left afterwards (Julie's mood just went down the drain with unknown reasons to me but she's much MUCH better now so that's a good thing). I told Kelly I was going to call her every 10 minutes but I totally forgot. It was until later, when she finally went home, that I called her. Thank God Julie and Kelly are both safe and sound =). I blame my distraction to Nelson!
We went back to Nelson's group and some of his friends already left. The rest went to Cocos and everyone, except Nelson and I, took cocos. Amy seemed to be very good friends with the owner of the shop. You would think it would be boring between Nelson and I, but it wasn't so bad =) *coughcough*. Then Nelson, Keith, Matt, and I went to Inter-mission for the guys to buy some new shirts. And then we went home with our separate ways. Nelson accompanied me home because I was "scared" LOL! But it was good that he did because my mum wouldn't like me taking the train all by myself back to Cabramatta. It took a while to wait for Nelson's train to come. Ladiladilaah. He finally went home, and I went home by car with my mum =). That's the end of the dad for me today!
PS. Today's date is O9O1O8 =)
PSS. Amy's such a good singer! And Nelson's group had such great fashion in clothes O___o so jealous xP
PSSS. Nelson's a NOOB!
Sunday, 6 January 2008
natural rookie
Yesterday, which was the 5th of January, Julie, Nelson and I decided to go to the city to just hang around and chill. And guess what? A new born singer is found : NELSON! I'll go into further detail later down the blog.
Unfortunately, I started my day late because I slept at 7 in the morning yesterday. I was too preoccupied with watching 'Devil Beside You' that I decided to just not sleep until the time has come. However, I guess I wasn't used to NOT sleeping at all, so I had a nap. When I woke up, it was 9.30 AM already. I told Julie that I was going to meet her at 10 that morning, and I couldn't call my mum to drive me because she was already out. I took a shower and made it to Cabramatta station at about 10.45 AM. I tried to call Julie with the pay phone but it was being a retarded thing and kept on stuffing up. Finally, I managed to call Julie and took the next train to the city, with Julie on it as well. It seemed that she had a bad day too because her bus was extremely late. She decided to walk but it was getting late, so she decided to take the next bus. Once she was at the station, I called her so she missed the train to Cabramatta (talk about bad luck!) so she told me to catch the next train, via Granville, since the train would be passing the Farfield station anyways. It seemed that Nelson was also late with catching his bus to the city.
On the train we talked about the WEIRDEST things ever! Julie had the most hilarious, interesting and weirdest stories that I've ever heard. She was fun to hang around with because she never has nothing to say, and that's a good thing. =)
We met up with Nelson at Capital Square and went window shopping around at Market City and Paddy's Markets. Then we went walking around here and there, around Townhall and Central. I swear, Julie and Nelson share the same dirty, strange and funny humour. Both of them couldn't stop laughing! When we went to that sand park, near IMAX, Julie and I went on one of those wooden playgrounds and she was talking to me:
Julie: You know, you're older than me.
Fiona: *laughs* So?
Julie: So, get off!
Unfortunately, a little boy just arrived at that specific playground, where Julie and I were playing. He turned around when Julie said that with this shocked-looking expression. Nelson and I laughed so much and called Julie a bully. Julie repeatedly apologise to the little boy and began calling us names and blaming on us. LOL! Julie did so much hilarious things that day that I might've died laughing. And when we point out her mistakes, she would reply with an 'I hate you' or 'you're on' or other similar comments.
Nothing was that hilarious, compared to the time when we ate upstairs in China Town. I swear, never eat with Julie and Nelson. I'm laughing right now just recalling that particular moment. ROFLMAOS!!!! xDDD !! Nelson and I ordered something from this Korean shop. I had this spicy beef soup and he had something with octopus tentacles. I found that disturbing because I didn't like things with tentacles, or more than two legs. We were eating because we were all starving, especially me. Julie didn't eat because she didn't feel like it. Unfortunately, on the way back to the table Nelson purposely stopped and made me bump into him and hence, making me spill some of my soup. When we went back to the table, Nelson kept on making fun about the tentacles and how I was afraid of them. So when I was trying to eat the eggs in the soup, he made all these weird noises and Julie and I kept on laughing. I couldn't finish my meal properly because of him. Julie was laughing harder than me because she was sitting right across him and saw him making the funny noises with his mouth, and it looked really strange. Then, trying to avenge for me, Julie made fun of Nelson's food, which only made things worse. Julie said some of the most disgusting things of what his food resembled. So, we took longer to finish our meal because we were laughing too much. I got so disturbed with eating the eggs that I gave Nelson the eggs. Julie then commented on how the egg was the one that touched my teeth but I didn't eat it. When I left to get a drink, the shoved the egg back into my soup. At the time I didn't notice and they lied how Nelson already ate it. Luckily, I was only eating the rice with the soup. It was only until later did I find out that he shoved it back it. Hence, I made him eat all the eggs, and Julie fed me the noodles because she was using my chopsticks to pick up the eggs for Nelson. We then mixed his small bowl of soup with the remainders of our food. And left the scene.
We went to K square and heard Nelson sing. We both agreed that Nelson was a FANTASTIC singer! He can sing really good, but he prefers to sing Asian music than English. Just like Cindy T, Fianna, Annie, Kelly and other friends of mine, he was a great singer! Most of the songs he sang were Jay Chou's songs. I sang some songs, but Julie sang none =[. What a waste. OH! And the price went up to $6.00 !! >=/ that's not good! And the toilets were bad =/ so be careful!
We went to take capitals, and saw some of Nelson's friends. They were so good at the skill testers and they were all good looking too! =D so stylish xD ! I felt like I was wearing my pjs, but Julie said I looked fine. I'll take her word for it. We took capitals and Julie kept on embarrassing Nelson when we were decorating the capitals. Nelson had to go early because his friends were waiting for him to go to Campbelton for a surprise party for a friend. So Julie and I went around Market City again to help her buy some new clothes. For half of the ride home, Julie had to leave to go to her mum's house, so I was alone for a while, but that was okay. Went home and went straight to sleep. That was how tired I was yesterday. But, it was still a fun day. At least I got to meet Nelson for the first time =) and had Julie to make me laugh.
Unfortunately, I started my day late because I slept at 7 in the morning yesterday. I was too preoccupied with watching 'Devil Beside You' that I decided to just not sleep until the time has come. However, I guess I wasn't used to NOT sleeping at all, so I had a nap. When I woke up, it was 9.30 AM already. I told Julie that I was going to meet her at 10 that morning, and I couldn't call my mum to drive me because she was already out. I took a shower and made it to Cabramatta station at about 10.45 AM. I tried to call Julie with the pay phone but it was being a retarded thing and kept on stuffing up. Finally, I managed to call Julie and took the next train to the city, with Julie on it as well. It seemed that she had a bad day too because her bus was extremely late. She decided to walk but it was getting late, so she decided to take the next bus. Once she was at the station, I called her so she missed the train to Cabramatta (talk about bad luck!) so she told me to catch the next train, via Granville, since the train would be passing the Farfield station anyways. It seemed that Nelson was also late with catching his bus to the city.
On the train we talked about the WEIRDEST things ever! Julie had the most hilarious, interesting and weirdest stories that I've ever heard. She was fun to hang around with because she never has nothing to say, and that's a good thing. =)
We met up with Nelson at Capital Square and went window shopping around at Market City and Paddy's Markets. Then we went walking around here and there, around Townhall and Central. I swear, Julie and Nelson share the same dirty, strange and funny humour. Both of them couldn't stop laughing! When we went to that sand park, near IMAX, Julie and I went on one of those wooden playgrounds and she was talking to me:
Julie: You know, you're older than me.
Fiona: *laughs* So?
Julie: So, get off!
Unfortunately, a little boy just arrived at that specific playground, where Julie and I were playing. He turned around when Julie said that with this shocked-looking expression. Nelson and I laughed so much and called Julie a bully. Julie repeatedly apologise to the little boy and began calling us names and blaming on us. LOL! Julie did so much hilarious things that day that I might've died laughing. And when we point out her mistakes, she would reply with an 'I hate you' or 'you're on' or other similar comments.
Nothing was that hilarious, compared to the time when we ate upstairs in China Town. I swear, never eat with Julie and Nelson. I'm laughing right now just recalling that particular moment. ROFLMAOS!!!! xDDD !! Nelson and I ordered something from this Korean shop. I had this spicy beef soup and he had something with octopus tentacles. I found that disturbing because I didn't like things with tentacles, or more than two legs. We were eating because we were all starving, especially me. Julie didn't eat because she didn't feel like it. Unfortunately, on the way back to the table Nelson purposely stopped and made me bump into him and hence, making me spill some of my soup. When we went back to the table, Nelson kept on making fun about the tentacles and how I was afraid of them. So when I was trying to eat the eggs in the soup, he made all these weird noises and Julie and I kept on laughing. I couldn't finish my meal properly because of him. Julie was laughing harder than me because she was sitting right across him and saw him making the funny noises with his mouth, and it looked really strange. Then, trying to avenge for me, Julie made fun of Nelson's food, which only made things worse. Julie said some of the most disgusting things of what his food resembled. So, we took longer to finish our meal because we were laughing too much. I got so disturbed with eating the eggs that I gave Nelson the eggs. Julie then commented on how the egg was the one that touched my teeth but I didn't eat it. When I left to get a drink, the shoved the egg back into my soup. At the time I didn't notice and they lied how Nelson already ate it. Luckily, I was only eating the rice with the soup. It was only until later did I find out that he shoved it back it. Hence, I made him eat all the eggs, and Julie fed me the noodles because she was using my chopsticks to pick up the eggs for Nelson. We then mixed his small bowl of soup with the remainders of our food. And left the scene.
We went to K square and heard Nelson sing. We both agreed that Nelson was a FANTASTIC singer! He can sing really good, but he prefers to sing Asian music than English. Just like Cindy T, Fianna, Annie, Kelly and other friends of mine, he was a great singer! Most of the songs he sang were Jay Chou's songs. I sang some songs, but Julie sang none =[. What a waste. OH! And the price went up to $6.00 !! >=/ that's not good! And the toilets were bad =/ so be careful!
We went to take capitals, and saw some of Nelson's friends. They were so good at the skill testers and they were all good looking too! =D so stylish xD ! I felt like I was wearing my pjs, but Julie said I looked fine. I'll take her word for it. We took capitals and Julie kept on embarrassing Nelson when we were decorating the capitals. Nelson had to go early because his friends were waiting for him to go to Campbelton for a surprise party for a friend. So Julie and I went around Market City again to help her buy some new clothes. For half of the ride home, Julie had to leave to go to her mum's house, so I was alone for a while, but that was okay. Went home and went straight to sleep. That was how tired I was yesterday. But, it was still a fun day. At least I got to meet Nelson for the first time =) and had Julie to make me laugh.
Ever since the holidays began, I kept on having various dreams for almost every single night. The strange thing about these dreams is that I have never had these dreams before. Usually, my dreams are about the things I contemplated about the day before, or that I have had the same dream before. Just last night, I had a nightmare. As in, a real nightmare. One that when I woke up I felt quite uncomfortable. I'm not going to go into explicit details and enlighten you about it because it's a bit too disturbing, and NO, it's nothing disgusting or gross. It was just .. disturbing, period. Maybe I should try drinking tea before I sleep or something.
You know, dreams are such strange illusions of the mind. They come, they go. They linger in your mind, not allowing you to forget about it and yet, it can tease you, making you WANT to remember what you had dreamed about. Dreams are never simple.
PS. I heard that if you eat sweets before you sleep, you'll get nightmares. I wonder if it's really true ...
You know, dreams are such strange illusions of the mind. They come, they go. They linger in your mind, not allowing you to forget about it and yet, it can tease you, making you WANT to remember what you had dreamed about. Dreams are never simple.
PS. I heard that if you eat sweets before you sleep, you'll get nightmares. I wonder if it's really true ...
Friday, 4 January 2008
random rants
What can I say? My mum's complaining more than usual. That's starting to get on my nerves. For example, she tells me to give her the bowl and i just lagged it and then she keeps on complaining about it and keeps telling me off about it. That's reasonable. But when I just put the plate down, just a notch harder than necessary, she's like fussing about it and saying how ungrateful I am and all that. SERIOUSLY! =_______=
I just realised that there's many people turning into a vegetarian. Maybe I should be one too?? I don't know how long I can last without eating meat though, since I've never really tried something like that before. After all, I DON'T like my veggies unfortunately.
I'm seriously getting addicted to Yiruma's music =D It's so nice and soothing. It's nice to listen to it when you're not feeling so good and all, and I don't mean that in a physical unwell way too =) ! So, if you like the piano, then you should listen to Yiruma !!
End of my rants ... I'm not even sure this is really me ranting ... LOL!!
I just realised that there's many people turning into a vegetarian. Maybe I should be one too?? I don't know how long I can last without eating meat though, since I've never really tried something like that before. After all, I DON'T like my veggies unfortunately.
I'm seriously getting addicted to Yiruma's music =D It's so nice and soothing. It's nice to listen to it when you're not feeling so good and all, and I don't mean that in a physical unwell way too =) ! So, if you like the piano, then you should listen to Yiruma !!
End of my rants ... I'm not even sure this is really me ranting ... LOL!!
confidential romance?

This is one of my favourite pictures that I have taken, i am NOT going to tell you who it is in case the two people will kill me. This was on New Year's Eve when we were out and we were just walking down the street. I took this picture at just the right time and moment that it looks like they were holding hands ... when they were not. But, it still looks cute, don't you think? That's what I think anyways =D !!
PS. Maybe I should try to be a photographer as an occupation one day .. LOL!!
Wednesday, 2 January 2008
sleeping with mossies
After the fireworks, I went to sleep at My Linh and Linh's House. Unfortunately, for most of the night I couldn't even sleep until about 5 o'clock in the morning. During this time of deprived sleep, I watched the 'Criss Angel Mindfreak - FREAK-A-THON' and I watched how Criss Angel performed many things that a sane human being wouldn't do, ever! It's amazing how he can walk down a tall building, defining gravity, or get burried alive or even get clipped to a helicopter. Watching him can make you feel pain even without experiencing it yourself. It was shocking yet fascinating. I swear, although it looked horrible, it was AWESOME! Like, it was totally and utterly and uber COOL! He was definitely crazy, but I'd say he's a crazy genius! It just hard to believe that he can endure so much pain. Anyways, the reason I couldn't sleep was it was too hot, and I was thinking too much. I don't know why I was even worrying, but it just came naturally. So, to distract myself, I tickled My Linh's and Linh's feet and watched their reactions, which was quite humorous =). We slept in the living room so I wouldn't feel so lonely. How nice of them! They are one of the nicest people I know, which is a good thing. It's good to have them as friends =D !! Anyways, they woke up at about 10, morning, and I had to wake up because of the noise. Afterwards, we were just playing cars, playing on the computer, watching Totoro (Linh's gift for My Linh), ate lollies, eat instant noodles and watch Naruto. At about 8.OO PM i went home to my house. =D THE END!
PS. Thank you to Linh's Family for looking after me for the night =D !
PSS. I got so much mossie bites from her house ... =_= ROFLS!!
PSSS. I finally found out that I'm actually fully Chinese. Even though my mum was born in Vietnam and My dad was born in Malaysia, I am fully Chinese. LOL! I was a bit disappointed for not being a mix but ngeh. Whatever xD !!
PS. Thank you to Linh's Family for looking after me for the night =D !
PSS. I got so much mossie bites from her house ... =_= ROFLS!!
PSSS. I finally found out that I'm actually fully Chinese. Even though my mum was born in Vietnam and My dad was born in Malaysia, I am fully Chinese. LOL! I was a bit disappointed for not being a mix but ngeh. Whatever xD !!
new year, new beginning O8'
Watching the fireworks was awesome, especially with Nguyensa, My Linh, Linh and Raymond =D! Yet, it didn't start out too good. First, I made My Linh and Linh wait for me when I was showering and their mother was going to drive us to Cabramatta. How bad of me xO!! I *assumed* they were going to be late, like how my other friends usually are. My apologies for that!
Then, when I took my camera, out of my bag, to show My Linh and Linh previous pictures, my green jacket, camera pocket and my wallet, with all my precious things and a $50 note inside, dropped out. Unfortunately, nobody returned it to me, nor did they saw who the culprit it. I DID hear this man that was saying : 'hey! hey you!' But I ignored him in case it was some kind of scary man of some sort. I shouldn't have T____T Then we went to eat with only Linh, My Linh, Nguyensa and I. Raymond joined up with us later after searching for my lost possessions. The aftermaths was a great big ZERO. Hence, I took out my anger on Raymond =) hehehe! He didn't mind.
When we arrived at the city, we went to galaxy world and played around. Nguyensa and Linh were playing DDR and they were quite good at it!! =D My dark mood got lifted quite a bit when I played Raymond's final game of Initial D and in the easiest 'versing the character from the game' game I won at the very last minute, which was quite a surprise to us all! I felt so proud at that very moment! I guess I could drive after all, to a certain degree xD !!
We then went walking around here and there, and up market city. and into JayJays to look for my Skelanimal t-shirt except they ran out. Instead, I bought a stripped tie (black and hot pink) which had GIRLS ROCK at the end of the tie and Skelanimal thongs =) so it was good enough for me. Also, we went looking around Morning Glory down China Town.
We went to this icecream place, across Maccas at Ticket Tek, and we ordered a RAINBOW icecream. It was massive with different flavours. My Linh didn't seemed to mind with any of them, while the rest of us had a flavour we disliked from the mixture of icecreams. Because everyone was messing the icecreams around, we decided to play again AND to make it even more interesting, we mixed the icecream together so we don't know what flavour we were going to spoon up MWAHAHAHAHA! Of course, we all had to eat it in the end because we were taking too long at the shop was closing for NYE, but we still couldn't finish ALL of it. At least we ate most of it .. right?
We went to another gaming place, near IMAX and I forgot what it was called ^.^ I think it was something vortex?? Oh well, whatever it was we played pool it =) Nguyensa and I against Linh and Raymond. In the end, our team lost to the other two. (We all think they have something special together so all day we've been trying to take cute photos of them together. Unfortunately, there was the piggy-backing picture I missed, and My Linh and Nguyensa also had a head against shoulder picture, which I also missed. Now that was sh*t! I can't believe it! I wished I captured them xO ! Unfortunately, I was like the 5th wheel of the occassion =/ It was quite lonely but I didn't mind. Someone *coughacough* was suppose to come to keep me company but that person couldn't make it because he had plans already. That's okay, for me, I guess??) We found the sky writing made by the aeroplanes quite fascinating as we tried to guess what they were trying to write. In the end, we only managed a couple of words... which I now forgot but it had to do with something about So you think you can dance O8.
The fireworks were awesome =) we watched the 9 o'clock one and we were about to watch the 12 o'clock one with Linh's friend's family except they weren't going to watch it so we all decided to go home. It was crowded, so we were allowed to walk on the streets. Unfortunately, people were making quite a lot of noises .. especially with their whistles =__= oh well! It was NYE after all! We saw Lo-tech and Paul and I realised that it was Loyee's brother that I was randomly chatting to. I knew Loyee's brother was called Lo-tech but I never knew how he looked before. On the other hand, I've seen Paul before because he has performed quite a few times on our school's stage, usually music related. They were just-graduated students of CVHS!! =DD woot woot for CANLEY VALE HIGH SCHOOL (although it sucks) !!!
PS. I saw Yuuko!! =D I was meant to see Tim but couldn't call him, and Jeffrey, but couldn't be bothered to go all the way to where he was working. ^__^' so SORRY TO YOU TWO!!!
Then, when I took my camera, out of my bag, to show My Linh and Linh previous pictures, my green jacket, camera pocket and my wallet, with all my precious things and a $50 note inside, dropped out. Unfortunately, nobody returned it to me, nor did they saw who the culprit it. I DID hear this man that was saying : 'hey! hey you!' But I ignored him in case it was some kind of scary man of some sort. I shouldn't have T____T Then we went to eat with only Linh, My Linh, Nguyensa and I. Raymond joined up with us later after searching for my lost possessions. The aftermaths was a great big ZERO. Hence, I took out my anger on Raymond =) hehehe! He didn't mind.
When we arrived at the city, we went to galaxy world and played around. Nguyensa and Linh were playing DDR and they were quite good at it!! =D My dark mood got lifted quite a bit when I played Raymond's final game of Initial D and in the easiest 'versing the character from the game' game I won at the very last minute, which was quite a surprise to us all! I felt so proud at that very moment! I guess I could drive after all, to a certain degree xD !!
We then went walking around here and there, and up market city. and into JayJays to look for my Skelanimal t-shirt except they ran out. Instead, I bought a stripped tie (black and hot pink) which had GIRLS ROCK at the end of the tie and Skelanimal thongs =) so it was good enough for me. Also, we went looking around Morning Glory down China Town.
We went to this icecream place, across Maccas at Ticket Tek, and we ordered a RAINBOW icecream. It was massive with different flavours. My Linh didn't seemed to mind with any of them, while the rest of us had a flavour we disliked from the mixture of icecreams. Because everyone was messing the icecreams around, we decided to play again AND to make it even more interesting, we mixed the icecream together so we don't know what flavour we were going to spoon up MWAHAHAHAHA! Of course, we all had to eat it in the end because we were taking too long at the shop was closing for NYE, but we still couldn't finish ALL of it. At least we ate most of it .. right?
We went to another gaming place, near IMAX and I forgot what it was called ^.^ I think it was something vortex?? Oh well, whatever it was we played pool it =) Nguyensa and I against Linh and Raymond. In the end, our team lost to the other two. (We all think they have something special together so all day we've been trying to take cute photos of them together. Unfortunately, there was the piggy-backing picture I missed, and My Linh and Nguyensa also had a head against shoulder picture, which I also missed. Now that was sh*t! I can't believe it! I wished I captured them xO ! Unfortunately, I was like the 5th wheel of the occassion =/ It was quite lonely but I didn't mind. Someone *coughacough* was suppose to come to keep me company but that person couldn't make it because he had plans already. That's okay, for me, I guess??) We found the sky writing made by the aeroplanes quite fascinating as we tried to guess what they were trying to write. In the end, we only managed a couple of words... which I now forgot but it had to do with something about So you think you can dance O8.
The fireworks were awesome =) we watched the 9 o'clock one and we were about to watch the 12 o'clock one with Linh's friend's family except they weren't going to watch it so we all decided to go home. It was crowded, so we were allowed to walk on the streets. Unfortunately, people were making quite a lot of noises .. especially with their whistles =__= oh well! It was NYE after all! We saw Lo-tech and Paul and I realised that it was Loyee's brother that I was randomly chatting to. I knew Loyee's brother was called Lo-tech but I never knew how he looked before. On the other hand, I've seen Paul before because he has performed quite a few times on our school's stage, usually music related. They were just-graduated students of CVHS!! =DD woot woot for CANLEY VALE HIGH SCHOOL (although it sucks) !!!
PS. I saw Yuuko!! =D I was meant to see Tim but couldn't call him, and Jeffrey, but couldn't be bothered to go all the way to where he was working. ^__^' so SORRY TO YOU TWO!!!
special occasion,
swimming in HAPPYNESS
Life can be so forgiving and accepting that it's melts your heart. When you close your eyes, all you can see is shooting stars across a beautiful meadow, with butterflies fluttering around each other. You may think it's impossible, but seeing others in happiness brings you this warmth feeling that can be quite unexplainable. It may not be YOU that experiencing the feeling, but it's you that might be on the sideline feeling their happiness along with them. I guess you can say the saying 'Your happiness is my happiness' can be quite true to some extent. At the moment, I am feeling it quite strongly and I am grateful for it, even if I am quite high at the moment =D grinning like an idiot and all =D. I would like to say CONGRATULATIONS to CINDY AND MINHKY and HAPPY SWEET 16th BIRTHDAY CINDY! And don't forget HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!! Cindy must be feeing very lucky at the moment since she's ending her previous year and starting her new year so miraculously and happily (if that even made sense) I'm sincerely and UTTER happy for CINDY! =D And let me tell you, she is a wonderful person. If I could, I'd give her my 100% to be the NO.1 MISS PERSONALITY IN THE WORLD. You may think I'm exaggerating and just feeling sentimental and high at this very moment. So what if I'm high? So what if I'm feeling sentimental? But one thing for sure, I am DEFINITELY NOT exaggerating! I repeat : I am NOT exaggerating! Cindy Tan is a WONDERFUL girl. Who ever has her as a friend would be blessed and grateful! That's the truth =) !!!
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